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Creative Nonfiction

It was five in the afternoon, when I got off working at Starbucks. The sun was just about setting. I sighed and went outside.The cold hit me like a ton of bricks.Winter was the worst seasons, temperature related, but winter was the best season for business. I hated being in the cold. I always felt the cold more than others. In the cold I kind of lost my sense of smell.Everything outside smelled quite blankly. Many called me fragile because of that. I was walking down the street when I realized, I had left my scarf under the counter back in Starbucks.

           So I ran back to Starbucks. I opened the door, hearing the familiar chiming sound it makes when a customer comes in. I have walked a couple of steps when it hits me, the smell of a pumpkin spice latte. I inhale and I try to remember the first time I smelled the intoxicating smell of it. How long has it been since I’ve had one? I remember that the first time I smelled that familiar scent was in freshmen year in high school. Seems like such a long time ago.

           I had just started at a high school quite I distance from home. I would have to take such an early bus to get to school at time. It was worth it though. I absolutely loved the new people I had meet at the school. They were respectful of one another and the teachers were the kind that pay attention, if your were having a bad day.

I was riding the bus to school with my new friend Lindy. It was quite cold that day, when Lindy suggested; we got off at the next stop to get a warm drink at Starbucks. And that we could walk the rest of the way since it wasn’t that far. I reluctantly agreed.This was not something I would normally consider doing, specially as I wasn't allowed to drink coffee yet. I did have cash on me, though I did not like wasting it as often as lindy liked to. I would rather save it for something I might need in the future.

           We walked in and lindy went to order as I had assured her I did not want anything. So we chatted about one of our teachers as we waited for lindy’s drink. When she got her drink, I stared at her. I had involuntary inhaled the intoxicating smell that surrounded the drink. At that point if we stood there longer, we would have gotten to school late. So we left Starbucks, and headed in the direction of the school. All day at school, though each of my classes I wished I had decided to buy the drink to which I didn’t know its name. I didn’t want ask lindy cause I would feel embarrassed.

           So the next day, we did the same. We got off a stop before and went to Starbucks. Lindy ordered something different this time, so I couldn’t even say I would get the same as her. I had tired to describe the smell to the person at the counter, but he looked at me as if I were crazy, so I picked something random on the menu and ordered it. It wasn’t the drink I had hoped it would be though. It smelled pretty good and tasted quite decent. So I got my money's worth.

           I did this everyday pretty much though all of winter. I had a quite a big share of disappointments, but seeing as I came in everyday, I had become a regular. The counter person started recommending warm drinks for me. I always went along with it, seeing as one of them could be the drink I was looking for. And the fact that I had no idea what to order anymore anyway. Lindy during this would keep trying to tell me how the guy at the counter was into me. And I would try to convince her it was not so.

           One day he recommended a pumpkin spice latte and a salted Carmel mocha. I didn’t really feel like have something that was salted and sweet, so I choose the pumpkin spice latte. I got my drink, but I didn’t start drinking it yet cause I wasn't ready to have another disappointment so early in the morning. I was alone that day at Starbucks. Lindy had gotten the flue a few days earlier and was well enough to come back to school yet. I decided to start drinking it in first period, Spanish class. It had gotten so cold, and even though I wore layers I was freezing. I had opened the lid, and prepared to stir it well, when I suddenly the intoxicating smell that had hit my nose.

           I was so surprised that I had found what I had been looking for such a long time, that I started laughing. I laughed so much I got sent to the principal’s office for causing a disruption in class. I told my story to the principal who just stared at me drinking my pumpkin spice latte. I got off with a warning as long as I didn't cause anymore disruptions.

           From then on I got a pumpkin spice latte every day I went to Starbucks. The counter person had told me after a couple days of ordering the same thing that, “ Finally found the one that suits your tastes, huh?” I just nodded, and told him the same story I had told my principal a couple days before. I remember that his reaction had been the same as mine, he had bursted out laughing at the wild ride I had at trying to find what drink had the smell of a scent I found so Intoxicating. I then remembered that when I had applied to Starbucks for a job, it was the counter person who I later learned was named Jamie had put in a good word for me saying that I was a loyal customer.

           It was in that moment that Jamie’s voice finally reached me. “Hey Avery are you okay you’ve standing there for a couple minutes.” “Yeah I’m fine, can you ring me up a pumpkin spice latte?" "Yeah sure just give me a minute." A couple minutes Late Jamie handed me the pumpkin spice latte. and then Jamie came up to me, wrapped the scarf around me and said, "Next time don’t forget your scarf silly it’s really cold out.” And headed back to the counter. I then walked out, trying to hide the scarlet color rushing to m

September 28, 2020 02:27

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1 comment

Lauren Copta
23:43 Oct 08, 2020

Really love the concept of this story and the use of flashback for the audience to gain an insight and backstory to the smell! Truly hit the selected prompt! Nice job!


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