American Bedtime Creative Nonfiction

Chapter 2.

The Night terror for Baby chics.

I was looking out my window last night & guess what? Well , If, you just signed on! I will fill you in for free this time... if you miss chapter, after this i’m sorry about your luck.. catch up if you can!! Or sorry about your luck! A Family of three, move into a country home, during a lockdown Covid pandemic evicted from last residence because we didn’t want to buy the house the fathers dead mother was renting; they had moved in during the last two years other mothers, grandmothers life That came down, with double pneumonia just like her daughter 2 years before 2018. The grandson born 2019, grand mother dies, January 4, 2021. Double pneumonia not Covid from the Philippines, & China Airlines in November 2019, at the Filipino American Church.

Anyway lots of death in a short period of time with one new life. The eviction happened, because the father wasn’t on the lease and they didn’t want to buy the house his mother died in.

On to the New country home: starts with a garden, pesky varmints and insects... compost of house rubbish, that brought in the cats, Raccoons, & because of a roadkill deer the coyotes and foxes.

Father built primitive archery bows, so he was familiar with hunting, just getting too old to do so. Over the first winner the cats and the Coons wasn’t so much of a problem besides getting into the trash, and garbage. Over the winter population of cats begin to accumulate. There was a black panther California, A cat from France, A cat from Spain, A Siamese cat from Asia, The Garfield cat, & and finally the Gray. All of them mobsters and had their own clicks from the fancy neighborhood down the road the cats with a good homes they came out to help them do damage otherwise they would have to stay in the house. The alley mobster cats what is the organ grinders that put the cats to work.

It is like a prison, The cat world, in the wild world, in a team world, & backstabbing world. Yes the world of cats is like a prison the pecking order of the yard, it’s just like any other pecking order the top dog is always being challenged in a matriarch system, cats are like hyenas, when it comes to mobish behavior.

The raccoons on the other hand, they are like partisan terrorist, that are so grandfathered in: like ants they never die. The coyotes and foxes, are also covert espionage intelligence counter intelligence Unabomber groups! And I’m not kidding! Organized counter organized individualize partisan terrorist groups functioning as units, solo, suicidal, army of Natural discord, on the human level.

That Very first spring, the hard ground, previously tilled, with irrigation, drainage, although unfortunately still a large number of chipmunks return to eat seed & dig holes. The cats chased the first group away, no sooner than the father brought home 24 variety baby chicks. He soon built tracker cages out of two old boxspring beds that he broke down and scrap the spring & kept the box frames. He wrapped chicken wire around them with some legs on it and some wheels, : There you have it two full-size rolling chick in tracter cages ready to fertilize and utilize vegetation ,revegetation shade foliage that survived ground for the deer that never came & flowered in full bud after a long winter. It’s soil came from brush poison ivy poison oak, like choak style yah? All burned off last summer, & dug out like peat moss privileged to those not allergic to poison ivy. Soil on the move to planned garden locations. Was a nice pine peat moss broken down by ants, carpenter ants! History of ants on this plantation but that’s another story!? just a hint of what I’m talking about....They are a Viet Kong Charlie type dug in like a ticks, thousands of years kind of carpenter black ant! With divisions on divisions of heritage on the field soybean field on the adjacent property .... feeding on the wild blackberries for generations creating a subway down a property tree line taking care of the pine trees and killing them !

total annihilation of them had to commence !!!! New division brought in from the other side of the field daily. See you in a crossbred black brown and emerged since the little small ants can not be stopped or slowed down easily with a 2 year old learning how to eat & hides food & bottles like a dog does a bone.

The new foliage left The previous year on the scorching burn fuel removal, reclaim compost, after top peat moss was dug out: flourished over the winter because the deers never came and ate it.. The wind blows the wrong way, & right there, always traffic from the school just across the street. The shade grass, deer grass whatever you wanna call it, full of mustard seeds, Barely, Beans & agrula, chocking any form of the ivy to return. Now, leaving no room for the poison ivy or oak to return.

And you won’t believe what happenEd next!!!! Out the window... baby chix was fussing! Nothing out of the ordinary, they only stop making noise when they sleep. Day chicken head count, well now look a hole. Wow, had like 9 or ten small variety

chics last night. Only one little bird left & one dead one Out of the smallest variety. Plus the little big bird that was sick all week with poop stuck up it’s butt. Sprinkler hose & sqweeze, baby leghorn chic immediately acted better but a week of constipation takes more than a minute to fix. They next day the chic responded better & didn’t look like it was dying, but That that night it was a vicious attack. The little bird that full of shit lived though a Charles Mansion Murder scene, although the skin off its chest was missing & it had a couple of small puncher holes in its gut. Being a bird full of shit saved it’s life for only a day. the crime scene had black panther foot prints & the cats was runung about. The father even gave the lead Gray, cat, a close warning shot with his hickory Louisiana snake backed bow, & the brave cat stood there until the arrow hit right next to it. All evidence looked like the cats was behind this hit but the hole in the hard ground was not a cat regularity. Possible but not probable. The few scratches on the ground are a bit scuffed & soiled. More time to settle & the claw marks will reveal more.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the cats have a rally. It was like a 1960s New York City gang Rumble but for sport not violence Unless called for by the Majority.

jack ass in a miniature pony and then he gets that fertilizer that the jack ass shit any fertilizer in the garden with it and then it just goes on and on

And another paragraph and then I just got a try to get this enough words on here to say this and see if I can work on it to get enough time for us to baby where is my able to breathe years since my mom died and I’m thinking you know since I took care of them both back for about 10 years from 2000 to 2010 and then like we were exposed to some wrong stuff because I can’t breathe my sister had the worst lungs because she smoked really cheap cigars for last 10 years because she’s schizophrenic and crazy mom is crazy and she collect it’s a security and SSI and had strokes and stuff and she had a medical problem is it good cumulated to an old age you know that I’ll and still I try to tell you

I don’t think I have enough words to record yet! Can you give it a shot gonna give it a shotOnly a few hundred more words left it out here in movies chicken trackers in and I actually nothing bothers them in the daytime but it’s at night he just came in my DNA in an ever tell you the story about the chicken that was full of shit and save his life wow that’s a long story and itself maybe will get to it maybe we won’t but pretty unique and that was like the first tragic events he had what we had with a check or a father had with chicken Caesar and third boys in the second voice and so on and so on I’m not playing around either because it just keeps on going to go out to go on and now my phones blanket off like it’s not recording and I only got 250 xxxx

What was that a tri

June 05, 2021 16:55

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