Drama Fiction Suspense

Larry had a problem which he had battled with for a while. He had an issue which he had struggled with for quite some time. This had made him miss some unique opportunities. Opportunities that would have made him strike gold. Opportunities that would have brought him unspeakable joy. It was building a wall of divide in his home. His marriage was heading for the rocks. He had to see a doctor when it was about having an unusual adverse effect on him. He was about losing his marbles. Doctor Smith Kensington is a paranormal specialist and a consultant. He has helped many people with unusual psychological issues and traumas. He's a recipient of several awards. They call him the 'phantom specialist'.

“Doctor, what’s the problem? I don’t really understand. It looks unusually strange.”

“Yeah! It sure does. But it’s not really. Though it’s a rare case.”

“A rare case! Please doctor tell me am Ok. Tell me am not going insane.”

“You are Ok. You are definitely not going insane.”

“I wonder why I forget things so easily. Just give me few minutes. I can’t remember anymore. It’s not that am old. I would have called it a sign of old age. Please doctor tell me what’s actually the matter?”

He smiles and stares at him for a while as if he was trying to observe him. “See Larry, it’s not a terminal problem or disease. It’s only a rare disorder that’s common among people with unusual mixed ancestry. It can be corrected. You have ...”

He cuts in, “Wow! Doctor. You said it can be corrected.”

“Yes, It can. But as I was about saying. You have to be patient as you will be on medication and therapy. Am sure everything will be fine soon.”

“How long is this going to take? How long will I go through all these?”

“That I can’t say anything precisely. But shortly everything will be Ok. As long as you follow on routinely. Got it?”

“Yeah. Doctor. Got it. Just hope things change fast.”

“Sure it will. You just keep hope alive and be positive. Ok.”

“Ok. Thank you doctor.”

“Yeah! You are welcome.”

If there’s anything Larry detest. It’s the idea of being on a regular medication. He earnestly wished there was another option. He was also experiencing side effects from the medication. These include brief hallucination, palpitation and sometimes dizziness. Though there’s been a tidal change. There has been much improvement. He could now keep a job for a long time. His productivity has increased. His marriage didn’t suffer anymore.

“Darling, am so happy for you,” she spoke touching his nose.

“Oh! Ok. What the matter? Anything new?”

“Yeah! Darling! Sure there is.”

“And what's that something new about me? Can you pleasssse tell me.”

“You’ve stopped your incessant argument. You don’t forget things anymore. At least you didn’t forget my birthday. You also didn’t forget to pick the kids from school today. You haven’t been out of job for a long time. We are no more saddled with unpaid bills. Thank God the medication. It indeed helped greatly.”

“Yeah. But not without a price.”

“Ehh. What price?” she asked with eyes wide open.

“I mean the attendant side effects.”

“Hope there are not serious?”

“Serious you ask. How serious do you call hallucinations, palpitation and dizziness?”

“Wow! Darling am, so, sorry. Don’t know you've been keeping up with all these.”

“Well, at least I don’t forget things anymore. And more importantly we are happier,” he pulled her closer, embraced and kissed her on the forehead.

“Am sure everything will come to an end soon. Then there'll be no more hallucination, no more palpitation and no more dizziness. Isn’t it darling?” she gives him a kiss.

“Yeah! Am very optimistic about that.”

Sam Brewster, his long time friend, an IT expert, a robotic engineer and an AI enthusiast. He has been working on a lot of AI projects. He rarely discusses these with his friend. Larry doesn’t find them interesting. He most times changes the topic of discussion. He doesn’t believe in all those talk that the products of technology have made work easier, faster, more reliable and more accurate although obvious it is. He believes that technology has caused more harm and suffering. On this, they don’t stand on a common ground. Larry’s phone rings. He picks up. It’s Sam calling.

“Hi! Larry.”

“Hey! Hi! Sam”

“Guess what. I have something you'll really like. No, I’ll say something you’ll be happy about.”

“And what’s that? You've come again with your inventions.”

“This is a different one. This is a unique one. This is a special one. Designed and made for a special person.”

“Have you made something for Rachel again? But the last time you said she wasn’t too pleased with what you made for her. What have you come up with this time around?”

“You’re getting it all wrong. That special person this time around is, is YOU.”

“Oh! What have you made for me? You know am not a techno freak.”

“This is something out of the ordinary. This is something different from the pack. And it’s a gift from me to you.”

“Please can you let me in? Can you tell me what’s that? Am tired. Have had a long tiring day. Need some good sleep.”

“Ok. There’s this project I've been working on for sometime now. It has finally come through. It’s called memory enhancer. It’s made solely for YOU. I've been on this project purposely for you. It’s 100% safe. No more nasty side effects. Aren’t you glad?”

“Yeah! I am.”

“Can you come over and try it?”

“Oh! Ok. I will.”

“Expecting you....”

This is a huge sacrifice. So Sam has been working on something like this for me. But he is well aware that I don’t like and use things like that. But turning down this offer will be inappropriate. It will be a huge disappointment for Sam. What do I do? These were the thoughts running through Larry’s mind. He doesn’t want to open a can of worms.

February 27, 2021 00:44

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