
On one fine day as usual I was following my routine and waiting for my bus at the stop. I saw one person sitting next to me all dressed up very well but looking a bit confuse (I don’t know the reason till now but trust me I will find out as I already said that it was one fine day. )

Me: looking at him closely again, (he saw me and turn his face around) now is the time to approach him, hello sir, I had never seen you at this stop before at this time ammm at this bright morning. Mind if I ask are you new here sir?

Stranger: (looking completely at me from top to bottom as he is doing x-ray from his eyes) do I even know you??

Me: (shocked!!! not expecting such type of ignorance) no sir you don’t, but I thought that you are also waiting for the same bus as I that’s why I ask so that we can spend some good time while waiting for the bus. What say??

Stranger: look, man, I am not in the mood of any conversation, you want to talk go talk to some trees ok now plzzz!!!

Me: sir (I look at him) don’t be rude I am just trying to start some conversation as you are looking nervous to me are you going for some job interview??

Stranger: why would I tell you where I am going or not I don’t even know your name.

(This time he is polite thankfully)

Me: here we go my name is Evan and I live three blocks from here now what about you. Please don’t be rude as I have already asked too many questions and thankfully you didn’t answer any (looking at him).

Stranger: hmmm my name is Simmons, I am not new here I lived nearby, the reason I am this early waiting for a bus you are right I am going for an interview and I am dam confuse what they will ask me either they select me or reject me, man I am in a lot of confusion and nervousness.

Evan: ok Simmons listen first you don’t need to confuse, I know it’s an easy thing to say but trust me I am from the HR department currently working in XYZ company. Give a straight answer, show willingness that you are keen to work with them. Don’t give a rough answer and never say I don’t know in any sort of interview, tell them I will learn it.

Simmons: man look!!! These are easy things to say because you are an HR in some reputed company a fresher like me you see will always look confuse man.

(He look more depressed now)

Evan: Listen, buddy, I was not directly hired as an HR in my first job, I was hired as an intern and they told me that if I was good I will get permeant letter otherwise chose next door, and you know what happened company said you didn’t fall on our criteria they didn’t even give me my stipend as discussed in the interview, well after that I got another job after 2 months I also work there with same passion than again the same thing happens. So the point is Simmons everyone has their struggle today you describe me as HR but see there are long 5 years hard work that’s why you can call me HR sir!!! (Deep breathe with a smile).

Simmons: so sorry Evan my intentions are not to hurt your feelings it’s just that I was confused but after listening to you trust me I have gained a lot of confidence that’s a kind of positivity I am looking for... Sorry for the rude talk.

(He smiled first time genuinely)

Evan: no need buddy I know the pressure of going for an interview for the first time.

(Looked at each other and smiled…first cringe moment)

(Only a few minutes left in arriving of our bus)

(Now surprisingly he start the conversation)

Simmons: Evan are you still living with your parent as it seems to be you are earning good... are you married?

Evan: Can you plzzzzzzzzzzzz describe that earning good relate with living with parents?? And yes I am married, dear.

Simmons: no I mean I saw some people when they start earning good they left their parents’ home and live separately.

Evan: I am not that person Simmons because of what I am today is because of my parents' blessing and my hard work, trust me there blessing is magical for their children. Forget every tip I give you about the interview remember one thing “respect your parent and take blessing from them and continue your hard work”.

(He agrees with me completely)

(Again silence... but this time he looked relax and calm and continuously starring at his shoes god knows why).

(5 minutes left for our bus to come)

(Simmons looked at me, smile and asked)

Simmons: you are married right... (Long pause and then he said) happily?

(At first, I thought should I answer this question I looked in his eyes and then I started looking at my shoes…now I know why all confused people look down and start staring at their shoes)

Evan: Simmons my friend never asked a married man or woman that are they happily married or not.

(We looked at each other… this time we didn’t smile. We laughed).

(bus arrived we sit in a bus in separate rows Simmons put hands-free and I continue my traveling as usual by staring at all fellow passengers)

(Stops are passing by my office is about to come I stand from my seat and looked at Simmons we both passed smile I get off the bus surprisingly Simmons also gets off the bus…as I didn’t know he came for an interview in my company and he didn’t know where do I work)

(Now he look confuse more than ever trust me)

Evan: good luck! Buddy (smile) and I went inside the office.

Simmons is stunned.

(And that is why this is one fine morning for me pray for Simmons plzzz)

July 03, 2020 19:48

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