Of Those Who Have Been Forgotten

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.... view prompt

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Teens & Young Adult Sad Suspense

  • Best experienced when reading to the song; Train Wreck -James Arthur followed by Have You Had Enough Wine? - JC Stewart.

A chill seduced the once warm air the soft mellowed light touched faintly across the woman's body. Goosebumps emerged along her arms and legs, the hairs blew in the wind, reminding her of the way that long grass would bend and sway on a windy day. 

In silence, she waited upon the crest of the wind-beaten hill that now stood bare and forsaken, nothing but a figure of clothing billowing on the expanse of desolated land. In the past years, she had witnessed her land dwindle to smithereens - her sisters hung from stakes and villages bowed to the enlightenment of flint and steel, the rein of ceaseless flame that burnt the sun leaving her lands barren and empty.

Halloween. It was the night of mourning, for remembrance and solace. It irked the witch as to why the mere humans would allow their younglings to travel down their cobbled streets running from stranger to stranger begging for food. Had one of her own tried, well, the witch would rather not think of that.

"Hadley, peace be with you." The wind whispered in her ear, tickling the nape of her exposed neck as the mass of another body rambled to her side.

"As to you."

Oh to hear the slant of her name upon another's tongue, tantalising and thick - the rasp of another being in her presence unfathomable. The whipping of a silky red fluttered in her peripheral, drawing her stone-like gaze upon the other woman. 

"When will Paisley appear? The sun is setting towards the west already." Willow grunted as she swiftly removed the hood of the cloak that had concealed her face. As to herself, the other witch had not aged a day since the last Halloween, her skin was midnight black that beckoned to them each night and her eyes as milky and as the clouds that danced within the sky. The only fault of her marvellous grace would have been the deep rogue lines of worry that had permanently imprinted upon her forehead.

"I believe the winds are putting up a fight if we do not mourn in time our ancestors will cease to rest." Hadley breathed softly and grazed her fingertips along the floor of the hill, grabbing a handful of soil she shook it into the atmosphere in front of her. 

'Sister of the wind I call upon you, race to our side.' 

Either witch shared a worrisome look with one another as the heavyweight hung upon their shoulders and all they could manage was to merely wait. The souls of their ancestors were forcefully extensive on the evening of all hallow, together they used to fly and play; it was a time of celebration and joy - yet all that had dissipated once the bustle of intolerance of their kind had oozed into the mortal civilisation to their individuals. As the only three remaining, it was their job to bring the lost souls their peace, the vengeance and devastation that would become if they abandoned to achieve their responsibility would result in the demise of the human race as a whole.

"If we can accept the end then why can our ancestors not? They have rotted and burned already to smithereens yet they are the ones who feel as if they need vengeance. I don't understand the ghastly thoughts that conjure in their lifeless heads, they are just a bunch of atoms spewing nonsense if you ask me." Paisley prattled as she scuffed the ground impatiently, sending a rather rude string of words into the sky.

"What do you believe will happen if we three die as well? Do you think that we will be as ill-minded as our ancestors who only wish to reap the faults of the humans onto themselves? I say if we do so then we are no better than the mortals, we have the leverage of immortality and hence an infinite source of time and with that comes unlimited knowledge and expected patience. Should we not want to make amends instead and inform the faults so that they aren't to happen again?"

"Hadley you think far too broad for the occasion we are on," Paisley hooted and bent double - her patience had long ago died, she was becoming tired and angry, no sooner would she hand herself to the whisperings of foul words that tempted them from the spirit lands. "I believe that the mortals overarched themselves and that we should have taken action sooner, yet now there are only three of us left and an entity of them. As much as I would like to disappear from this realm entirely I do not wish the mortals to suffer what we have. The ones who had done the deeds are long dead but that does not mean I will tolerate them, the wounds are still fresh."

"I assume we cannot mourn upon the hill this evening, we must fly and find Willow; where ever she is. We now have no time to spare due to her egotistical behaviour." Hadley answered listlessly, her heart began to swell as her own gradual frustration began to boil yet not for the same reason as Paisley.

Hadley had warned Willow many a time about the responsibilities that the three now held, yet the stubborn being would not adhere and simply snicker as she floated away with the breeze. Every. Single. Time.

"Apolious we fly now, towards Wullimby." Hadley avowed and leapt gracefully into the air, a low swooping noise filled the air as the wind stilled and a dark log with a bunch of fine hairs strapped to the end caught its mistress.

"I swear, Willow must be insane." Paisley griped and likewise summoned her own broom. Pinching the bridge of her nose she inhaled a plume of sudden air as the winds began to race.

"We are coming sister, ready yourself." The two chanted with wide smiles, uncanny akin to their situations. 

The three witchlings were like the yin and yang yet there were three of them, undoubtedly obscuring the notable differences that balanced each other out. As immortal beings - witches at that - with the stealth of a tiger they flew through the sky, a storm riling overhead as nature condemned to the sisters. 

They were the survivors. Deadly, daunting and dark. 

In mystery they lived, secluded and alone. 

Magic pulsed through their veins as blood would circulate a human.

They were living, breathing forces of nature to be reckoned with.

Rain began to thrum madly as the heavens screamed in fear, the moon sat a full above their heads with no Willow insight.

Apolious was leading them to the heart of a human dwelling, lights had been hung and decorative items of pumpkins and bats alike were out in front of every small townhouse. 

"What is she doing here?" Paisley remarked as her mouth hung agape, the great seizure of storm huddling to a sudden halt.

"I don't know..." Hadley murmured in confusion as she scanned the busy streets, nothing seemed uncanny. Little children ran wildly from house to house with reluctant parents dawdling behind.

"I absolutely hate how they ridicule us yet still to this day, don't they have a slither of common sense?" The grumpy witch growled as she saw two girls dressed poorly in 'witch' attire with a large black hat and purple cobwebbed dresses.

"Come, stay on task." 

Hadley could sense the fury of her ancestors commencing near, their faint whisperings occurred more powerful than common. The lust for blood must have become greatly enticing while vengeance drew solely hours away.

"There! There she is!" Paisley roared abruptly as she pointed to a colder sack due east. 

Fuming, Hadley focused her broom towards the street not regarding if she was sighted as she beelined straight for the women who stood over a meagre figure, white locks darting fiercely in the wind as the storm arose.

"Willow!" Paisley challenged as she plunged from her broomstick and onto her feet as she hit the tarmac, a resounding thump the only noise in acknowledgment.

"Why it took you both much longer to find me then I expected." Willow chastised with the faint click of her tongue. Her sharp cheekbones and elongated nose stood disapprovingly at either one of her siblings than her cerulean eyes were attracted back towards the puny form that remained obtusely by her feet.

"The ancestors called and I answered, it is about time that we stopped being docile and striving to repress them. Give them what they want and let the humans get what they deserve."

Just as Hadley broke into stride a piercing yell echoed from behind, the body of a small toddler began to struggle onto its feet as Willow held out two arms, her jaundiced-looking twisted teeth glistening in the twilight loom as she cooed. "You will be the appetiser."

"Don't you dare!" Hadley screeched and flung herself at her sister, face contorting in rage.

It was all too late. Apolious and Kolimba sped around in circles as they expelled the hazy shapes of their ancestors that began to strive through the streets, a dense haze of rain fell upon the town and lightning struck the night. 

"The show has only just begun my dears."

October 25, 2020 10:29

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1 comment

Elle Clark
07:55 Nov 01, 2020

This is a really interesting story! I like the idea of witches intent on saving the human race despite humans destroying theirs. I would’ve loved to have seen a bit more of the ending but word constraints! Some lovely descriptions in this, too.


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