Friendship Middle School Sad

I was a person who usually cannot speak my heart out with other people. I tried so hard to do that but I couldn't even speak freely with my own parents,family members and close friends. The only reason behind this was I always used to get a thought what if they feel bad or hurt or uncomfortable. So I always used to keep things to myself. So there came a point in my life where I was to choose my career.

I loved Maths soo much,but my parents wanted me to become a doctor it was the subject which I hated the most of all,But I couldn't refuse their choice as I was scared what if I select maths and end up becoming a failure and everyone would just blame me,and I was also soo scared to share this with my parents as they would feel disappointed because of me.

So from then I tried really hard to concentrate on science but there was not so much of success,I was just getting the marks may be I was just mugging up but the real subject never went into my brain but I tried really hard wishing I could succed.

My parents were happy as I was getting good marks but they really did not understand that I was just reading it for the sake of them but I think they really wouldn't understand cause I never told them about my real interests. As time was passing by like that My boards i.e 10 th class exams were approaching,I was really tensed about my score as that would be a turning point in my life. I scored well I got 95 percent I was happy and got really good marks in Science but not because of my interest may be because of the pressure.

So all the things were arranged for my admission in a medical college and my parents gave me a break for 15 days to just go anywhere to refresh myself so that I could concentrate well after this. So I went on a vacation to Singapore,to my aunts house.

My aunt's daughter was also a medical student. She used to be really very good at studies during her schooling but now she was not such a bright student. When I went there I talked to her about studies but she was not so interest in talking about that. I asked her the reason for that she always told me that "Never force yourself into anything you don't like cause then you end in a really bad situation".

I did not understand why she said so . One day I asked her to tell me what happened to her now whereas she used to be a very good student in the past,then she said me that she was never interested in science she was soo much interested in arts but her parents thought that arts would not be a succesful career for her so they forcibilly joined her in Science. She had no interest so she couldn't score well. After studying for years she passed the exams but she did not become a sucessful doctor as she was not soo good in her work, then her parents understood that they had made a mistake in forcing her into this, they felt that they should have let her choose Arts But what is the use now they can't turn back the time. So they will need to face this failure.

While listening to her story I thought what if I too end up like her?

During these holidays I thought soo much about this and I gathered the courage to tell my parents that I was not at all interested in Science. After going back Iwas so scared to tell but I took it seriously because of I would not tell them now it would would never be possible , I was in a "now or never" situation. So I told them everything. At first they were angry because I did not tell them this before but after that they were happy that I realized this at least now so they let me choose Maths.

Then I understood that I need to share things with people to know whether they really fell disappionted or not. Not only about our career we need to share all the things to know what people really think and what really happens.

Then I realized if we don't share anything they won't know what we really want and we won't know what they really can do.

Now I am currently working as an Engineer,And I am happy about my decision I made and now I am able to share things freely with my close ones . Even now I always get scared when I think about my future If I would have selected Science , may be I too would have ended uo like a failure.

But I am happy now and even now I tell my younger siblings to never force them into things they don't like as that may bring them into a really bad situation.I always try to tell these things to the people I know as I don't want anyone to commint a small mistake that would change their fate forever.

It is said that "it's the little mistake that leads us to a very big mistake",So my small mistake of not sharing my real interests with people would have changed my whole life forver this would have also made an impact not only on me but also on my parents who did so much for me throughout their lives.

So to all the readers reading this please don't spoil your lufe beacause of not able to share things openly with people.

Always speak yorself and also don't forget to love youself as If you don't love uouself how can other people love you?and how can u love other people? Always fell free to voice yiur opinion as it is a democratic country every single person on this earth have this right so use it

Speak yourself.......


January 15, 2021 09:06

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