A First, a Second, and Even a Third

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about someone looking to make amends for a mistake.... view prompt



A young slave girl came towards my cell, bringing water and the meager ration they gave me. I figured it was their way of being cruel. Just enough to keep me going. Just enough to make me hungry. But cruel had only just begun.

I rose up from the cold, stone floor and reached through the iron bars to accept the cup of water and the bowl of food. 

She looked both ways and began to talk quietly. "You know they are planning to crucify you!" She whispered shrilly.  

I guzzled down the water. "I know," I replied. "How soon?"

She turned her head sharply, looking me straight in the eye. I smiled in spite of things. Her mouth hanging ajar, she said nothing. 

"I don't know, not exactly," she finally replied. 

I shoveled down the bread quickly, by the mouthfuls. It wasn't too hard. Eating fast, that is. 

The soldier who was standing guard stalked away, out of earshot.

"What's your plan?"

"Well, there isn't anyone I expect to bail me out, if that's what you mean. My plan is, if I perish, I perish. If God does not wish to deliver me, I shall join in the sufferings of my Lord."

"How can you even say that?" She was a little terse, but I also sensed empathy. Concern. 


The guard walked further away, and I heard the door clang behind him. I knew this was the time. 

"Do you know why I am here?" I asked.

"They say you have been wanted for a long time. Preaching about some Jesus of Nazareth all over the place," She waved.

"I am one of his disciples. For some reason, He chose me. I tried to tell him that I was a sinful man, and I didn't deserve anything good from Him, but he chose me anyway. Even if I didn't always choose him."

"I don't think I--"

"I'll explain," I interrupted; time was of the essence.


Silence pervaded the table. For some time, Jesus had been saying that his time was at hand. I felt sick just thinking it. Tonight was Passover night, the one he had predicted. The air only became heavier and our spirits more anxious when he said, 

"One of you will betray me." 

I felt like I was breathing underwater, suffocating. 

"Lord, nobody here would do that to you," one of us voiced.

I swallowed hard. Each of us felt our guilty, apprehensive hearts ask us if we were the betrayer and tell us we were liars when we tried to clear the air and our consciences with our words. 

"Is it I, Lord?" One asked. "Is it I?" Another asked. 

"He is here, I am telling you."

I saw Jesus whisper into Judas' ear. I watched Judas get up and leave, donning his dark cloak. I felt a sense of helplessness. Fogginess. Confusion. Yet, under the surface, I knew exactly what was happening.

Not long after that, Jesus began leading us in a Passover hymn, and we sang. It all seemed a bit ironic. Unreal.

We left for the Mount of Olives. Walking, my mind was somewhere beyond my eyes--past the emerald leaves that shone in the moonlight and the dry twigs that broke beneath my feet--aware, yet...

"Do not let your hearts be troubled," Jesus said. 

"Lord, how can you even say that?" I asked incredulously.

"You believe in God, believe also in me..."

Something inside me clicked, and I started fighting the current.

"None, of us. Will leave you alone."

Jesus looked at me, with sorrowful tears in his eyes. "No, Peter, you will. Three times, even."

I forced the words to pass my lips, "No."  

Jesus swallowed the tears back. "Before the night is over, you will say you don't even know me." 

It seemed there was no point in trying to talk him out of it. To convince him otherwise. I was hurt, but this all seemed bigger than me. 

We reached the Garden of Gethsemane. "Come with Me," he called. I obeyed. I figured all I could do was try to show him my loyalty. I have to say, I didn't get Jesus. He just got done telling me that I was going to betray him, and now he was telling me to come with him, as if nothing had happened. For some reason, his gentle ways gave me a small amount of peace, though.

"Stay here and pray." He squeezed my shoulder and left us there to pray. 

I wanted to pray, yet I felt defeated. Weak. I just wanted to escape this anxious state. If I could just sleep...And I gave in impulsively.

A little while later I was aroused by Jesus, and he whispered to us, telling us to pray. 

"Watch and pray so as not to fall into temptation. I know: the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Pray," He urged us.

I tried. But slumber soon conquered me.

The second time, it was too late. Jesus came and woke me, James, and John. 

"The betrayer is here."

As the mob surrounded me, their torches shone in my face, revealing my shame. I knew I had failed. I had to compensate.

"Rabbi," Judas kissed Him.

Jesus, in all his gentleness replied, "My friend, why are you here?"

My friend. Nausea and disgust overcame me. I subconsciously recognized my own hypocritical failure. Jesus gave me multiple chances, but what had I done? Jesus was pure...something I could never...

I launched into action, and adrenaline kicked in as I unsheathed my sword and deployed it. Within seconds I began to cringe at the sound of tearing flesh. 

"AAAUGGGGHH!!" My victim screamed, shrieking in pain.

"Put your sword away, Peter! Don't you know those who live by the sword will die by it?"

His words shook me. What am I doing?

They bound Jesus and carried Him away, and all the disciples fled. I only ran to just past the trees. My back to a rustling sycamore, I breathed heavily; I felt horrible. At least I didn't desert him like he said I would. Not really, anyway. After all, I only ran a little so I could throw the mob and the soldiers off. Then, in the safety of their oblivion, I would pursue.


I warmed my hands by the fire. The coldness of the night was not by any means mild, but my resolve was stronger. What will happen to my Lord?

"I saw you!" My eyes swung up from the amber coals towards a young girl's accusing lips. "You are one of the disciples! I saw you!"

"I am afraid you are wrong," I stated emphatically. Looking back down, preoccupying myself with the warming of my hands. 

"Are you the Christ, the Son of the Living God??" I heard an obnoxious voice crescendo. 

A pregnant pause, and the house erupted. "BLASPHEMYY!" Caiaphas bellowed.

"You are a Galilean. You are one of his, aren't you?" Another lady asked me. 

I turned my eyes back towards the fire. I raised my voice, "No, I'm not!"

Walking away, I went to a different fire, which also happened to be closer to the hearing.

"You are one of them!" A young man provoked, the two girls following him. 

"I swear by my--," I hissed. "I don't know him!" I screamed.

I began to walk away quickly, but I stopped dead in my tracks. A rooster crowed. As surely as morning had come, so had Jesus' words come true: "Before the night is over, you will say you don't even know me."

I wept for foolish recognition. "What is wrong with me??" I screamed aloud, weeping for my own destitute humanity. 

Somewhere in me I had known I wasn't that strong. And I had felt the guilt. The weight. The self-doubt. But I denied it, just like I had denied him. 

I let my guilty memories wash over me again and again. I could not stand myself. It was as if I had denied him a thousand times. Maybe if I was stronger. If I wasn't so proud and hadn't been so absorbed in my thoughts that I wasn't even listening to him. What was I doing? If I really loved him...


"Don't you understand?" I asked. "Jesus gave me a second chance so many times when I did not deserve it. At the shore when I told him I was a sinful man. In the garden, when I fell asleep. And then, after his resurrection--"

"Resurrection?" The girl asked, bewildered.

"Yes. He came back to the same shore where we had met. My heart was so joyous to see him I practically swam the one hundred feet back to shore to get to him...He asked me that day, 'Peter, do you love me?' Once. Then twice. Then a third time. Each time I told him, 'Yes, you know I do.' I could hardly believe it. For each time I had failed him, Jesus gave me a chance to be his. To be restored. And you know what he told me? He said, 'Feed my sheep.'"

"Feed my sheep?" 

"He gave me that responsibility, the trust that I never could give myself even if I tried...even though I had failed him. I had denied him, but he still gave me a second chance to give my whole life to him. Now, so help me, God, it is my turn to do things right this time."

Stomp. Stomp. Roman boots were coming back down the corridor.

Her eyes locked with mine for a sacred moment, and I knew there was a connection. She turned away quickly, moving down to the next prisoner cell, and I scurried back to my place on the floor. 

A different guard entered to begin his shift. I was relieved; I had never seen him before. He probably had no idea of how much farther along the girl should have been in her job, so I breathed a little easier. 

When she did finish giving all the rations and was on her way out, she came by the cell with the cart and paused. I turned my eyes upwards. She picked up the handles and continued pushing the wheelbarrow, its noisy wheels covering her quiet words as she passed: "I thought you were crazy." 


Disclaimer: Some of this content is inspired by or similar, if not the same, to the New Testament words of Christ and the Gospel account. See Matthew 26, and John 14.

August 08, 2020 21:52

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Anna Mosqueda
14:38 Nov 03, 2020

Awesome! I love seeing people use their gifts to honor their beliefs. I am a Christian as well so when I noticed what you story was about I smiled to myself:) This was an awesome read!! There was one thing missing though, when Peter cuts off the ear of the soldier, Jesus puts it back. You may have not included that on purpose and I totally understand if that's the case, but for people that are not totally familiar with this certain story, I think that would've helped a little bit. BUT I respect your story and give critique is something t...


Hope Reynolds
00:14 Nov 04, 2020

Mmm...good point. I feel that would have changed the dynamic of the story somehow, though. He would have constantly been in this pendulum of his stupidity and the goodness of Jesus, but perhaps that could intensify the confusion in what Peter is doing in a certain sense. Thank you very much!


Anna Mosqueda
00:19 Nov 04, 2020

That's true! But no problem:)


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Kaylee Tinsley
02:02 Nov 01, 2020

Wow! Beautiful story- I was entranced! Good job for honoring God with your incredible gift! One simple critique- throughout the story, when referring to the Lord, you capitalized "He." That is great- many people don't do this. However, you often kept words like "him" and "his" in lower case. Be sure to be consistent with your capitalization! Great job! I was very impressed :)


Hope Reynolds
16:31 Nov 02, 2020

Thank you!! Very good feedback!


Kaylee Tinsley
18:44 Nov 02, 2020

No problem!! I'm always here if you want to chat :)


Hope Reynolds
21:03 Nov 02, 2020

Of course!! I would absolutely love that, and really appreciate it. How long have you been writing? Do you have any advice on how to come up with inspiring, well- fleshed out plots? Sometimes I struggle with knowing how my completed plot will go and do not finish it in time.


Kaylee Tinsley
02:07 Nov 03, 2020

No problem! Well, I am seventeen and I have been writing ever since I can remember. I have always wanted to be a writer and am currently working on a novel (believe it or not :)) As for advice.... hmmm... well, one idea is to make a general outline. Get an idea and figure out how you want it to begin and end. For example, I'll use Romeo and Juliette. If I were the one in charge of writing this masterpiece, I would make an outline. I would know that I wanted a forbidden love. I would know I wanted a tragic ending. Then I would flesh out de...


Hope Reynolds
00:03 Nov 04, 2020

Thank you for the advice! I think you brought up good points, like focusing on your conflict and such. I feel like words themselves can flow pretty easy, but the plot and keeping it going and to a conclusion...a little harder. Thanks for the encouragement! May I ask what genre or possibly topic your novel is about? Much applaud to you :) Well I would have to write short stories for school projects, but other than that, I just joined Reedsy this year. However, I have written a lot more poetic things.


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Josefin Björk
23:40 Aug 19, 2020

What an interesting take on the prompt! I'll be honest: I have not read a lot of religious literature, but the idea of making a disciple the point of view character seems to me a very fresh and unusual perspective. Following Jesus, but not quite understanding him all the same. It really sets Jesus apart. However, as I'm not too familiar with the Bible, the story is a little hard to follow as I don't have much context. I would have liked a bit more exposition. At the same time, this narrative style also seems very dreamlike, with the story f...


Hope Reynolds
17:38 Aug 20, 2020

Thank you so much, Josefin! I can see where some missing gaps would be/confusion possibly, especially for those less familiar with the story. I also see that I could have perhaps "fleshed out" my character's emotions/thoughts/experience/history/mind a bit more. Perhaps share more of his history in certain ways or make a greater emotional connection to Jesus. Thank you for all the good advice! Perhaps you would recommend saying something like "in a shrill voice, she whispered "___"? It's really great to have someone else's insight, especiall...


Josefin Björk
19:46 Aug 20, 2020

I'm so glad you found it helpful! I hope I did not come across as harsh, because I really loved the idea of this story. Again, such an interesting interpretation. Maybe something like "her normally shrill voice lowered to a whisper"? I agree about others' insight! When you write you tend to stare yourself blind at your text, haha. Great work, and you're welcome!


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Jo Axolotl
20:36 Dec 11, 2020

Not just anyone can retell a gospel story, Hope, and I think you did it well. I loved how Peter uses his own sins as an example to convince others of Jesus's goodness, it tells of humility that's hard to achieve, and a wonderful piece of characterization. I also liked that he keeps trying to convert others even on the brink of death, again, an integral part of the character. I loved that the story revolves mainly around the characters of Peter and Jesus, and the central point of the story is what happened to Jesus. I think it describes the ...


Hope Reynolds
22:06 Dec 11, 2020

Yeah, that is really good point, actually! That line is very conflicting, lol. I admit, I feel like I did not give this story as much work, even though I know I re-read it at least once. I agree with you on the confusion of that line. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my submission and comment!


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Kaylee Tinsley
13:53 Mar 08, 2021

What's up, Hope! I'm back lol! This time I am here with a link to my writing/quiz... I would really appreciate if you took the time to take it! :) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfIg2S7EIK4TD9qlWpxTvQeLVMQ4kKxZcKp1j1q4DS3TuPbQ/viewform


Hope Reynolds
20:49 Mar 08, 2021

Hehe was just thinking about you yesterday. ;) Okay, sweet, but it won't let me access it :( says I need permission. Maybe a setting?


Kaylee Tinsley
18:41 Mar 09, 2021

Aww, well thanks for thinking about me lol! Here is a new link... hopefully this will work!! :) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12sEJoH11dg8SedmNSDyiJlMXeVDMaQMk7IeU7U6vgn4/edit


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Unknown User
16:07 Mar 06, 2021

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