The five times he asked me to marry him.

Submitted into Contest #73 in response to: Write about someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve.... view prompt



Kristy Moxley was sitting at her desk working on her latest assignment. Her editor had been in such a hurry to get out the latest news on this new company that just opened she insisted that Kristy work well into the night to the article out before the morning paper was to be sent to the printers. It was the day before Christmas eve and Kristy wishes she were out with her friends getting last minutes gifts or helping her mom get dinner ready for Christmas day. 

Sadly, thought Kristy was stuck in her small Boston apartment working on this crazy assignment. Getting to fix herself yet another cup of coffee. Kristy was startled to hear a knock at her door. Not expecting anyone at eight o'clock the night before Christmas it came as a shock to her. Opening the door, she didn't find anyone standing there instead she found a letter written in amazing Celtic handing writing laying on the matte in front of her door. 

Smiling to herself she picked up the letter she closed the door and walked back inside to her couch. Sitting down she looked at her name written on the outside. Only one person could have written to her and it made her heart swell to think of him. Opening the letter, it read. 

Mo ghraidh Kristy, (My dearest Kristy)

I know you’re working late tonight, and I didn't want to keep you from getting the latest news out to your dragon of a boss. So, I thought I would invite to do something special with me tomorrow night. So, tomorrow night I want you to meet at the first place we met, and I want to ask you something. I will ask you this same question five times. You do not have to answer me until the fifth time I ask you. 

Don't ask me I'm asking you the same question five times. It's something that has been done in my family for years. An so I want to keep the tradition alive. Please join me tomorrow night at eight o'clock where we first met. An remember you don't have to answer the question until the fifth time I ask you. 

All my love, 


Kristy couldn't help the huge grin that was on her face. Liam O'Shannons was her boyfriend and best friend. They'd known each other since they were babies. Liam's parents and Kristy's parents had meet when the O'Shannons when they moved to American from Ireland in the seventies. The two families had gotten along right away and so they'd become best of friends. 

Liam was a bit older the Kristy though by about three years. He'd always been there though whenever she needed someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on or just someone to vent to Liam had always been there. 

As Kristy looked at the letter, she wonders what question he could possibly be going to ask her. All though she had feeling what it was he could be going to ask her. Picking up her cell phone she dialed her mother's number. Her mom picked up on the first ring. 

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” her mom the second she picked up the phone. 

“Why does anything have to be wrong mom? Can’t a daughter just call her mother the night before Christmas eve to talk?” 

“Yes, she can, when that daughter isn’t working on something that apparently is going to get her in the good graces of her boss. So, what is the problem?” 

“Liam sent me this mystery letter telling me to meet him at the first place we met, and he has something he wants to me. Only I’m not allowed to answer him until his asked me at least five time.” 

“Oh, my goodness it couldn’t be. He wouldn’t be, could he?” 

“Do you think he could be mom? I mean didn’t James and Molly say that James had to ask Molly five times before she finally gave in and said yes?” 

“Oh, baby girl if it I’m sure Liam will make it very memorable.” 

“I’m sure he will mom. I’m sure he will.” 

*Christmas Eve* 

Kristy fixed her hair one more time as she finished getting ready to head out to meet up with Liam at his parent’s house. That had been the first place they’d meet. She’d picked out a dark red dress that came down just passed her knees. She’s picked out the small ruby earring and ruby heart necklace her parents had given her for her birthday a few days ago. After leaving her hair in soft ringlets flowing down her back she slipped on her back flats. Grabbing her small purse, she grabbed her keys and left her apartment. 

Kristy didn’t have go far from home the O’Shannons lived just a few blocks from her apartment. Arriving just a few minutes before eight o’clock Kristy went to knock on the door only for Liam to open it and invite her inside before she could even get a word out. 

“Your ma and da not home?” 

“No. They’re off visiting Connor and Annie up in NY for the holidays just you and me.” 

“Okay, so you wanted to us meet here and you wanted to ask me something what did you want to ask me?” 

Liam just grinned. Kristy felt a chill go up her spine at that grin of his. That meant that Liam was up to something. When ever he gave Kristy that half smile, half grin look she knew he was up to something and wasn’t something she was going to like. It was supposed to be a surprise something. Covering her eyes with his hand Liam guided her into the living room. 

“Liam what in the world...?” 

“Just give me a second do not open your eyes when I remove my hand okay.”


Liam led Kristy into the beautiful, decorated living room. Counting to three Liam removed his hand from Kristy’s and she gasped when she saw how the living was decorated just as it had been the night they had meet. The big white fur tree decorated with blue lights and beautiful sliver decorations. A fire roaring and the stocking on the mantel. Kristy smiled as she looked around the room. It was almost as she remembered it all those years ago. Looking around at all the decorations she failed to notice that Liam had gotten down on one knee. Turning Kristy gasped again hands covering her mouth. 

“Oh my god Liam….” 

“Kristy you and I have been best friends since we were young kids. You’re my best friends, the only person in the world who knows everything about me. You would make me the happiest man on earth if you would be my wife.” 

Kristy felt the tears in her eyes trying so hard not to answer the question. He had to ask her four more times until she could answer him. Liam smiled when he saw the smile on her face. He knew in her eyes she wanted to answer him, but she was trying hard not to give him an answer. 

“Alright ready to go to the next place?” 

“Next place?” 

“We are going to each place where we’ve had something happen to us. Each hour until eleven fifty-five I’m going to ask you the same question. That’s when you will answer me okay.” 

“Yeah okay. But where is the last place we are going?” 

“You’ll see when we get to that part.” 


Liam just smiled grabbing his keys off the table and grabbed Kristy’s hand and they headed out. Once in car the two where listening to music and laughing talking about memories of they’re favorite Christmas. When they turned to head towards the harbor. Kristy knew exactly where they were going. To the Boston Tea Party ships and museum. Smiling and shaking her head Kristy couldn’t help glance over at Liam with who was smiling as well. 

Liam pulled into the parking lot and Kristy gasped again. This time it was candles and roses and what looked to be people dressed in period clothing standing in the shadows with candles watching them. Getting out of the car Liam pulled her into the middle of the parking lot and pulled her close. 

“This has always one of your favorite spots. You love history and I though for sure that you would love this. I know your favorite part of history happen here. Like I told you back at the house I know everything about you. And I know that you always thought the Boston Party was the starting part of Freedom in our country. So, Kristy will you marry me?” Liam asked as he got down on one knee. 

“This is getting harder not to answer you and you’ve got three more times.” 

“I know I can see it in your eyes.” 

*1 hour later* 

Over the last hour or so Liam took Kristy to a few more of her favorite places. One was Bunker Hill Monument and museum. Bunker Hill was another of Kristy’s favorite places. It was almost as if Liam was asking her to marry at her favorite places. Once again after a loving declaration. Tell her how much she meant to him and how amazing she was. And how he understood how this place was tough to stand on and ask the question. He once again asked her to marry him. She smiled and tried to bite her togue. It was getting hard to not answer him. They stayed around Bunker Hill for about an hour. He had even brought flowers for her to leave at the monument for the men who had died there. 

The next place was the Freedom trail. They were halfway down the trail at The Paul Revere House. Kristy was in amazement. The Paul Revere house had always been one of her favorite places. They didn’t go inside but Liam stopped in front of it and got down one knee again. He told Kristy that he was starting to see what she loved about history. He had spent the whole week going to all these places and he was starting to understand why she loved these places. They were amazing place and like her. He was starting to love history and he loved her so much so would she marry him? Once again Kristy tried hard not to answer him. 

After the Freedom trail it was almost eleven O’clock and they got in the car headed to the last place. The place where Kristy would finally be able to give Liam his answer. 

The car rides had been silent until finally Kristy wanted to know why all these places, he had picked so breaking the silence she finally asked him. 

“Why did you pick the places where the revelation happens?” 

“Because since we were kids you have loved anything to do with the revolution. Every time we had a history paper due in class rather it was middle school, high school or even college you wanted to do the paper on something with revolution.” 

“Oh, come on I did not.” 

“Oh yes you did. Remember when Rubblestone was trying to tell everyone that he thought Washington was a moron and that he never should have been general. You stood up in the middle of his lesson and told him he was stupid and shouldn’t be teaching American history because he had no respect for Americans or the people who build the country.” 

“Right, I got into so much trouble. I almost got suspended.” 

“Yeah, you did.” 

Laughing Kristy couldn’t help but think back on that time in high school where she’d almost gotten into trouble for defending the history of America. It really made Kristy think why she wasn’t teaching history rather working at a newspaper. As they pulled up to the next place Kristy almost wanted to cry. It was the old North Church. That had been the Church where Paul Revere had told them to place lights in the tower. 

When they got out of the car Liam looked at Kristy who was in amazement. She hadn’t been here before, but it was differently one of her favorite places. She’d heard the stories and the legends of this place. Liam pulled Kristy by the hand into the church. 

“One if by land two if by sea isn’t that what Revere said?” Liam asked Kristy when they stepped into the church. 

“Yeah, he told that to the gentleman who was supposed to put the lanterns up in the town. If the red coats were on land basically if they where seen marching in Boston, then you put one lantern in the tower window. If they saw the ships in the harbor, then they where to put two of the lanterns in the tower window if that happen.” 

Liam smiled and started to laugh. “See that’s why I love you; you remember all this stuff about history. Now this wasn’t the spot I wanted to do this. I wanted somewhere else but it’s to far away. So, this place will have to do.” Liam said as he once again for the fifth and final time he got down on one knee. Kristy once again felt her heartbeat pick up. The only difference between this time and the other four times was that this time when he got down, she would be able to answer him. 

“Kristy, I love you more than anyone in the world. We’ve been to all your places started with the first place we ever met. So, this time I’m going to ask you this and now you can answer me. So...” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful sliver Irish wedding ring. “You should know what this means Can you tell me?” 

“The hands mean friendship; the crown means loyalty and the heart means love.” Kristy smiled with tears in her eyes. 

“So, Kristy Blair Moxley will you marry me?” Liam asked as he held up the ring. 

“Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes.” Kristy said five time answering the question that she’d had to wait for now to answer.

Liam slipped the ring on her finger and scooped up her up in his arms. Kristy laughed and smiled at the same time as Liam spun her around a few times a finally set her down. Kristy couldn’t help but feel like this had turned into the best Christmas eve of her life. 

“So, what do you think about being purposed to in front of the old north church?” 

“I think this is going to be most memorable Christmas Eve I’ve ever had.” 

December 22, 2020 02:50

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