
“Today is not an ordinary day for me. I am thrilled. I have been waiting for something very close to my heart, and it is coming to me.” Aurora had just put on her status on her social media handle and gulped her Lemonade in a hurry as she had to run behind a robber. Her eyes were continuously flickering in excitement and glinting with joy. The sun throwing his radiating threads on her like he also wanted to be a part of her happiness. However, the thick dark cloud had departed so she couldn’t expect a delay. She imagined how it would smell like? Her mother went to the grocery store, she would be happy after seeing her lively daughter. A disturbance happened at the entrance-door, somebody rang the bell, Aurora sprang out of her couch like she had seen a rodent.

Aurora was a juvenile, cheerful, and a frisky girl of sixteen. She had fallen in love with Shepherd. Aurora opened her door after a minor disturbance, cheerfully. Like she had been waiting for him for millennia. He was a Scottish Shepherd boy named; Alasdair more often called Alistair—it sounded more English. He migrated to Texas, along with his family; he was just completed fourteen. No doubt he was attractive since he was Scottish and he ought to be handsome.

 Texas bought no charm for him; his father died in an accident behind him, his mother too because of some abdominal infection. Since he was a descendent of Shepherd’s genesis, so being a Shepherd was a peaceful job for him.

He bought thirty sheep of the money his mother collected for his education. However, he took it as an omen from the Almighty, so that’s why he landed at Texas called to be the storage house of sheep and Shepherd. He had chosen it; he wanted to explore the world. He wanted to see every sunset of his life.

Eventually, he met Aurora; he forgot even his own cheerfulness, and delightedness after seeing hers. She had her sizeable house in Texas; she was the daughter of a rich, impudent, and powerful landowner.

Her beauty haunted in his heart, he had fallen for her and she too plunged her soul in the pool of his love . They started meeting at the meadows—he came with his sheep, they graze, two emerging love birds spent some quality time together, and eventually, he returned when the sky turned purple.

However, for him, everything was colorful and bright, even too a dark night, since he was in love for the first time. Love has a sheer power; it could transform an ordinary in Wow. He had crossed eighteen, and she was sixteen.

Their love story thrived in meadows and reached her house. Her dad couldn’t trust Scottish—he said Scottish had deluged with deceiving in their blood. She didn’t tell him about Alistair otherwise. He would throw him out of his house.

Finally, the day came, which is the full stop of every love story. She went to California for graduations; he left behind her, with his sheep. What else he could do? Except waiting for her arrival. He was fed up with his job. He was lacking the same exuberance and passion - what he had to had when she was around him.

Whatever the vivid visions of life he saw with her had now turned mundane. Every sunset was festooned with his grief and dancing ray with his hope of her arrival. Her barn house was the storehouse of his millions of memories. In her garden where he kissed her for the first time, and she turned red like cheery. The swing where they had painted the scenery with the color of their vivid dreams, hope, and future and that too had been sold.

 He had her last memory where he sat for hours—whenever he bored by his daily task and embrace those splendid memories with her. When she gave a hilarious smile, even Sunflower turned towards her to bask in her blaze apart from the Sun. The arctic wind wafted from far mountains, came to them with a message of their beautiful future that would be a shining city upon hills. 

Everything was sold to an old lonely couple; they were as lonely as nocturnal creatures. So, they had chosen a barn-house far from the cacophony of the town. So, their remaining life would go with calm and tranquility.

 He was strong, but when his world snatched. He cried a lot, and also his best companion, his sheep - all his memories erased with the renewal of the house.

Yet, he walked with hopes; he never stepped behind of his responsibility for the sheep. He adored them like his own kid.

He daily came to the meadows, left them to graze the green, and himself gazing upon his memories.

The old couple adopted him; a lonely could understand the pain of loneliness. The way he took care of them, not even a real son could do. They assumed Alistair their child, so how they could see him being shepherd repeatedly doing the same boring chore? So, they too shifted to California.

His sheep were mumbling, they had tears when they were going to another shepherd, his heart sank. They were his best companions; they stayed with him in his hard time. They were the reason of Aurora met. 

However, California didn’t bring charm to him, too. His opulent glow returned. He was scraggy, but now he was looking healthy. The wrinkles on his delicate skin went under the abyss of extra fat collected under his cheeks. He looked more handsome; he had looked like a true Scottish man, his beard had given him profound maturity - what he lacked of. As Aurora said, he couldn’t understand her, sometimes expressions speak a lot, but he didn’t concern, he never understood her double-entendre talks. He was insane and a silly creature who only knew how to love somebody more than anything. 

He believed; Aurora his life will come to him, anyway because nature will conspire for him to meet her, as Paulo Coelho said in The Alchemist; he could feel the story better, and he always found himself connected to that story.

He started romping in a spiritless hope.

“If Jesus made her pass by my side. I shall recognize her through my blind eyes, her peerless fragrance capable of forming her portrait in my heart. If she collided with and I could save her in my arms and flowers start raining. I would complete my incomplete kiss—the day she left me forever. I would hug her stronger than the concrete cement with the bricks, like a python to the trees. I would embrace her for eternity and never let her go again. I would lose in her deep Pacific eyes they were immature - today it might glint with responsibilities,” he thought within, and a miracle happened. She collided with him at the downtown plaza where he stood - fading after with every minuscule hope. He went mad like ji he had seen a fairy.

He kissed her with the same passion he imagined a few minutes ago. He hugged her harder as their heartbeats synced in a pattern like a piece of Jazz music. However, she had no eminence on her face, as well as momentous expressions. She was looking pale, dead, her face covered with gloomy cloud and despair; even he felt no response while kissing her like he was kissing a dead body. Her unusual, anomalous behavior crestfallen him. She was not the same cheerful, lively, jublinat young girl whom he had left two years ago. He procured her with great devotion and that too not in a euphoric condition, so that he would rejoice it.

“What happened, Aurora? Don’t you like I came for you?” he asked.

She didn’t speak. “Aurora, what happened, honey? You look blanch,” he asked again, worried.

He was expecting some replies from her, rather she retraced her way. He looked past her freezing at his place, saw her until she disappears. He knew if he goes behind her, it will look creepy, he didn't want to be called as a molester; it would hurt his new parent. I will talk when her mood is good, he thought. She appeared depressed; something made her worried, something that she was going through, and broken her from inside.

However, he never saw her afterward. Where did she go? Not even God knows. She might …

Her concentration had broken. She felt some cacophony around. 

“Aurora… Au… Aurora? Why the hell, you read the same book again and again? Open the door, idiot,” Aurora’s mother shouted angrily, over the windowpane and beating it loudly.

Aurora was crying, with her teary eyes, she opened the door.

“What happened, honey? Did you cry?”

“Mom, where did Aurora go?” she asked like her mom was a fairy and she knew everything.

"I don't know honey, ask your writer, I also want to know - tell me when you discover," mother said.

She was reading the first part of the book titled, “Where did Aurora go?” written by her favorite author—whose writing always gave her goosebumps, with complementary tears.

"It is on the way, mom. I will definitely get my answer to - where did she go? I just hope she would be alive. The delivery boy came today with my second part of this book, but he messed up with the other packages, he will return by evening. Oh! mom, I couldn't wait anymore," she said with a glint.

Posted Jul 09, 2020

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18 likes 10 comments

Roshna Rusiniya
07:54 Jul 16, 2020

A very well- written story with beautifully constructed dialogues. I enjoyed reading it. Good job!


12:07 Jul 16, 2020

I am glad you like it... Thank You so much, Roshna ❤️ 💕


Roshna Rusiniya
12:39 Jul 16, 2020

You are very welcome!

If you have time, have a look at mine too! Thanks!


Corey Melin
23:16 Jul 10, 2020

Superb story. Very interesting read


Jubilee Forbess
11:32 Jul 10, 2020

That was really fun to read! I enjoy your style; it has a nice bounce. It’s very wholesome, too, which I like. It’s not wild, it’s steady, you’re dialogue is good, and the characters are determined to succeed at whatever goal. I enjoyed reading this, thank you for asking me to read. 💕


12:48 Jul 10, 2020

Yeah! Thank You so much Mitza. I am glad you liked it... Thank You for you your valuable feedback.❣️❣️


Tim Law
11:33 Jul 10, 2020

What an interesting and complex story. A love poem of sorts with plenty of sadness and misfortune.


12:49 Jul 10, 2020

Thank You, Tim. You gave your time to read my story. I am gald having your valuable feedback... 😍


Tim Law
05:02 Jul 11, 2020

Thanks for the invitation. I wonder what will inspire you to write next...


19:03 Jul 11, 2020

My pleasure, Tim.


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