They Are Out to Get Me

Submitted into Contest #252 in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt


Crime Drama Adventure

Last night, I hardly got any sleep.

 It was earlier that day that I became aware that I was being observed as I was working out at my neighborhood gym club. Not watching me in a blatant manner. But in order to keep an eye on me, they are employing secretive tactics. A few fleeting glances in the wall mirrors looking at me. Sly looks at me when they believe I am unaware of what is happening. Yet they seem under the impression that I do not know of their surveillance about them checking my whereabouts.

 Haha, ha-ha, I am not someone who is foolish, yet they believe that I am.

 After completing my usual workout and walking the short distance to my apartment I became conscious that I am being followed.

With the intention of deceiving me once more, they are employing a woman of middle age who is walking an annoyingly yappy small dog. I am able to see her since I have stopped twice to pretend to tie my shoelaces, and I know I am being followed

 She maintains a discreet distance from me, but I am able to see her. Also, I feel that she is focusing her attention on me, even if she is acting as though she is engaged with her dog.

 Right now, I am staying in my apartment. I can view the surrounding area below from my balcony, which overlooks the quadrant. There are crossroads, and gardens, and a portion of the tented night market which are all visible to me from the fifth floor.

 Since the early hours of the morning, a man with a frightening appearance has been loitering close to the main corner, appearing to be focused on his phone while simultaneously  I believe keeping watch for me to leave my location.

 Although the man is wearing a cap and dark glasses, I recognize him as one of those who was slyly peeking at me at the gym yesterday.

 After lingering around for almost an hour, he is eventually replaced by a guy who appears to be very distinct and menacing with a different appearance.

 Hey, I am the type of person that lacks patience.

 In addition, I do not possess the willingness to permit anyone to intimidate or try to put fear me. It is a serious form of stalking, to put it mildly, to be watched and followed by unknown individuals.

That is something that I will not tolerate at all.

I pull a loaded pistol from the medical compartment of my closet, which I have been keeping for some time. Immediately, I am ready to make use of it without any mercy. I prepare myself to confront these criminals, villains, or whatever they are by placing the gun inside the pocket of my jacket and getting ready to go outdoors.

 Phone calls to anyone, even the police, will not accomplish anything at all.

 Throughout our lives, we are frequently required to carry out significant tasks on our own and without assistance.

 As an alternative to taking the elevator, I use the stairs leading down to the exit. Wearing a face mask, goggles, and motorbike helmet I make my way down the stairs.

As I descend to the fourth floor, I do so in a steady and self-assured manner, resolutely refusing to give any individuals the opportunity to attempt to intimidate me or fear me to death

 Who could possibly be the source of all of this worry for me?

I am pondering this question over and over again. It's not my ex-wife because we divorced many years ago and have maintained a cordial relationship ever since. In any case, she and her new spouse have relocated to a different country.

 Yet, hold on. I have always had a skepticism regarding her brother. Unusually, he would always look at me in a peculiar manner. It's possible that the brother is the one responsible for this.

 As I make my way down to the third floor, I find myself asking 'Maybe it is because of my previous work that I am being treated in this manner?' But then I remember that everything was going well in my firm, and I sold it to a respectable company that has demonstrated that it is comprised of trustworthy personnel. This company has taken over my business and has managed to keep it operating well.

But one of the new directors was frequently really odd and would treat me poorly. Could it be that he is now up to no good?

 When I finally make it to the third level, I inspect the revolver concealed in my jacket. I am walking slowly but diligently. The use of it is to protect myself and get rid of this menace to myself which is something that I am completely ready to do.

 I can't help but think if some of my close pals are plotting anything against me. So, who might it possibly be? Is it my new girlfriend Emily? Is she doing this?

 However, despite the fact that I am not the easiest person to get along with, she has demonstrated a great deal of patience and understanding toward me, so surely not her.

 My thoughts continue to wonder who the person is who is causing me this discomfort as I make my way down to the second level. It is possible that none of my pals have any resentment toward me; however, it is also equally possible that they have reached a point where they have had enough of me as a group. And are conspiring against me.

At this point, I have reached both the first floor and the ground floor, and as I leave the building, I am able to see from not so far, or at least it appears that I can see, the creepy individual who was outside earlier and who was also watching me at the gym the day before. He is walking in my direction.

 He has a fixed gaze on his face. As he gets closer to me, I put my hand in my pocket to grab my gun.

 To prevent him from killing me, I will have to shoot him in the head. If I don't, he will kill me. At the same moment that I am ready to pull out my gun and fire it at the creepy one, my phone rings. It rings quite loudly, as if it were trying to snap me out of a trance. Instead of the firearm, I pull out my mobile device and hear the call which says:

"This is Nurse Emily Please do not forget to take your medication,"

 Oh, my goodness:

I forgot to take my medications for today! 

The creepy person then walks by me without giving me a second look. I was able to tell then that he was not the person who was in the gym. Furthermore, he is wearing a uniform from the local government, which indicates that he was on duty ensuring that the fire hydrant at the intersection was functioning properly. Suddenly, it occurs to me that perhaps I have made a mistake in my decision. I slump down seated on the nearby pavement. Fortunately, I am in possession of my medication which was in my jacket all the time, and I gobble it down and then realize that I have no gun and probably there never was one.

 When I finally start to appreciate what's going on, I'm holding my head in my hands. My mind seems unable or unwilling to distinguish reality from fantasy and obsession.

I pause for several moments contemplating everything. 

Suddenly a light goes on in my head:

 Is Nurse Emily attempting to poison me?

May 31, 2024 01:24

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