Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt


Friendship Happy Teens & Young Adult

Alana was tired. The sweat on her face was unbreakable as the air conditioning hit her hard. Her mind was circulating in a little small orb inside her head. My God! She checked the time and it was a quarter to four. Her head went mad. The Library would close in a few minutes. She could finish everything in a few minutes, right? Wrong.

She got a call and quickly excited to the washroom to receive the call. I was her mother.

"What would she want now?" She asked.

"Alana, where are you!" Her mother exclaimed. Furious.

"Why what is happening?"

"Oh God you've forgotten. We were supposed to have a family movie night tonight and we are waiting for you." Her mother explained. Annoyed. Mildred loved movie nights but also hated the fact the Lana was never present at them. She would always have an excuse for not going to these nights. 

"I'm so sorry mom. I'm learning for this test tomorrow and I think I might not be able to appear tonight."

"Oh Alana. Every single day you can't come to these things. Even Mandrin is here. With his wife and children. When will you have time for your family my dear?" Alana knew where this conversation would go to. Her mother could rattle all about how she was always available when her family needed her and that every single day Alana is learning. Alana could even mimic what she would say.

'At your age, I would even organize these events for the family to socialize' and 'What at all are you learning?'

'If you have a boyfriend it is not a sin' 'Just know that you can't keep choosing him over family"

"Mom! I've told you a countless times Luke and I are just roommates and close friends." What she said was true yet Mildred wouldn't give in to it.

"I've heard that story from all your sisters and they ended up having children with the ones they claim just to be friends with."

It felt like two hours until Mildred actually cut the line and then she got out. The lights were out. The sun was gone. Everything was gone. She looked at her phone It was 5:55 pm. How long was her mother talking? The frown on her face was visible. The anger was raging inside of her but she took the advantage of it. She saw her laptop disconnected and her battery was down. What the hell could she do.

She heard something. Oh no! She wailed. Not today. She took her night lamp out of her and brandished it into the air like a weapon.

"Lady. What are you doing here at this time?" The brisk voice startled here. She used the lamp to hit the head of whatever creature was destined to attack her.

"Oww, that hurt." She finally got a good look at the handsome face looking at her. He was in a security guard uniform. His face was neatly shaved and his hair had a neat cut. His scent captivated Alana and she quickly gave out a loud yell.

"Stop screaming. I'm on my night shift. I'm John."

"Yeah and I don't think I need you to know my name"

The was abrupt silence between the two of them. Alana went to the nearest shelf dishing for herself the only book that could catch her eye.

"You know the best books are the classics." John leaned on the nearest table.

"Continue dreaming. The best books are self-help books." Alana argued.

"How about I bet you that we can find a book that would captivate your every thought." John suggested.

"Ha! you can try with all your heart I wont give in. I don't have time for these what ever nonsense."

 John got up and went into a particular section coming back with a book in his hand.

"Is that the best book you could find. Emma of all the books. The comedy best selling by Jane Austen. I did this book as a book report during 6th grade and it was the worst book ever."

"I bet you didn't read it from a meticulous point of view" John challenged and Alana hated a challenge. She always wanted to be the best. Squatting on the table, she snatches the book from the security guard and opened to the first page. After a few minutes, Her eyes grew weary. This wasn't the type of book she was used to be reading.

"Its boring me already." She wailed. She peered over the John was abruptly caught in his own world. Biting his fingernail and reading the book without minding the world around him.

"Read it to me." he begs yet Mr. Fiction still didn't mind her until she snatches the book from him entirely stopping him in these thoughts.

"What!" His British accent came out clearly.

"How could you be so interested in a book clearly about romance and weird stuff. If you must definitely know those books are what distracts a person from his purpose in life." Alana fought.

"If so then why dos it keep revealing something new to me."

"Because it is you!" Alana exclaimed. After a long while of silence, Alana decided to speak up.

"I'm bored."

"Me to." John agreed. They talked about almost everything making them laugh out of disbelief and discomfort. That's how it felt like for Alana.

"You don't suppose to have a key to the library?" Alana asked.

"It has been opened for a while know. The older security guard explained to me that there was someone in the bathroom that I should wait for the person to come out before locking the place up and apparently that someone is you." John explained.

"Oh Shit!" Alana exclaimed. "I've wasted over seventy five minutes here."

John simply laughed. "You know what, the best part of working here is that you get to shout the loudest you can ever do in a lifetime."

Lana tried it, shouting herself. The echo was louder than that of the big bang. John used the opportunity to splash water on her face. Alan got back into reality. She took her pack of cocoa powder she kept in her bag and poured it on John.

"This cost me my lifetime!" John shouted.

They kept on at this game throwing things at each other subsequently making noise evident in the Library. 

Alana could digest the fact that she hasn't had this much fun in a lifetime. She got to own the fact of her boring life and boring lifestyle re-kindling the party girl she was in high school. There was too much pressure on her. From school to family and she couldn't even have time for herself. Yet today with the help of the Angel sent her way by God. She was finally having the time of her lifetime. She screamed one last time, realizing all the negative energy in her system making She and John squeal in laughter.

April 25, 2021 20:40

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