The Ideal Superpower

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Can you imagine a phenomenal world in unison. Is this really where we should be in 2020.  Thinking of those before us,  and those after us may not be able to comprehend what is happening now.  All that is expected as a society, as beings who cares for others is the existence of what is now and ever being.  An accord of hearts, thoughts and minds.  A place in a moment of despair. Brought up to something more than disharmony.  When all that is found is discord and friction at every corner.  An embracement of accord no longer exists.   Should we all accept this dissonance or what if we just allow a concession over all that exists in our daily lives.  Things we presume to be.  

An interesting conundrum has always been, “is the glass half full or half empty”? 

As  a society as a whole, what is the importance of our being?  How do we recognize what should be and what we should collide and surpass or alter.  A presence in the now forces you to decide.  All that you have attained and tumbled upon is now placed on a plateau to be viewed and dissected. 

Any city is in need of a Superhero.  It is not important whether it is a male or a female.  As a human race we are one in the same.  Race, age, gender and economic levels are not important to identify.   Not many people were aware of the existence of someone able to help, not only solve problems.  This Superhero would also allow people to feel safe.  Acknowledging the fact that that and much more will be needed.   When the Superhero first realizes their potential and their  powers, they may feel as though they  would never find an adequate place to live and work.  

Our country is made of many civilizations and human races.  A juxtaposition of what one thinks to be with that of what is in existence .  It can be something too overwhelming for one to take.  As this slowly comes out of the shadows, what now.  Exposure is not the hot topic, whether it was wanted or not.  It is now the present of all that is in existence.  It is also that which each human life must divulge.   

One of the beauties of our country is the diversity of thinking, people and things that exist.  What would you define as American food? This is an element that increases our existence and our well being with others. Coming together to support and comfort one another are elements of being a human.  Coming together, just not to feel alone.  Coherence can be the key to allow others to view what can be worked towards.  Once this coherence is attained, we can be sure that many things will change. Is it possible that the only way a society can live in unison if for the existence of this Superhero.  A super being unlike any human, who makes all realize what they are capable of.  This Superhero would define what is needed today in our society. Our world as one.  The survival of our being and our society.  

If these simple ideas are kept straight and shared by individuals, what will the result be?  You must keep your eyes open to take what is thrown to you.  We have access to the entire word, we can safely say that “the world is an oyster”.  We can always wonder if being different can rightfully provoke a sign of an essential type of war or violent actions to take place.  One must think if a Superhero can put an end to these conflicts. 

And every pivotal moment is transcending in all parts of what we acknowledge as our home, our world, and our everything. In the presence of this Superhero, what would be the number one reason for the need.  In our world of 2020, is there a need for someone with superhuman strength.   A solidarity can never be found, unless the existence of a Superhero arises to the every existing masses.  A super secret superpower of unity must be given and shared , existing in unity as one.  

In our society today, with so much confusion, questions and interaction present, we must take a step back.  Then identify that the perfect superpower a Superhero would befall upon all of us, our communities, our Earth is that of the power of “Unity”.  What is this power of unity and why can it be the ultimate power which can safely exist through all time? As everything else, there needs to be a balance.  I always think of the Ying and the Yang.  Why do completely different people, things and ways of thinking can live harmoniously existence, but cannot without the other?  Unity in diversity. 

If we look at everything that is happening at this moment, it does not matter where in the world you may be.  Living beings are being affected by something even a Superhero could not make better.  If it were only possible to have this Superhero in our midst, the only thing we would need is the power of “Unity”.  

All lives must live in unison respecting and acknowledging that the  fact is  that we are all so very different.  This is the reason we live in such an amazing world.  Every single person allows a bit of themselves to be mixed in with every single person.  How will this Superhero be able to assist the world and the people in it.  A society as a whole becomes a perfect world in unison.  A Superhero can only assist everyone in what each individual has  and works as a mediator.  

A being, the importance is not the identity or socioeconomic level of the Superhero.  Just as the importance of our existence is not to be defined.   All  inhabitants of each  city of our every growing and ever changing world. Will this Superhero be able to identify that what is needed in our world, in our society is Unity.  This Superhero will equip each citizen in every city in the world with the ability to acknowledge the fact that Unity is the key.  To create this phenomenal world in unity, it must be acknowledged that we as people can arrive here with a mediator, with a Superhero. 

June 29, 2020 10:20

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