Teens & Young Adult

The palace was a work of art. The external building was eggshell white with pastel blue trim. At over three hundred feet across the front and extending three hundred fifty feet in length, it was an imposing structure. It contained dozens and dozens of bedrooms, offices, and conference rooms. The 25 acre estate sat high on a hill overlooking a beautiful forest. The grounds were immaculate, with a maintenance crew that toiled to keep them in pristine order. Ever present staff attended to every detail of privileged life inside the palace.

Thomas was standing on the balcony outside the palace great room looking down at the unruly crowd shouting about burning it down. Someone from the crowd threw a tomato, barely missing his head and landing with a sick splat against the wall behind him. As he dodged the tomato, he awoke with a start.

These so-called nightmares had been depriving him of a good night's sleep ever since his brother had tried to strong arm him into joining his little gang that had been harassing the townspeople at night. Vicious rumors were also circulating about the gang's unsavory behavior concerning sexual abuse. His brother Richard had made thinly veiled threats against his life if he spoke to anyone about any of this. Thomas had no idea how serious the threats were, but he didn't want to find out.

Thomas wanted nothing more than to get away from this mess. In his 18 years, he knew his royal family tended to "take care" of matters such as these privately, with muted discussions with important leaders of the community and, although he couldn't prove it, he assumed money crossed palms in exchange for silence. He had seen tense matters like these over the years get "swept under the rug" and knew he didn't want to be part of a family that allowed other royals to act like this and pay virtually no consequences. He was sick of the way his family handled these matters, sick of the shame that he felt, and sick of living in a type of modern day "slavery" with all the strict rules. Yes, he loved his family, but he couldn't and wouldn't take it any longer.

He had thought about these law breaking scenarios when he began his senior year in high school. He had unintentionally provoked the unspoken ire of his mother and father when he had elected to take courses in Epicurean philosophy. The courses awakened a new thought process in him and made him question his existence and everything around him. Why do I, or my family, need all these trappings of royal life? Does my family need a palace? Why does this family need another person at their beck and call? Why do I need to follow antiquated rules of behavior, i.e., not being allowed to wear sweat shirts or sweat pants; not being able to vote or speak publicly about political matters; or not being able to speak without permission? And more and more questions popped into his head with each passing day. But more importantly for Thomas. the courses served as an incubator, hatching an idea in his head. He wanted to get away, not only from his family, but from the idiotic escapades of his brother.

Thomas had graduated and knew that if he didn't act now, he would probably lose his nerve. He actually had to schedule a time and date to speak with his parents since they both had busy calendars, including but not limited to, personal appearances, charity fund raising activities, and endorsing businesses.

He and his parents met in a private room just off the main ballroom. Thomas had been looking forward to this discussion as well as dreading it. He had pre-packed a large trunk with clothing and the necessities he knew he would need to start a new life, and this discussion with his parents, in his mind, was a mere formality.

"You can't leave!" his father bellowed after Thomas revealed his desire to do so. "Think of how this will disgrace our family! You have certain responsibilities to this family and country that you cannot abandon! I cannot fathom your desire to leave such a life! And whatever for? Is it a woman? Is it, like you've said, to have more freedom? Please explain to me so that I may understand."

"My brother has vowed to kill me Father!" His mother gasped. "And I cannot stay here knowing he and his rowdy friends are running around the city acting like fools. And you and mother don't seem to take any of this seriously!'

His mother hung her head and cradled it in her hands.

Thomas continued, "As in the past, you magically make things go away. You give discreet appointments to certain people or grease a few palms to ensure their sealed lips. I will not have it! I have reached the age of consent and cannot remain here any longer! My bags are packed and I am leaving posthaste!" Thomas stood up to leave.

"Not so fast young man," his father replied. "How dare you question the procedures this family utilizes to resolve problems! However, if you are serious about abandoning this family, you will do so by following our instructions. Now sit down!" Thomas had never seen his father so stern and was glad that this matter had been broached. He sat down with a loud sigh.

His father resumed. "Number one, if you are dead set on completing this, this desertion, you will accomplish the deed all on your own. You will not utilize any of the palace transportation no matter where you may go in the world. The palace staff will not assist you in any way. Is this understood?"

"Yes father. I have packed my bags already and have no need of assistance from any of the staff."

"Keep quiet Thomas, I have more to say and will not be interrupted!" his father spat out. "Henceforth, you will make your own way in the world without any financial benefit from us. Your allowance will be terminated. Furthermore, you will no longer be able to use your title as prince, and as such, will no longer be in the line of succession to the throne. Is this understood?"

"Yes father. I only desire to live my life as a normal person."

"A commoner then?" his father cried. "Just what do you think you can do in the world? Yes, you have always been a good student, but you have no skills. How do you honestly think you'll get by with no skills?"

"I will learn what to do father, but I cannot, in good conscience, remain here with the excess, your silence, and my brother's insolence." Thomas stood to leave.

"Charles," his mother pleaded with her husband, "do something!"

"Thomas, one more thing," his father interjected. "You will forever be cut out of the family will should you walk out these doors!"

"Father, I desire to be unshackled from these chains you and mother have bound me in all these years. I'm leaving," and turned and departed. His mother wept.

Thomas walked into the large foyer, picked up the telephone, and called for the palace limousine to drive him to the airport. His father, who had followed him to the foyer, yelled, "No! I laid out the rules for you should you follow this ridiculous notion and I specifically told you that you may not utilize any palace transportation. Find another way to leave and do it quickly!" With that, his father walked out the front door and talked quietly with the limousine driver. The car slowly returned to the palace garage.

Thomas reluctantly called for a hackney, at the same time thinking his idea to leave may have been premature. He quickly dismissed that thought. When the hackney arrived, Thomas struggled to fit his luggage in the vehicle's boot, but managed.

As the hackney drove away, the driver, who recognized Thomas, attempted to engage him in conversation. Thomas was preoccupied and wanted nothing to do with small talk so he reached up and closed the window between himself and the driver. They headed for the air terminal in silence.

Thomas had previously performed relocation research and had decided to settle in Panama, at least until 'things' between him and his family blew over. He had traveled to Panama once with his family years ago and had enjoyed the warm weather and sunshine that Great Britain seemed to lack. He knew he was able to stay there for six months before deciding on any permanent location. And due to a generous monthly allowance, Thomas had saved enough to live comfortably for those six months if needed. But he knew he needed to find a job, sooner or later, in order to survive.

The twelve and a half hour flight to Panama City was particularly draining. Thomas found it difficult to sleep in any moving conveyance and wanted to find a hotel and sleep forever, He was also hungry, but needed to put his trunk in a room before satisfying his hunger.

Finding an affordable hotel room with the recommendation of the taxi driver was a stroke of luck. He had explained that he needed a nice room for a month that wasn't overly expensive. The cabbie was friendly and obviously knew every motel and hotel in the city, as well as some decent places to eat near the hotels.

Thomas hoisted the large trunk out of the taxi after tipping the cabbie and dragged it into the hotel lobby. Since the trunk was large and heavy, he requested a room on the ground floor, but was moderately lucky to find one on the second floor near the stairs. After a struggle getting the trunk up the stairs and depositing it in his room, Thomas took off on foot to quell the grumblings in his stomach.

He found a small but enticing restaurant nearby, named MAR Y TIERRA, with a view of the Pacific Ocean, and ordered a plate of tasty calamari and a large Panamanian beer. The calamari was a personal joke since the family had never been allowed to eat shellfish.

As he ate, he marveled at his courage for actually leaving the opulence. He knew most people would think him crazy for abandoning everything they associated him with. But they didn't get it! In his mind, that sort of structured life sucked everything out of you. There was no challenge, physically or mentally, to help one grow. And it was hard to grow when no effort was required to get anything you wanted. He wanted to prove, at least to himself, that he was a part of humanity, a working part of humanity. And it started by being free!

"This is truly a self-made challenge," he told himself. He had no contacts in Panama to make life easier for him and he, for sure, wasn't going to use his family name! "For the first time in my life, I'm actually taking chances and solely making choices," he thought to himself. He told himself to think objectively about the essentials that were needed in his current culture, and most important to him was language. He assumed that with as many American and English speaking people there were in Panama, there would be public classes held somewhere teaching Castilian Spanish.

"Okay, this is s good start," he told himself. "Let's add to it."

He knew that being able to move from one location to another was a given, thus he needed to purchase a motor vehicle. He didn't want to use a significant portion of his savings purchasing a new vehicle, so he decided to purchase a pre-owned vehicle.

"Okay," he told himself, "now comes the hard part. I need to find a suitable occupation. My savings won't last forever.." He reminded himself to get a newspaper and start there. "Heck, I may even find everything I need in that newspaper."

Thomas had taken all the required academic courses to graduate the 12th grade. He had completed four years of French lessons, but had taken no business courses. It would take some reasoning with himself to decide the correct path of employment to take.

"But right now, I'm going to enjoy that spectacular sunset," he thought to himself as he took a good long pull from his beer.

After dinner, he caught a cab. He chatted up the cabbie about purchasing a reliable pre-owned vehicle. He figured if anyone knows about vehicles, cabbies would be an excellent source of knowledge about where to go, what to buy, and what to pay.

Thomas slept until noon the next day, but awoke in a good mood. After showering and dressing, he went to the front desk and bought a newspaper. He wanted to see the town and knew of no better way to accomplish that than by walking. And if he found a place for brunch, that would be great! He found a place within the block.

Thomas perused the newspaper he purchased at the hotel and found an advertisement for English speaking persons desiring to learn Spanish. He circled it and when the waitress came by, asked her for directions. Since it was only eight blocks away, he walked. He was glad he had worn comfortable clothing and shoes and hoped his appearance was appropriate.

Senorita Veronica Garcia worked as the facility language advisor for immigrants and fellow Panamanians. She obtained her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Panama.

Speech programs were a viable form of occupation in Panama City, and with her degrees and her lifelong knowledge of Castilian Spanish, the job was a natural fit. And she loved her job, most notably when seeing English speaking people out and about in Panama having a good time, especially when they would walk up to her and express their thanks.

Her secretary buzzed her and told her a possible client was in the waiting room. "And he's cute too!" she added.

Veronica finished reading the latest article in her language arts periodical , then reached over and punched her intercom button. "Alessa, please send him in."

Alessa stood and said, "Right this way sir."

Thomas stood and followed her to the door. He knocked and heard a distinctly feminine, "Come in."

"Hello. I am Senorita Veronica Garcia and this is the Panama Institute of Language Arts. How may I help you?"

"Uh, yes, Ms. Garcia," Thomas began. "I recently arrived here from Great Britain and desire to learn to speak the language. Is that possible at your facility?"

Veronica's knees went weak. Hearing an English man speak always awakened the butterflies in her stomach. "Why yes, yes, we can provide that service for you. We hold classes for non-working people from 8 o'clock in the morning till noon and for working people from 6 p.m. till 10 p.m. Here's a brochure with all our information. You can take it with you."

Veronica had no idea what she just told this young man standing in front of her. The wheels in her head wouldn't stop turning!

"Miss, miss, are you alright? Should I call for some assistance?" she heard someone say in a British accent.

Veronica swallowed and blinked hard and focused her vision on Thomas, who was standing so close she could smell his cologne. "No, no, I don't need any assistance. Now where were we?" Veronica wanted to ask a thousand questions just to hear him talk.

"You were explaining your facility hours to me, then kind of lost focus for a second," Thomas explained.

Veronica was so embarrassed, so she knew she needed to come up with something believable. "I'm so sorry you had to see that. I get occasional stomach pains that almost take my breath away," she lied.

"Oh, then, I'm so sorry for asking. Please forgive me," Thomas sputtered.

"It's alright, no problem." Veronica finally regained her composure. "Alright then, are you interested in starting right away or will you need some time to think about it?"

Thomas could not believe his good luck! He had been in Panama for less than 24 hours and had already met a gorgeous woman. And she was going to make his life easier by teaching him the local language. But above all, she was so attractive that the decision was one of the easiest he had ever made in his life.

"I want to start right away, if that's possible," he told her. "Do you also teach?" he wanted to know.

Veronica's face lit up when she heard that question. She looked up from her desk and said, "Why yes, I do. I teach every other night from 6 p.m. until 10 o'clock or so."

"Fantastic," Thomas said. "Do I need to fill out some papers?"

"Yes you do. Please fill out these forms and bring them to the secretary's office when you've completed them. I'm going to step out for just a minute."

April 08, 2021 22:21

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