
Before we delve into this story, let's get one thing straight - I do not avoid my high school reunions. That would actually take intent. Basically, I just don't give a sh*t. 

Highschool was not the highlight of my life and quite frankly, I could not wait to get away from most of the people I was forced to spend time with. 

Personally for me, highschool was a phase. One that seemed to be neverending.

I attended a less prominent high school, simply because it was close to home and everyday I was dropped off and picked up by my mother. I was always the shy, skinny geek that had no friends and would only speak when spoken to (which was not very often). My clothes were always made by my mother, who is a seemstress, and always done according to the school's requirements. I never had a problem with my attire, but I'm pretty sure I was made fun of by my peers and just never noticed. 

Bullying was a rarity in my school, so I was never bullied by anyone. But I was also never chosen to be a part of anything. In fact, the first three and a half years of high school were the lonliest. 

Even though I was top of my class and almost every teacher's favourite, not many people paid attention to me. Whenever group assignments were issued, everyone, but me, was a part of a group. I had to join at the last minute. And when it came to sports, I was always a last resort. 

The few events I was allowed to attend, were spent hanging out with my mom and my neighbour and Valentine's days were spent watching others recieve balloons with little notes from their secret admirers. 

I can feel myself gag as I recall one specific event in 10th grade, where my very 50 year old teacher, Mr. Tingle, offered to be my Valentine since no one else took an interest in me. 

I was in Chemistry at the time and there were a few other students in the lab. I, however, was sitting by myself to one end of the class. By this time, I had two friends, Melissa and Tae, but they were still out to lunch. I just happened to be early that day. Yay me, right...? (please note the sarcasm). 

Mr. Tingle came over to me and asked, "Where's your Valentine, Mae?" 

I told him I didn't have one. He asked, "Can I be your Valentine, since you don't have one?" 

I was shocked and embarrased as there were people watching, but I said, "Yes," thinking, "This is awkward, but it's just a stupid day anyway and he's just trying to be nice." 

Little did I know that this was only the start of a very messed up and perverted "friendship" that took me a while to end, even if it meant I'd have to lose my tutor.

By now, life as a senior in highschool was a little less boring as my friends and I had grown closer. But I still never looked forward to attending.

Being a little less (but not much less) of a geek, also meant that my days were spent trying to avoid a few specific male teachers and a certain bad boy who took a sudden interest in my innocence. 

Everyday, I'd try to avoid Mr. Bad boy but unfortunately for me, we had classes together and, whenever we came in contact with each other, he would try to make me part take in "normal" activities. 

That was the second most interesting (not) part of my highschool experience, next to hanging out with my friends.

Back then, resident bad boy was an Adonis among all the boys in school. But sadly, I cannot say the same about my male teachers and honestly, I'd hate to see what they all look like today.

I never kept in touch with any of my classmates (or teachers), excepting Melissa who is now my best friend. Just because nearly ten years have passed, now I am supposed to volunteer to spend an evening with these people? And pay money to do so? I think I would much rather boil rice one grain at a time, thank you very much.

I have seen my Chemistry teacher only once after leaving high school and I was honestly repulsed when he gave me a hug. He looked pretty much the same, but I was now as tall as he was, if not taller. I hugged him back out of politeness as we were surrounded by many people and also the fact that I didn't hate him entirely. 

Another male teacher of mine plays sports at my community college, however I try my best to avoid him like the plague, so we never come in contact with each other. Ever.

Mr. Bad Boy cut off all communication with me as soon as we parted ways and so did Tae, until I met her again in college with her new friends. Now, she looks like an oversexed housewife and it makes me wonder if Mr. Bad Boy has lost his entire image as well. 

The only things that changed about the classmates I've seen so far, are their waistline and their age. Most of the girls from my year are struggling with one or two children and the boys that wouldn't go out with me are nothing to spit at today. 

I genuinely hope that their lives become better, but I could not give two flying f**ks about any of those people as they never cared about me in any way, shape nor form. 

My best friend, Melissa, and I occasionally keep each other updated about the people we come across online, which is a very enticing experience for us as we gossip and compare their lives now to their lives back in highschool. But am I willing to put any effort into going to a reunion? You guessed it. The only time my classmates will be seeing me, is by accident.

September 28, 2020 15:29

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Aeth Tk
04:55 Sep 29, 2020

Awesome, left me with a yearn for a sequel😂


03:05 Oct 01, 2020

😅😅 awwww thank you for the support


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