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A Lack of Courage

Todd Heath sat at the stool of the bar counter inside of Linda's Cafe. The A/C made it difficult for him to leave due to the humid weather reaching almost ninety five degrees. The server came around.

"Can I get you anything more sir?"

"No, thank you miss."

Todd blamed himself for wearing a sweater that morning in the early hours. He could take it off however; it would just be one more thing he'd have to carry home.

There was a couple in the far corner to his right in a booth, next to a window. They were having a discussion that almost sounded like an argument. The young blonde woman was dress in a blue t-shirt, and blue jeans. The man was dressed more professionally in a grey tux.

"If you'd just quit the spending-

"I'm not spending, Frank, I'm investing!"

"More like spending Emma"


"Well sure, if you'd just quit the schemes you create, perhaps we could start saving for retirement for once. Look"

Emma glanced out the window.


She looked back.

"I know you're trying to invest into our future. But with each idea that you've had; whether it was selling silverware, or trying to sell wash machines, or even trying to operate an online business" He shook his head, as he thought in vain to be politely as possible.

"Each one ended in failure"

"But Frank-

"Why not just get a real job?-

"Get a real job?!"

Frank knew it was hopeless.

"I didn't mean that-

"Oh really-

"Will you just cool it-?

"Cool it, while you tell me to get a real job that's only eight measly dollars an hour!?"

Todd watched the two give up. Emma was the first to walk out. He wanted to say something.

"Hey Frank"


"Forget it"

Shaking his head, he walked out.


“Yes sir?”

“Can I get an iced coffee to go?”

“Sure thing hun”

Seven minutes later he was out of the café, with his sweater over his arm, exposing the red shirt as he drank his iced coffee.

Walking down Madison Drive, he wished he was home already. The sweltering heat was already forcing to want to go back for another iced coffee. No. He told himself. Cold water will in the fridge. The conversation kept coming back to him.

 "Why not just get a real job?-

"Get a real job?!"

Frank knew it was hopeless.

"I didn't mean that-

The thoughts of his wife leaving him after he told her that several times, made him regret it. A black lab with no leash on walked up him.

Kneeling down to pet it, he noticed the same young couple standing next to his apartment entrance, scrambling to find their key. Walking closer after a quick rub, he took out his key.

“You folks live here too I see”

“Yeah, you got a key mister?”

“Yeah Frank”

The fragrance smell coming from the tree that lined the sidewalk hit his nose.

“That smell reminds me of my old place”


“Yeah, as a kid my grandad would grow oranges, and each spring I’d smell the flowers that came from the tree”

“No kiddin”

“Sure” Opening the door, he let them inside, but stopped Frank again.

“Uh, just one thing”


He was about to give an advice, but decided against it.

“Forget about it”

“Okay” Half chuckling he followed his wife up the stairs.

Later that day sitting on the overhang outside his apartment, he could them arguing. Knowing that it was about finances, he walked back inside as the sun began to set.

The next morning was quiet. He left his sweater home, while he made the run around the block. This time instead of a sweater, Todd wore black running shorts, and a red t-shirt.

Spotting the black lab again, it began wagging its tail.

“Good boy” He exclaimed running past it. The dog followed, it caused him to stop. He gave it a rub, and continued on.

As he was nearing the corner of 442 and Walker Street, there was a man dressed in scraggly close that looked like they needed washing. Passing him, he could see the sign the read, hungry, willing to work.

He stopped. The older man watched him. Raged filled his mind. How could anyone like him, just stand there at the corner, and beg when there are several businesses, looking for help. “You know mister”


“Why uh-

The man looked at him curiously.

“Forget it”

He resumed his run. The phone rang.

“You can’t burn calories, if you’re always getting interrupted Todd!”

“Yes?” He regretted answering the phone

“Hey Todd”

“Hey boss”

“I’m sorry to call during your vacation, but is there any chance that you could come back early?”


“I’ll make it up to ya”

Make it up to me? Forty eight hours of pto worked up, and now I have to stop and come back?

“Why what’s going on?”

“Well there’s been a mistake in the schedule, and there’s hardly anyone here?”

“But can’t you –

“No man, no one else is here”

Letting out a sigh he was about to blurt no.

Don’t get fired like that Todd.

“Okay, but you owe me”

“Thanks a lot Todd”

He shook his head.

“There goes my vacation!” He started running in rage back to his apartment.

Chapter 2

Todd arrived at the hardware store. The parking lot was almost full, and he cursed there the nearest parking spot was right next to the entrance of the parking lot.

Wearing his blue jeans and green vest advertising Jake’s Hardware, he walked in. Several groups of people were inside.

“Hey, Todd!”

Walking over he noticed the same couple from the day earlier, in a grouchy mood.

“Could you help this gentleman out. He’s wanting a spare key made”

“Sure Jake”

Walking over to the machine, he introduced himself to the customer who was impatiently waiting.

“I’ve been waiting hear for a half hour straight!”

Sure you have. He didn’t dare say it. He might be liable to get fired for being rude.

“Can I have the key sir?”

Swiftly handing it to him Todd got to work. Five minutes later, the customer yanked the keys from his hands, and walked over to Jake to pay for it.

How inconsiderate. Shaking his head, he still noticed, Frank and Emma were waiting in the paint aisle.

“Can I help you guys?”

Their faces lit up.

“Hey it’s you, uh” Frank read the badge. “Todd”

“Yeah, small world isn’t it.

“You bet. Say can you help us out. We’re trying to find the right kind of color that would fit our kitchen”

“I guess a light yellow tan would work, but I don’t really know what you’re tastes are though”

“Emma, really likes pink, but I think, red would be better-

“Maroon, or pink Frank”

“Why not Burgundy?”

The two looked at each other and nodded.

“Sure Todd. Hey, thanks for the help”

“Don’t mention it. Hey say uh,-

He wanted to give Frank his advice about marriage again; however decided against it. Now what do I say.


“Good luck with the paint job”

“Haha, yeah, thanks man!”

Slapping his shoulder the two walked away after grabbing their paint.

Later that afternoon, when the business was closing down for the day, Todd was checking inventory throughout the aisles.

“Hey Todd, I appreciate you helping me out. I just don’t like being here alone when there’s a group like that. Especially when I have to open the register”

“No problem Jake”

“I want to make it up to you”


“Take a couple of days off. It’ll be a full shift, the next couple of days”

Better check who’s taking care of schedule. Todd quickly shook that out of his mind.

Jake gave him a funny look.

“Oh. It was just a stupid thought”

“Oh, okay. Well, enjoy the rest of your vacation friend”

“I sure will”

He’d just opened the door to his apartment when he head Emma, and Frank at it again.

“Why can’t I just paint this corner!?”

“Because I need to roll the ceiling yet!”

“I’m only trying to help-

“The paint will only get on the paint after I roll it-

“You always think you’re in charge don’t you?

“Come on Emma, I’m just trying to paint, so we can move onto the walls-

“Yeah right, you always want; to tell me what to do! Emma, why can’t you get a real job? Emma why can’t you stop the schemes? Give me a break!”


A few minutes later he heard the door slam.

He heard Frank curse, and he shook his head. Getting out left over pizza he turned on the television to an animal show about a vet going to farms, and ranches, to take care of the animals. An advertisement came up. It showed a couple in an argument. There was a man walking past who shook his head in grief. Not knowing how to help. The name of the company appeared on the screen that didn’t mean much. Todd could really relate with that commercial.

“That’s a coincidence.”

Getting up from the couch, he pitched the paper plate. There were a few magazines on the island in the kitchen he’d left open. A couple was wildlife, and the third one was wellness, showing a picture of a man in the wild outfitted with a backpack, dressed in camo. The bold letters read: Dare to believe.

He flipped the pages. The next page opened was no picture, except, Speak Out.

Hearing the sliding door to the overhang slam shut he immediately went outside.

“Hey Frank?”

Frank had to peer over the edge to look down at him.


Taking a deep breath, Todd, finally mounted the courage.

“I used to be married. I know I should mind my own business but-

“Well you ought to!”

“Just hear me out!”


Taking in a quick breath he started.

“Life is too short, to keep on fighting. I said somethings that were really not smart. Things that broke up the marriage and that I now regret. Just-

He didn’t know what else to say.

“Just try to have understanding of where she’s coming from. You might regret it later on like I did”

Frank looked away.

“Thanks. I. It’s just hard man”

“I know. If you just give her a chance, or at least be a bit more understanding of where she’s coming-

“I got it buddy. Thanks”

Frank disappeared when he heard the door slam shut from the hallway upstairs.

Things were quite the rest of the evening as Todd watched his program.

The following morning Todd was walking down to the first floor. spotting Frank, and Emma walking outside he called out.


They both looked back and waived. Emma turned around, when Frank gave him a thumb up, and a wink.

Nodding, Todd walking in the opposite direction, and began his jog.

January 12, 2021 12:51

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1 comment

B Easton
17:07 Jan 22, 2021

Great story. I think you did a really good job of establishing the characters!


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