
Jan 27, 2018, 6:19 pm

Katy: Hey I miss you…

Katy: You know, it’s not too late to come home. Mom cries in you’re room almost every night. And Dad still spends hours at that coffee shop you used to work at.

Jan 30, 2018, 8:23 pm

Katy: Please come home.

Katy: You’re the only one who can help me with my math homework. You know I’ve never been good at math, and algebra is hard.

Jan 31, 2018, 12:01 am

Benji: You know I can’t come home. If mom and dad want me back so bad, then why did they kick me out?

Katy: You know what you did, but it’s time to come home.

Katy: I love you, and I need my big brother back. Just please come home, for me.

Benji: Katy I’m still you’re big brother, I always will be.

Benji: We’ll figure something out, just hang in there.

Feb 3, 2018, 4:35 pm

Katy: I got home today and mom and dad were fighting again. It’s getting really bad, worse than when you left.

Feb 4, 2018, 5:03

Katy: They’re fighting about you.

Katy: Mom won’t stop yelling “It’s your fault he’s gone” to dad. Please come back to end this.

Benji: Well it is his fault, what does he want from me? I don’t miss him, or mom and they’re stupid fighting!

Katy: Don’t say that! You’re tearing the family apart, and for what? To prove a point? To hold a grudge? It’s stupid and selfish! And I wish you left sooner!

Feb 6, 2018, 9:11 pm

Katy: Benji? 

Feb 9, 2018, 5:14 pm

Katy: I didn’t mean it.

Katy: I want you back more than anything else.

Feb 15, 2018, 7:22 pm

Katy: Dad hit mom today.

Katy: Benji I’m scared.

Katy: Dad’s always drunk, and I’m scared he’ll hurt me.

Feb 25, 2018, 6:37 pm

Katy: Benji, please… He’s going to kill her.

Katy: He’s going to kill me.

Katy: They’re yelling so much, why won’t she just leave him.

Mar 4, 2018, 8:56 pm

Benji: Katy I’m sorry, but I can’t help you. This is exactly why I left.

Katy: Please Benji, just come home and pick up mom and I. We need to get out of here. 

Benji: I can’t come back if Dad even knows I’m in town he’ll kill me.

Benji: After I stole his car he went ballistic, on me. If he knows I’m back he’ll take it out on you and mom.

Benji: Just hang in there for a little longer, we can figure something out.

Mar 7, 2018, 11:40 pm

Katy: Mom locked herself in the basement.

Benji: Ok, that’s good. He can’t get to her. Where’s Dad?

Katy: I’m not sure, I think he’s in the kitchen. Should I go check?

Benji: No! Stay upstairs in your room! Don’t leave!

Katy: Ok! I’m staying…


Benji: What! What’s happening???

Katy: He’s coming upstairs, I think he’s coming for me!

Benji: Lock the door!! Now!

Katy: My door doesn’t have a lock!

Benji: Ok Katy, I’m going to call 911, ok?

Katy: Ok.

Benji: They said they’re coming!

Katy: He’s getting closer, I can hear him. He’s right outside the door!

Katy: Are they coming soon?

Benji: They said they’re coming as fast as they can.

Katy: Benji, he’s turning the knob.

Katy: I love you so much.

Benji: Don’t worry, I love you too!

Benji: Katy?

Benji: Katy, are you ok?!

Benji: Katy please answer me!

Benji: 911 is there, do you see them?


Mar 8, 2018, 11:25 am

Benji: The police showed up at my door today.

Benji: They said mom’s ok, shaken up of course, but ok.

Benji: I thought you should know that.

Benji: Katy, I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you.

Benji: I’m so sorry, please know that.

Mar 10, 2018, 3:30 pm

Benji: Mom is coming to stay with me for a while.

Benji: The police say that they’re still trying to find dad.

Mar 13, 2018, 7:09 pm

Benji: I miss you Katy.

Benji: I’m sorry I never told you that.

Benji: I know it’s too late, but Mom brought me your algebra homework, I’ll finish it tonight, just in case.

Jan 12, 2019, 9:45

Benji: I met a girl today.

Benji: I’m sorry it’s been so long, but I know if you were still here you’d have time to here about my girl problems.

Benji: Her name is Becky, and I think I’m in love with her.

Benji: She reminds me of you. She likes to put chocolate chips in her hot chocolate just like you did, and she’s super nerdy, but you’d never know it, just like you. 

Benji: And the best part, she loves me… and she has a cat named Sneakers.

Jan 26, 2019, 6:47 am

Benji: Today’s Becky’s birthday!

Benji: I’m going to ask her to marry me. I know it may look sudden, but she and I have been together for a year. I just didn’t tell anyone.

Benji: We’re going to go on our favorite hiking trail, and once we get to the plateau, I’ll say something super lovey and gross, and just ask her.

Benji: I know you’d love her. And I really hope you’re proud of me.

Jan 26, 2019, 9:07 pm

Benji: She said yes!

Mar 5, 2019, 7:02 am

Benji: It’s the wedding day!

Benji: I’m really nervous, not about being married to Becky, I love her, but I guess I’m still kinda freaked out. 

Benji: I don’t want to end up like dad.

May 9, 2019, 8:13 pm

Benji: We’re pregnant!

Benji: Sorry I haven’t been talking to you. Things have been busy with Becky, and my new job. I’m a teacher now! And now with the baby!

Benji: I never thought I could be this happy, but I guess anything can happen.

Feb 19, 2020, 5:30 pm

Benji: Becky’s water broke about an hour ago, we just got to the hospital. Things are looking good!

Feb 20, 2020, 7:45 am

Benji: The baby is in distress.

Benji: She’s going in for a c-section!

Benji: The doctor says not to worry.

Feb 20, 2020, 9:30 am

Benji: It’s a girl!

Benji: We named her Katy!

March 23, 2020 04:31

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