Amoris Cultro Blvd.

Submitted into Contest #66 in response to: Write about a contest with life or death stakes.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult

I can see my breath, but I don't feel cold, even though my clothes are ripped and soaked. I don’t know where I am, but this place feels familiar. The cobble stone streets filling up with rain, and old buildings with their signs fading away with every drop. My long hair starts feeling heavier with every minute; I need to get out of the street. I fear I wont make it to wherever I'm supposed to go. “Smack”. The back of my head and spine hit the brick wall behind me so hard I’m no longer holding myself up anymore. I don't see his eyes, his floppy dark hair is sticking to his face from the rain. He’s wearing dark clothes and has a belt with weapons. My breath slows as his arms press harder and harder against my throat. My stomach stings in agony. He’s slowly coming out of focus, why is everything so blurry. Finally I look down and see he's stabbed me in the stomach. The blood runs down my clothes, bringing a certain warmth to my body. All I see is darkness, am I dead? how did I get here? who am I? “Ahhh” I wake in a cold sweat. Clutching my stomach and gasping for air, I realize I'm okay, I'm not hurt, and I’m not dead. It was a nightmare. 

“Knock knock”

“Who’s there?” I grab the gun from my bedside table. 

“Its me James, are you okay?” I could feel him leaning on the door, I know he wants to come in, but I don't know if I should let him.

“Im fine” I know I didn't sound convincing, but it was enough for him to walk back to his room. I don't know why I keep having this nightmare, over and over again. It feels so real, and I can never see the face behind the knife. What is it all supposed to mean? 

“Evr’ybody Up!!!” said the captain out in the hall. I could hear the shuffle of people opening and closing doors in the hallway. Everybody at the academy knew the drill. We have to know the drill. We are the people who have been chosen for a secret government operation. Now for the most important question of the day, what do I wear? When I open my drawer to decide what shirt to wear, I struggle with a difficult choice. 

“Should I wear the grey t-shirt or the other grey t-shirt?” I say out loud, though no one else is here to care. I look to my desk and ask the lamp “Thoughts?” The lamp remains lifeless, I smile. “Grey it is!” I grab the shirt to the right, and with it a picture falls out. Oh if mom and dad could see me now. A nineteen year old test subject who is being trained to kill. “ Here goes another Tuesday.” I grab a pair of clean pants from the bottom drawer. I turn around fast, as I hear someone banging on the door.

“Get Up! ya lazy bums!, Y'all bett’r come outa ya rooms soon or imma make you do laps!” Im not sure where the captain comes from, but he has an unusual voice. It might have something to do with the scar on his lips. I grab my belt and run out the door. I see I'm the last one out as usual, what a shame. Everybody is already standing tall with their chests up. Who are they kidding? They are children compared to the captain. 

“Today y'all get to go in tha field! No m’ore baby sit’in, I aint hold’n your hand no more!” I guess this means, we finally get our first real mission. “Today will be tha ultimate test! Half of y’all will be continuing the program and the rest of ya won’t know what hit em.” So much for a mission. One more test. I don’t think they will ever tell us that we are truly ready.

“Go see Louis, he’l give ya your assin’ment” This is it, the day we've been training for since we were five. Or at least the day they told us was important. When I open up the envelope from Louis, all I see is the street name Amoris Cultro Blvd. Followed by “Good luck”.

“Those of you who have a street name come with me, those of you who have a time of day go with Captain Smith.” Ive never seen Louis look so worried before when giving orders. While I shuffled to one side of the hall with the others, I saw James walking the other way. He looked back and gave me that simple smile, the smile that said, goodbye. His floppy black hair always getting in the way of his eyes. Maybe one day I'll see him again on a mission, maybe not, all I know is I'm going to miss his stupid jokes. Now I wish I’d let him in last night, at least for one last embrace. “Amber!!!” I heard James scream in terror, but it was too late, his face was the last thing I saw before someone put a hood over my head and stuck a needle in my side. within seconds I fell unconscious.  

I opened and closed my eyes trying to focus on the things around me. Im soaked to the bone, and I can feel the raindrops covering me, holding me down to the street. There’s blood running down the cobble stones and soon I realize it’s coming from me. I wipe my mouth and wince in pain. There is a cut running down my cheek to my lips. My clothes are torn and its dark outside. I use the wall beside me to help me get to my feet. The street sign says Amoris Cultro Blvd. “I guess I'm in the right place after all huh?” I chuckle to myself, almost coughing out blood. I look down the street and see old buildings that are probably abandoned and logos being washed away in the rain. Why does this place feel so familiar to me? I know I've been here before. “Smack” Im pinned up to the brick wall. “Stop!” I yell. “Please don’t kill me!” When I look up, I see the boy I've been having nightmares about. “Who are you!” I want to see his face. He pushes his hair out of his eyes. “James” I gasp, how did I not see it before. I feel his arms pressing against me and I look into his eyes. “James you don't have to do this! Please James, it’s me! I love you!” My tears are blending in with the rain running down my face. “I love you Amber, but if I don't do it, you will. I don't want you to have to live with the guilt forever. It's the last test before becoming a real agent. I promise I'll do everything right from now on, I promise Amber! I’ll be good! I promise!” He’s crying now too. “Im sorry James, I'm not ready to die today.” I grabbed the knife from his pocket and plunged it into his heart. I saw the life drain from his eyes as we both sank to the ground. “IT’S NOT FAIR!” I yell. They could have paired me with anyone else. Though I guess no one else’s pain would stick with me. I held him in my arms while I sat against the wall in tears. I saw an envelope sticking out of his pocket. I reached for it and read it it out loud. “Its you or her. We gave you the advantage because you show the most promise. However we have been wrong before. Are you ready to take the first step? Here’s your hint. Time of death 9:30pm on Amoris Cultro Blvd. Ready, Set… Kill.”

November 06, 2020 20:43

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