Fright Height on the Mountain

Submitted into Contest #281 in response to: Write a story from the POV of a non-human character.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Fantasy Friendship

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

She has radiant glow with a quickening heartbeat on His view; He is divine. She is observing the church service with an acute listening and ignoring the distraction of people walking to pay their respects. The sense of destiny to believe in His enormous miracles is a huge gift as she knows His monastery since His friend, a Nun discovered His skeleton relics. He is an ethereal essence glowing; He is protecting from the malicious and He is whispering advice with wisdom to the select-one, His friend.

The rumor said that He is a shadowy figure walking around his place. Tailed Flower, a girl, has never seen and believed it, such a wicked rumor. The selected one had this massive blessing, the rumor said.

With a childish firm, determined hand, she rapped sharply on the wooden door, the sound echoing through the quiet place. She opened the door smiling and welcoming. She had quiet and agitated qualities. Tailed Flower, without letting her minor age doubt holding her back, she asked: “What it is here?” With steady eye contact followed Her, to view the skeletons relics in a box. She nodes and smiles saying: “He is sleeping! He lived a life of exemplary virtue and holiness!” And the little girl expressed her respects to the skeleton relics with excitement for her new accidental finding. Tailed Flower was cycling for two half days to find what was on the top of the mountain. Her house was at the foothills of the mountain next to it. The sun was blazing high in the cloudless sky. Breath while cycling was like inhaling from an open oven. The second question Tailed Flower mumbled was: “Do you have a glass of water, please?” She smiled again while she speeded-pacing towards the mountain’s spring. Tailed Flower let the cool water refresh her head and cupped her hands beneath the marble water stream to drink and strengthen her spirit.

Days, months, years pass along seeing this little church turning into a large monastery with one Nun, Her.

Tailed Flower grew teenager and her mum was like: “Would you like to go and she your friend at this monastery?”

The air was thick with the scent of sweat; shoulders jolted; elbows nudged. It was impossible to see Her. Now, it was an enormously famous monastery with many nuns that were antisocial. His icon was almost to every church that Tailed Flower was walking into. She was looking at Him and could not hide her giggling while paying her respects to Him.

Time goes by and times get difficult, so she made a sacred vow to dedicate her PhD journey to Him. She went through challenges, tears, and obstacles. She promised to Him to obtain divine assistance to achieve her academic and career dreams. Her promise was to fast two days per week the meat. The funny is that she always wanted to be veggie, she hates meat and loves bacon. She was born with thalassemia trade - a type of anemia. So, she finally decided while pursuing her PhD work to start fasting the meat.

The mountain rumors claim that this enormously famous place has a mystical connection with His spirit to seek counsel from the spectral, a secret communication saying about the future to faithful people that pay their respects to the Saint, Him. They say: “He is emerging from the thin air gliding silently around in a luminescence dark flowing garment robes and calmingly counseling His friend!” Tailed Flower never believed such a rumor until when …she saw Him. She witnesses the superficial. Her eyes widen in disbelief, while her pupils dilating in the view of the unexpected sight. A sharp, sudden dark figure took off like a bolt of lightning. He was running in front of her, his feet barely skimmed the ground echoing through the morning air. She was following Him while she was cruising down the mountain’s pathway. Gosh! It was the second time seeing Him in real life! The whispers of the rumor had woven their way into reality, unveiling a truth she never imagined possible. She wondered again: “What? Am I going to find myself inexplicably drawn into dialogues with Him, now?” Would she have a bridge to a realm beyond the tangible? She became profoundly unsettled, looking for the comfort of the earthly. So she said giggling: “Go to your home, please!”

The years go by, and the fasting continues, Tailed Flower achieves excellence at her PhD, but her mentors died a year before graduating and she had hard time to find referees to continue her research career journey.  

Months go by and she works on her research at university and predators steal from her university desk for one day the data of her PhD. After two years predator has a team and manages to kidnap Tailed Flower from her flat using drugs that erase memory.

The criminal was extravagantly wealthy, his riches shielding him from the consequences of his actions. His relentless pursuit to ruin her career and it seemed unstoppable, a calculated campaign of destruction. Every move she made, every step towards financial independence through her scientific endeavors, was met with his insidious interference. He knew that her success in science could liberate her and secure a decisive victory, and so he continued his ruthless sabotage without pause.

He erased her professional persona with precision. Her external identity, the one that interacted with colleagues, social media were methodically annihilated. Her reputation was tarnished, networks severed, and opportunities vanished – all through his cunning maneuvers. It was a dual attack; internal and external identity was receiving relentless attacks. All that because he wants to destroy that PhD patent in her research – her scientific dream life, and Tailed Flower’s vow to her Saint.

The astonishing miracle smashed into a shadow, discolored by the unforeseen misfortune. Tailed Flower lost her belief in something that it was once a beacon of hope and it is shattered by the harsh reality of money-power.

So Tailed Flower said to Him with bitter disappointment: “May the seven cups of God’s wrath be poured upon them!” Tailed Flower continues her divine promise until death as she acquired her PhD degree, for which her life lay in ruins, crushed into unrecognizable fragments by the relentless force of misfortune.

December 14, 2024 00:02

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Mary Bendickson
16:33 Dec 16, 2024

I hit like on this but didn't comment. Must have been over my head 😂 Thanks for liking 'Mule Deer...'


Stefania Katz
18:23 Dec 16, 2024

Hi Mary :) thank you:) , and you are more than welcome!


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