Written in response to: Write a story about an afternoon picnic gone wrong.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Drama

Jez was a landlord and farmer in Rubi Isle on planet Tellus. He had married but his wife had predeceased him. He was contemplating marrying again. Jez would visit the tavern run by Chumsi, a middle aged woman. That evening Jez was at the tavern with Chumsi sitting near him as he sipped his drink. In the course of talk Jez said “Chumsi I’m looking for a woman to marry.”

Chumsi asked “Why did you wait so long for it? You lost your wife over a year ago if I’m right.”

“Yes. I wanted to remain a widower but then I had second thoughts.”

“You’re about 30. You’re financially well off. I’m sure there would be many women for you to choose from.”

He nodded. After some thought, he said “I would like a woman with experience in managing a business or an estate. That would help me.”

Chumsi thought a little and said “You’ve heard of Gizma the....”

He said “The woman who owns the big fish market?”


“I’ve have heard of her.”

“She would suit you well. Gizma is a widow. She was married to a boat service owner who disappeared. She must be around 27 or so and has become a very good manager.”

“I’ve heard that her husband was drowned after the ship he had been travelling in was attacked by a whale.”

“Correct. It had happened almost two years ago. She hasn’t married again. She would suit you very well. She is a good-looking and is fair tall and slim with a big pile of hair on her head. You could also think of progeny. I can arrange for you to meet her if she is willing to get married again. But remember she is very intelligent and choosy and very determined at that. There’re rumours – I don’t know if they’re to be believed-that she had turned down some suitors without even meeting them.”

“I’m willing to consider her.”

“Give me a few days so that I could talk to her. You’ll be lucky if you could land her.”

The following week Chumsi met Jez and said “I met Gizma and spoke to her. She said she is no hurry to marry again. I proposed your name and she wanted full details about you. I gave her your background and circumstances and she said she was willing to consider you.”

Jez listened.

Chumsi continued “I suggest you meet her during day time so that you’re both satisfied with physical appearances.”


“If I may suggest it, you could meet in the park near here. I’ll arrange to supply lunch. I’ll talk to her again and find a suitable date for the meeting. The park would be empty around midday.”

Jez agreed to the suggestion. Chumsi immediately took action and Gizma and Jez were scheduled to meet in the park for lunch a couple of days later. Chumsi said “I’ll bring her to the park myself and introduce her to you.”

Gizma readied herself to meet Jez. She had heard of him but had never seen him. She had been told he was tall slim and fair and looked athletic with a head full of hair neatly combed. She knew he was rich but it didn’t bother her as she had enough wealth left to her by her husband. Jez was waiting for her when Gizma was led there by Chumsi. She introduced Gizma to Jez and said “You can now talk. Lunch will be served to you wherever you’re in the park. I’ll leave you now as I’ve to stock up liquor for the evening. Before I leave I’ll suggest you take cold fruit drinks to overcome this heat.”

The suggestion was accepted and one of the women bearers of Chumsi immediately served the drinks and left with Chumsi.

The park had been developed by a professional and was well planned and maintained. Jez and Gizma found a shady nook under a tree on the grass and settled on a carpet which Chumsi had thoughtfully provided. A kitten now passed that way and Gizma held it and fondled it.

She said “I love cats.”

Jez said “I largely detest having animals around. I particularly detest cats due to the prolonged and loud noises they make when they find a mate.”

Gizma laughed and said “You’ve to understand the reason. The female feels the pain as the tomcat withdraws something enlarged and thorny. My witch doctor explained it to me. The species has that  suffering to procreate.”

“I’m glad it doesn’t happen to humans. I’m sure you’ll agree.”

“Are you asking if I enjoy it? I won’t answer. It should be found out by the partner.”

He laughed and said “I’m sure you know I was married.”

“Yes. You had a wife.”

He asked “Shall we change the topic?”

“Of course! Haven’t we met here to find out if we suit each other? Did your late husband like cats?”

‘He also enjoyed playing with cats.” The kitten now slipped out of her arms and went its way.

As they conversed they moved close to each other and he took her in arms. He had his hand on her lap above the skirt and said “I love the feel.”

She whispered “Higher.”

He raised his voice and said “I love the feel” and she laughed. Was the laugh derisive he wondered.

She said “You’re slow. You didn’t follow instructions.”

He realised his folly.

She asked “If you were to run into a Gogo or its female spirit Inin and were told you would be granted what you sought what would you seek?”

“Enough gold to last me till my life’s end.”

“You won’t ask for a woman like me to be your wife?”

He hung his head.

She asked “Is it possible for a woman to be wed to the same man for say 10 years?”


“You’re wrong. After being with her he isn’t the same any more.”

“What do you think of wisdom?”

“It comes with old age. But who will be attracted to an old fellow? He would be a failure in the woman’s bed.”

“You’re only thinking of a woman as a sex object. That isn’t a mature comment.”

“No. No! I think the purpose of marriage is to have children and said it.”

Lunch came and they had a lavish meal. Jez and Gizma parted when she said she would convey her decision through Chumsi.

Later Chumsi met Jez and said “I’m sorry to say Gizma has rejected your offer. She gave no reasons.”Seeing him crestfallen she hastened to add “Don’t worry. I’ll arrange another equally good woman for you to wed.”

Jez was hurt but Chumsi’s words were consoling.”


Would you mlike one more snack?”

He said “Certainly ass it’s extremely tasty>’

Gizma said “I’ve brought one of my preparations in this bag. Try it.”

He said “Thanks” and taking one bit into it. He said “Its taste is excesllent. Did you prepare it ypourself?”


March 21, 2022 04:19

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