Sad Science Fiction Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Home Galaxy was the center of all human life. It was divided into sectors, for the convenience, of governments. Home Base was the center of political and economic life. The network of human cultures was well known by the great thinkers, of the time. Individuals seemed lonely. Astrobiologists had not identified life beyond the familiar swirl, of planetary systems. Thoughts of the future had come to fill the minds of everyone.

A new wave of genetic engineers had come of age. The engineers provided better quality of life, and greater life expectancy. Humanity could expand into the healthy, galactic society, that had been promised by collective human powers for centuries. Risks of failed reproduction could be eliminated. Children could grow up intelligently, and become effective leaders of their regions. Economic failures and wars could vanish.

Platinum Spirit had been sent by Home Base to explore the farthest reaches of humanity. The space ship had travelled through Sector 24 for several days. It slowly approached Planet D35. The modern center for agricultural production was kept warm by Home Star 3. Genetic engineers had brought gene therapies into family medical practices. Discoveries of inhabitable environments were needed to relocate newly remade men and women.

The Captain of Platinum Spirit sat pensively in his chair, which was located in the center of the bridge. He sat fore of the ship's computers, and aft of the large observation window. There was time to discuss popular happenings with the Technology Officer. The time had finally come to defend the First Mate. The Captain could not let Arthur's reputation fail. It might mean a loss of institutional authority.

"What has gone wrong with your good friend?" the Captain asked.

"I've grown tired of Arthur," Shirley responded.

"Haven't you known him for a long time?"

"It's been almost three years."

"It isn't every day, that a relationship lasts so long. You should do something to keep it."

"Relationships don't last forever."

"You knew Arthur, before you came to the ship."

"It's a financial coincidence, that both of us work here."

"You are not listening to my point."

"Yes, Captain."

Shirley was a beautiful woman. She had been a powerful source of motivation. Her technological expertise was unmatched by anyone else, on the ship. Many times, the Captain deferred to her, for important advice. Shirley was a lifelong learner with a flair, for space travel.

"Arthur told me, that you offended him with a few words about love and commitment. You should be more careful with your language," the Captain said.

"Maybe, I feel sick," Shirley said.

"Sickness doesn't give you an excuse to cancel a good relationship."

"I think, that it does, sir."

"I don't see, how you figure it."

Platinum Spirit was a small ship with a crew, of fifteen men and women. It was a Scientific Explorer, that had been manufactured by Deep Space Galaxy Enterprises, Inc. The custom-built ship was a prototype, that could travel across the entirety of Home Galaxy. Platinum Spirit had been built by a special team, of space engineers. It was a one-of-a-kind success. Special design processes had been used to make the ship cheaply and technologically adroit.

"Arthur constantly needs attention. I'm not in the mood to give it to him anymore," Shirley said.

"He's a man! How difficult can it be to take care of him?" the Captain asked.

"I'm no longer interested in Arthur. Can't I have my life back?"

"You might have a psychiatric disease, Shirley. Have you been to the infirmary lately?"

"I don't need a doctor, sir."

Shirley had been running the ship's computers for the last two hours. She had performed requisite calculations for Home Base. The computers always overloaded from Shirley's special tasks. The ship's batteries would always get hot.

Months of computer overloads had deformed the batteries. Defects of the internal metal construction of the batteries had caused sparks to jump across the terminals. The flammable liquid inside caught fire! Smoke from the burning plastic cases filled the corridor, and the fire alarm sounded.

The Captain ran to the fire! He evacuated the crew from the rear, of the ship. The fire was growing, and spreading farther back to the rockets. The liquid in the batteries burned with spectacular heat. The fire might build, and engulf the fuel cells.

Shirley turned the computers off, and ran to the emergency. She ran down the corridor, and got close to the smoke. The Captain was there with a fire extinguisher. Arthur had hurried to see the smoke and fire, too. He saw Shirley in the corridor, and got close to her.

"What happened?" Arthur asked.

"I'm not sure. The batteries are on fire," Shirley responded.

"It's very dangerous! There's soot in the air, and a strong odor, too."

"It must have been the high electrical current, that was needed to supply the computers."

Arthur insisted, that Shirley escape in the Scout Pod. Oxygen might run out, before the Captain contained the flames. The crew might choke on the fumes. However, Shirley was resistant. She was resigned to the dangers, of the fire.

Shirley felt, that Arthur should save himself. He should escape the possibility of a catastrophic explosion, of the fuel cells. There was nothing to do, but watch the Captain work. She might always feel bad, that Arthur had died on the ship.

"Get safely down to Planet D35 in the Scout Pod, and report the ship's technical problems to Home Base. Be sure, that the problems get fixed. I don't want another prototype ship, catching on fire," Shirley commanded.

"I can't do it! You might die here!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Do what I say! The Captain can run the ship without you."

"I can't leave you behind!"

"I'm the Technology Officer. I need to stay aboard and keep the ship running."

"Absolutely not. Get in the Scout Pod."

"Arthur. I’m dying from heart disease. Do what I say!"


"My heart disease developed considerably over the past six months. I've gotten very sad. I apologize for the secret, but it's time for you to go."


"Get in the Scout Pod!"

Arthur climbed into the Scout Pod. Shirley closed the door behind him, and pushed the button on the wall to jettison the small capsule. With a loud burn of rockets, the Scout Pod quickly accelerated away from Platinum Spirit. Arthur hanged onto the safety rails in the cockpit. The dashboard lighted up, and the radio automatically came on. Arthur heard the distress signal from Platinum Spirit, repeating itself loudly on the speakers.

"Danger! Evacuate the area immediately! Fire aboard Platinum Spirit!"

The Captain had used fire extinguishers, but the fire was burning too hot. Smoke was filling the ship. Shirley came to realize, how much she loved Arthur. She had always been concerned about his personal welfare. At the last minute, she hailed the Scout Pod.

"Scout Pod! First Mate Arthur Chesterton! Come in! This is Technology Officer Shirley Mansfield of Platinum Spirit. I have a new mission for you."

"Yes, Platinum Spirit. Go ahead! What do you require?" Arthur responded.

"You must additionally report to my family, at Home Base. Tell them, that I suffered from heart disease. Insist, that I stayed aboard the ship to assist the Captain and crew. We continue to try to extinguish the fire. Please tell my family, that I died valiantly."

"Of course. I certainly will! Do your best to extinguish the fire."

"I know, that you love me, Arthur. Thank you for your respect. I have always appreciated it."

"I love you with all my heart, Shirley!"

"I understand, Arthur. Please remember, that I have always loved you, too."

"I’m very happy, that you can say it again."

"Yes, Arthur. I love you! Always remember me."

"I love you so much, Shirley. I'll miss you."

"It's time to get away from the ship! Don't slow down for anything. Escape, while you still can."

Arthur was relieved, that Shirley still loved him. A few tears fell from his eyes. Suddenly, Platinum Spirit exploded with a great ball of flames and a tremendous shudder! A few shards of the exploded ship struck the Scout Pod. More shards flew past the small capsule.

Arthur commanded the rockets of the Scout Pod. He used the controls to guide his way to Planet D35. Entry into the atmosphere caused the small capsule to burn brightly in the sky. The temperature inside rose, and Arthur started to sweat.

The Scout Pod plummeted quickly to the ground. The parachutes deployed correctly, and the small capsule slowed down. Arthur felt the gentle bounce of the elastic cords. He felt relief, that he was safe from the explosion of the ship.

The waves of the ocean were right below the Scout Pod. The beach of the continent was nearby, too. Arthur recollected his first date with Shirley. They had gone to dinner, at a nice restaurant. Afterwards, they had seen a romantic movie at the theater. A few more tears fell from his eyes. Arthur had kissed her lips after dinner. Shirley had remarked, that joy was in the air. At that moment, Arthur had fallen in love.

Arthur braced for splashdown. He held onto the safety rails, and the Scout Pod dove deeply into the green waves. The small capsule buoyed up and down violently in the salty water. Arthur regained his composure, and activated the distress beacon.

"I'm very sorry, Shirley," Arthur said.

Arthur bowed his head into his chest. He closed his eyes, and imagined Shirley's face. His love for Shirley succeeded against her physical loss. Arthur would be sure to continue exploration of Home Galaxy. He would do everything within his power to travel on the next Scientific Explorer.

"I'll always remember you," Arthur said.

Shirley's love had protected Arthur from difficulties, in his life. Her attention to details had made him into a caring person. Memories of Shirley would propel Arthur into extraordinary service, and Home Base would profit from his new commitments.

The exploration project would continue the expansion of new homes, across Home Galaxy. The future work of genetic engineers would ensure the survival of the species. A culmination of great human experiences was shortly over the horizon, for Home Base. 

Unfortunately, Shirley and the crew had lost their lives to the explosion of Platinum Spirit. However, their losses would develop Arthur's mind. They would cause him to become an intuitive thinker with increased emotional intelligence.

The losses of Platinum Spirit and the lives aboard the ship had been completely inexcusable. Arthur would complain to Home Base, that the purchase of Platinum Spirit was done in error. He would state the fact, that prototypes must be thoroughly tested before any missions continue across Home Galaxy. Also, he would complain to Deep Space Galaxy Enterprises, Inc., that the manufacturing process for the batteries must be corrected.

January 08, 2025 18:44

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