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Drama Mystery Romance

Egg Surprise

Jack had a plan, and it couldn’t fail. He was going to propose using a large Chocolate egg. Now to many, this sounds a bit crazy. But he was a romantic, and this had taken him an entire year to plan and organise. His girlfriend Sally, loved to play pranks on others, but especially on him. She had a long list of successful missions that ended in a glorious victory. It was his turn, to show her he was a serious contender. There had to be family and friends who would arrive and make this big day, a special one. Flights were booked months in advance, and the transport too. First, as morning came, and Sally entered her work, her boss asked why she was there, when it was her day off. Jack called ahead and made sure to book the entire week off. Sally was not one bit amused at her holidays being used without even a discussion with her first. She was furious and called him on the phone. “Jack, when you get this message, call me back, you and I are going to have words Mr!”. He had not answered her. So with no other choice than to leave, Sally left the building. As she was heading out of the office, her boss sent a text to Jack, and it read. ‘She’s on the move’. 

Sally walked out of the front door, and this stranger who was jogging, crashed into her. He didn’t apologise, and just ran on. It took only a few seconds to realise that her phone was missing ! Sally was not going to let him get away with this. She took off after him, and saw that he dashed into a coffee shop. But when she burst in through the door, there was no sign of the thief. She approached the front serving desk with desperation, asking for witness’s. The young gentleman pointed to the back exit, which led into a courtyard. So Sally took off once more. There was her phone?, very strange, just sitting on one of the vacant tables outside. The jogger had left her a message. ‘Put some fun into your life and accept this token’. There also on her phone was a booking for a concert band, that she hated to her very core. Why on earth would anyone do this. Unable to cancel using her phone, Sally saw that there was a ticket vendor located in the park. So off she went, wondering why this idiot had done this, but then it was April Fools day. ‘So annoying’. She thought. Grabbing a coffee before leaving, to give a boost of energy, Sally walked the half mile journey to the local park. A small mobile booth lay next to an open concert stage. 

No one was there, so Sally had to wait, which only added towards her fury. She checked her phone, and still no reply to her voice message. Was Jack afraid to call back?. A tap on the shoulder and who stood there but her ex boyfriend and old school chum. He acted all loud and forward. Sitting up close to her, with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. “Hey fancy seeing you, it’s been too long. Tell me, who dumped who?”. He laughed. Sally right now wanted her Jack, to her, he was a million times better than this dope. Her ex continued, “well baby, maybe it wasn’t meant to be, look here”. He showed a wedding ring, and yet his hand still lingered on her arm. Sally pulled away and stood up. “Look it was,, well, hello and goodbye”. She grabbed his hand to shake and rushed away. He laughed and sent a text to Jack. ‘Heading your way’. Sally now marching in a straight direction, following the path route in the park, became tangled up by a dog walker, with his 4 dog’s!. He apologised at this chaos, and by the time they freed themselves, something had been dropped on the ground. Sally called out, but he was wearing earphones and couldn’t hear her. She picked up this envelope, but it had her name on the front?. She opened it, looking around to see if anyone was watching her. There was no one, and the park seemed very quiet for this time of the day. There was a map inside. The directions were marked out, and Sally knew now, it has to be some sort of April fool trap. She would not fall for this, and so took a different route, to try and bypass the big prank.

Ten minutes later, and just the odd person passing by taking a stroll or walking their dog. It all seemed so normal. The meeting place was a fountain, in the centre of the park. Walking up the steps of a garden memorial, Sally tried to gaze into the distance, to see if anyone was hiding at the fountain. But no one was there, except for a guitar entertainer, who wasn’t even playing. It was safe, so she went, still nothing. The guitar man turned to her and asked if she was Sally, she was a bit hesitant but nodded. “Here, this is for you”. He handed her from inside his guitar case, a large chocolate egg, wrapped up in colourful foil paper. It was one of those eggs that children get, with a plastic egg inside, and then a toy inside that one. Sally sat near the fountain and began to open the chocolate, carefully using her nail file. Inside was a note, and a large plastic egg. The note said, ‘a year of planning, just for you, so open your gift, from a love that is true’. With such a smile, she now prized open the large plastic egg. But there was this other chocolate egg inside?. Being so engrossed in her task, Sally did not see her friends and family who travelled from far and wide, sneaking up behind her. She now opened the smaller egg which had been sealed with honey, just like the bigger one. Inside was yet another note and another plastic egg. The note said, ‘not much longer now sweetheart, so open the last egg and please accept my heart’. Sally opened the last egg, and inside was a ring.  There he appeared, Jack, her Jack. No longer was she mad with him, and Sally had to admit, that he, was this time victorious.  The week would be spent with all those she held dear to her heart. But Sally teased, that next year, it will be her turn, and boy, will he be surprised.

March 28, 2021 15:01

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1 comment

John Carpenter
00:26 Apr 04, 2021

Very romantic.


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