

It was a rainy Friday evening, I had just gotten back from Olivia's house she was my friend from school and that day, we were allegedly studying all day which in reality meant we were having a mini party in her room , exhausted from all the fun games we both played I couldn't even walk all the way up to my room so I just rested on the black sofa in our small living room, It wasn't even 5mins into my resting when I heard my mum call out . 

"Amber!!, Is that you ? Please Come and get your little brother , he just woke up and he's not supposed to be in the kitchen with me " she said .

I sighed as I got up and walked to the kitchen that wasn't so far from the living room 

" Can't I just put him in his bouncer? " I asked as I looked at my little brother Ken, who was busy crawling around the kitchen counter, he was a hand full and I didn't have the strength for all his trouble at that moment.

" No, he can't be in the bouncer all the time , just take him to the living room with you , you know I don't have time for all this talk " She never had time for anything always too busy, I was surprised to even see her cooking , she wasn't even looking at me as she spoke but I knew better than disobeying her so I picked up my chubby little brother and I went to living room with him , but this time I dropped him on a different sofa so he wouldn't disturb me and I turned on the TV.

While I was watching my favorite show , I noticed something strange, my little brother wasn't trying to get off the sofa he wasn't throwing any tantrums and he wasn't babbling which was really rare for my brother who was a big attention seeker , So i got up and moved to the sofa where I left him, on getting there I saw him holding something that Looked like an Easter egg but it was deep blue and had white Spiral lines around it that glowed, I had never seen anything like that before , I took it from him and gosh it was heavy it looked like it was made out of metal, where did he find it ? How did it get into the house.

" Mum, did you get Ken an Easter egg toy or something?" I said loud enough for my mum to hear me from the kitchen.

" I can't hear you darling?" But she didn't. 

"I'm coming " I said as i picked up my brother who had already started crying because I took the egg from him, on my way to the kitchen I left the egg on the dining table.

" I said, did you get Ken an Easter egg toy or something?" I repeated as soon as I got to the kitchen.

" No, I did not, ...Easter isn't even close by yet, why did you ask ?" my mum stopped what she was doing to look at me .

" Well I saw Ken playing with an egg like toy , it looks kind of strange and I've never seen it here before " i had started getting worried at that point , there was just something completely odd about that toy .

" Let's go , lemme see it for my self " my mum said as she turned of the stove and took Ken from me, then we went to the living room and what we saw there shocked us , the egg thingy had split into half , and as we moved closer to it , we saw that there was a small amount of blue gueish liquid coming out from the egg.

On the table where the egg was we also noticed trail marks , it looked like something came out out of it , so we started looking around for whatever it was that came out of it , and that's when all of a sudden the power went off, but that wasn't going to stop us, my mum immediately turned on her light and we continued looking around until we found some other trail marks that lead to the door , this time I hid behind my mum in fear of what it could be, she looked back at me and when she saw how scared I was , she removed one of her white slides in preparation to attack whatever the thing was that was moving around our house.

Eventually we got to the door and looked around but we didn't see anything, so we turned around and as we did that , my instincts told me to turn back around suddenly , So I did and so did my mum but we weren't prepared for what we were about to see.

"Aaaaaaaa" my mum screamed historically , and as we looked closer at what was in front of us we saw a little, a very little man he was literally the same height as my mum's slides and he was struggling to climb up to the door as he repeatedly looked back at us in fear .

"What are you?" My mum asked as she moved back in fear, I was in too much shock to even move an inch, I was just stuck there looking at him .

" You better answer me or I'll kill you!!" My mum screamed as she moved closer to where the little man was, knowing my mum and how paranoid she could be, I stood in front of her to block her, I didn't want her hurting him, for some weird reason I was no longer scared, I knew i was meant to be but I wasn't and I also didn't want her hurting him.

" Mum, calm down, let me handle this" I said and as I turned back to look at the little man this time , he was gone. 

We didn't see him and we were already about to conclude that we were both just hallucinating when we heard a sound from the kitchen, we immediately thought it must have been him so we turned off our flashed light and moved to the kitchen slowly and silently so he wouldn't know we were coming , I was super proud of my little brother for not crying or anything because our plan worked , immediately we turned on our flash light we saw him trying to squeeze through the small space in between the kitchen door and the floor , the lower part of his body was already halfway through the space when we found him.

It was time for me to make a hard decision , I knew one of us would have to hold him so he would stop trying to run away , and that person couldn't be my paranoid mum it had to be me but I was a little scared , what if he was dangerous?, What if I mistakenly broke a part of his body by just trying to hold him.

" Amber, what do you think you're doing? Get away from that thing " my mum commanded but I didn't listen , instead i put my hand on the ground and signalled for him to climb on it, he looked up at me with his black bright eyes and then at my hand, and for. Second he looked like he wanted to but then he hesitated and instead he went back to trying to push himself out from the space . 

Seeing that he wasn't budging, I used my thumb and index finger to slowly pull out the rest of his body from the space , after I had successfully got him out I slowly raised his very warm fragile body up, then I carried him carefully like how you would hold a candle and placed him on the kitchen counter , my mum who was still in serious shock quickly handed over her phone to me and moved back , So i placed the phone on kitchen counter and immediately he used his little arms to cover his eyes, how insensitive of me, i should have known the light would have been too bright for him.

" Sorry " I said and as I pushed the light further away from him and just then the power came back on.

Without the light affecting him anymore , he put his arms down and I was able to take a good look at him, he had a diamond shaped face and tanned skin, and from the lines on his forehead and his droopy eyes he seemed like someone who had been stressed a lot, he had a straight figure with long legs , he was wearing a brown flat cap , a white shirt that was torn all over and wasn't quite white again from all the dirt , a pair of suspenders attached to his brown trousers and a pair of bad old shoes, I immediately felt bad for him, he looked like he was suffering and I really wanted to know what and who he was.

" Who are you?, What are you doing here?... Are you some kind of creature or something?" I asked him but he didn't say anything . Maybe he couldn't speak.

"Amber stay far from that thing, I'll call 911 now " my mum said as she picked up her phone from the counter .

" Mum, you can't call them , we need to know what this man is all about , does he look harmful to you? If at all we are the ones who can harm him not the other way around " I yelled at her and immediately he moved a few Steps back. 

" Don't worry, we won't hurt you just tell us who you are " I asked again and he still didn't say anything .

" Amber I'm not taking anymore risks " my mum said who was still holding my little brother in one hand picked up a broom that was next to her . 

Coincidentally as she took a step closer to us the power went off again and that's when I heard the little man's thiny silvery voice for the first time.

" Tell her to get a hold of herself and I'll talk" he said and immediately the power came back on again .

" Did he just talk ?" My mum immediately dropped the broom and moved closer to me . " Is he like human? " she asked still very much maintaining her distance .

" So you can talk ?, Why are you this small? Where do you come from ? Are you a creature or something?" I asked him .

" I'm not small, you're the one who is big, you're all giants here " his voice was so soft you had to pay all your attention to hear what he said .

" Where are you from?" I asked him again .

" Neverland ". He replied as he took off his hat exposing his curly black hair .

" Are you playing with me?, Never land? from the fairy tales ? Stop playing games with me and tell me the truth " I gave him a serious look .

" A fairy-tale? I don't know what you're talking about but my Neverland is real and there are a bunch of real people there " He said while dusting his cap.

" Okay let's say I believe you're from that make believe place, why are you here and not there ?" I asked him this time folding my arms.

" I'm here because of you " he said as he put his hat back on.

" If what you say is true and you're here because of me , why were you trying to run away ?" I was beginning to get creeped out.

" I got here since daytime, i was only just waiting patiently in my egg camouflage hoping to find you alone, so I could talk to you , but when you found me and I heard you going to call this woman , I got scared because I've heard stories of how, many people like me have gotten killed by earth people while visiting , and I was about to run for my life when you guys caught me " he explained. 

" Amber!! I've told you to stay away from this thing , are you really believing all the nonsense he's saying ?" She asked me and the truth was i actually did believe him I don't know why, but my heart told me he was telling the truth even though my brain was saying otherwise.

" Why did you want to talk to me about?" I continued with my interrogation , but before he spoke he looked around as if conscious about something.

" Let me start by addressing you properly" he said as he cleared his tiny voice 

"My princess, your father and your mother , the king and queen have requested that I and some others that will be here shortly bring you back home safely, you are no longer safe here , some people have been after your life since you were little and now they know where you are, So you have to come with me now so we can go to Neverland together and you can be safe " He tried to convince but at that point I had already stopped believing haim, everything he said was just too absurd .

" I don't believe you , you better tell me the truth and explain everything you're saying clearly to me " I said sternly .

" Jeez , so many questions ? You're just like your older brother " he sighed and my heart skipped a beat what did he mean by older brother ? Why was the little man so confident about all the unrealistic things he was saying . 

" I don't believe you" I sighed , i couldn't believe I had payed attention to all the things he was saying, my 13 year old self knew better than that .

" Mum, call the police!!" I told my mum and immediately she picked up her phone . 

Just as she was about to make the call a woman appeared out of nowhere in my kitchen , she wasn't little but she looked like she knew the little man, she had a square face and was wearing a very vintage elegant black dress and the strangest thing was she looked familiar , I could have sworn I knew her somewhere.

" Roy, leave this to me" she said moving closer to me . 

" Who are you ? " I asked as I moved away, I had never been so afraid in my life.

"I'm your mother " she said smiling at me sincerely while i looked at who i saw as my real mother, she didn't look surprised at all to see this woman she looked more surprised to see that the woman appeared out of nowhere .

" Mum what is she talking about?" I said as I moved closer to my mum.

" Caytlyn, why don't you tell her how I gave her to you when she was just a baby " her voice was tender , she looked intimidating but not scary . 

" You didn't tell me you were going to come back for her? And what is this?, You didn't tell me you were some weird creature or something " my mom said to her and I was immediately in shock .

" Would you have taken her ? If you knew she wasn't exactly like you would you have taken her?, I just wanted to keep my daughter save and I appreciate you for taking care of her for this long , but I need to take her with me for her own safety" my mum was holding my hand and also holding my little brother tightly .

"Adriana, there's a big birth mark at the back of your neck , I have one there too, you are my daughter, I gave birth to you and I'm sorry I left you but it was for your own safety and now I'm back again to keep you safe.

 " she said as she moved closer to me , her green eyes were filled with sadness and regret I could see it.

" You have a decision to make girl, she's your real mother, and you have make a choice you either stay here or go with her and safe your life, I trust her just like she trusted me with you 13years ago, she won't harm you " my said to me as she looked looked into my eyes , she wasn't always there to take care of me but I loved her and I knew she loved me too and only wanted the best for me .

" Make your decision Adriana, we're running out of time " the woman said to me , "okay " I replied. But one thing I didn't know was that the decision I made that day was going to change my whole life completely .

May 27, 2020 01:27

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