Fiction Fantasy Adventure

I always thought dragons weren’t real until one day I discovered something that would change my mind and my life.

It started with me doing what do best, guarding an important relic that is pretty much the most powerful thing in the world from thief’s, madmen and anyone who disturbs the peace. I had temporarily left my post for a quick look around the other areas of my home.

I just recently found a mural containing creatures that look a lot like dragons sprawled all over and wondered about it for a while. Strange writing underneath intrigued me as I could only loosely translate what they said.

“I am the fire, burning bright”

“I am the air, flying free”

“I am the water, flowing change”

“I am the earth, standing tall”

The last inscription was too worn for me to read on the fifth dragon creature due to age. I started to wonder though: Are they as real as we think they are? If so, how long have people gone without knowing that these creatures exist?

Supposedly, there was a group of people before called the dragon people who had once tamed these beasts... But that was just a story told and passed down through legends and myths. There are no such thing as dragons... Are there?

I pondered this as head back to my post. The relic still glimmered with a beautiful sheen as I sat down on the step, letting out an exasperated sigh. I was still unsure of the mural. Someone was definitely trying to communicate that these were not just myths and legends, they may have been real creatures. I wondered if the previous mural designers really did see the magnificent creatures and captured their likeness or, like me, it was just something to listen to over a wood fire.

The air around me picked up and the grass started to move in weird patterns. I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the complex patterns before I found myself almost noticing a dragon like shape in the wind.

I had to double take myself as I noticed this. Was this really the creature I noticed on the mural. I vaguely caught the shape of the beast with its long body and feathered arms and legs as it danced in the wind before disappearing.

I held my head in my hands as I tried to process what I just saw. Yes, it could be but what if spending so much of my time on my own has sent me round the bend. Was I going crazy or was this a sign? Was this something I had to see as a sign of something to come? Or was it that I was truly going crazy stating at the mural so long,  my eyes glazed over, making me hallucinate? It could be just that. I close my eyes for a moment before feeling myself curl on the step in slumber.

A blurred image of a dragon creature appeared in my mind, this time heavily armoured and red. In its mouth, a streak of fire burned before startling me awake as it fired this torpedo towards me.

I wake up, breathing heavy and covered my head again, deep in thought as I tried to calm myself down. I must know what is going on to make me think like this. I felt a presence of something powerful before a bluster of wind picked up again and I felt something in the wind. That same presence propelling me to go to it.

I asked some friends with they could come along to see where this presence was as we took a ride in a biplane to a fielded area on a moan island. The presence was a lot stronger this time as I went ahead of my friends and followed a small pathway before they could follow me. I saw the outline of a creature that seemed to be following me as it guided me to a large field.


The creatures themselves danced and played in the long grass and meadows, in a variety of colours. Some showed what they could do and I found myself surprised that many of them did not breath fire. Some were covered in brown scales, other colourful and bright greens and pinks. They appeared to have magnificent crests decorating their heads. This was an amazing find! I went to find my friends and explained to them what had happened.

They laughed at me. I felt angry that they laughed because this time, I was not hallucinating. I guided them to the large field only to find that it was empty, making my friends laugh more at this misconception. I felt my anger boil but remained composed as I clearly saw the dragon creatures appear again. This time, one of my friends noticed them, prompting him to tell the other to look.

It was silent between us as we watched the creatures dance and play in the meadow for a while. As we did, I kept thinking back to the mural and tried to see if any of them represented the creatures on the mural. It was unfortunate that I couldn’t find them. Some looked similar to one of them but they were not the right one. was until it started to dark the sky was when we headed back home.

The relic was safe still as I said my goodbyes to my friends. I sat on the step as I thought back to what had happened that day. To see the legendary dragon creatures up close, watching them play. According to legend, no one has seen them in so many years that they were just names in a book.

I also wondered about the people who supposedly tamed these creatures. Were they also real or just names in a book? Did someone create the mural as story or as the truth. I knew nothing of the answer but one thing was for sure.

I believe that dragons exist.

July 28, 2023 18:50

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