
Written in response to: Set your story beyond our own world.... view prompt


Fantasy Romance Sad

Her pale, teal green hand softly polished the tip of her rosy nose in a nervous twitch; gently she ran her hand down her leafy cheek, down her neck and placed her hand gently on the back of her shoulders. Against her warm fingers she suddenly felt the crisp, cold touch of his palm; steam seemed to precipitate off of their connection. Her bright, swimming, blue eyes glanced behind to see his figure hanging there like a branch of mistletoe.

His hair was love letter white, with dollops of whipped cream curling over his forehead, as if he were a delicious treat. His frozen, pale blue skin sparkled like snowflakes in the morning winter breeze, but his smile is what really shone; dazzling bleached teeth, pointy like small castle turrets, poked out over his midnight sky lips in an endearing grin. His whole body was made of sharp corners, his angular stature was almost like the frost that covered the roses before the winter invaded.

He knelt his knee down next to her thigh, in the luscious green grass, and swooped down beside her with his hand still on hers. Spring’s eyes never left Winter’s as they stared into the endless depths of their immortality. Winter took her hand down from her shoulder blades, as his hand brushed her neck, she felt as weak as a blade of grass, gushing in the wintery breeze. With this he bestowed a small kiss in her hand.

The kiss was beautiful. Small as a periwinkle, fragile as pollen, and cold as snow. She held it in her pale green hands and watched as it seeped into her skin, melting into her like butter on hot toast. Spring’s forest emerald locks flickered in the wind like a candle flame, she felt chilly for the first time.

With her newly moist hand she stroked his face and held it in her palm. A snow globe. Her whole world. Swiftly, he rhythmically swooped his arm around her back and held her in his embrace, he held her and squeezed her with all the love he could muster. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach break free from their cocoons and flutter around in time with her racing heartbeat which sang the song of her passion and devotion. His hand around her back, rubbed her shoulder to generate warmth. It was getting cold.

They leant their heads together and watched as the great, golden orb in the sky began to droop from the long day. Winter watched as the light danced in Spring’s eyes from the reflections in the pond before them, the ripples created reflections in her eyes, like beautiful mosaics of her story. Of their story. He felt her ear against the side of his face, her pointy elven ear, which had roses wrapped around them like little wreaths.

Spring felt him turn to place his mouth on the lobe of her ear. Small blueberries began to grow in her chest, she felt the bubbling sensation rise in her. His crisp lips came ever so close, and he whispered in a crackling voice, like an open fire “I will shower you with my kisses, my love”

Suddenly, Spring’s neck jolted backwards in an enthusiastic spasm of affection, she grabbed his face once more in her hands and placed her lips against his and they close around each other like rose petals enveloping each other. His dry, frosty mouth stark against her soft, supple, dewy, lips and yet it was the perfect balance of bittersweet. As she pulled away she felt her smooth curved body begin to stiffen.

Winter stood up and clasper her body in his tight grip. He walked with her body through the glade she had perched in. Spring could feel his heart beating in his chest against her cheek, like a chorus which harmonized with hers. Her song began its bridge, she could feel the notes peak and reach a climax. He placed her down in the middle of a ring of trees, filled with blood red apples.

She looked up at his face, her eyes beginning to feel heavy. Her green hair began to cover with a beautiful white dust that freckled over her cheeks and spread over her body like a cold hug. She was becoming enclosed in the frost that was coming. She was almost out of time. Down Winter knelt beside her once more, lay his head next to hers and whispered a cold breathe in her ear one last time.

“I will see you soon my love”

And with that Spring closed her eyes and became frozen in place. The rosy, red apples died as her rosy, red nose glazed over, the olive green leaves fell off their trees as her dark green hair became ice and the rushing blue water froze as her eyes closed.

Winter let a small frozen tear edge down his face. Another season gone alone. One day a year would they be awake together and one day a year must he see her beautiful sapphire eyes close around her soul. He must brave the cold season by himself, but he still felt the warm touch of her plump lips against his like a long-lasting sticky sap that tasted sweet when he thought of her.

Winter stood up and looked around him. Frost. Death. Solitude. He needed her life. He needed to let her know that there was still hope for them, even if she was in a deep slumber. With that, he blew a kiss into the air. It multiplied before his eyes and soon the kisses were falling from the sky like little frozen stars.

“I promised I would shower you in my kisses, my Love, these are for you. To show you that in the absence of life and warmth, that beauty can still blossom, and these blossoms are born out of my love for you.”

With that Winter left her side. These kisses fell down until they covered Spring and to the rest of the world she was forgotten, left behind in the past while Winter ruled. But to Winter, Spring was always the future.

February 18, 2022 18:07

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