The cloak of Loki

Submitted into Contest #87 in response to: Write about a mischievous pixie or trickster god.... view prompt


Fiction Inspirational Suspense

The winter equinox passed two weeks ago. The sons of God gathered by the gates of heaven for olive tea.

The cold winds started blowing between darkened clouds, leaving a slight whistle in the air.

Micahel wiped his wet hair out of his face, the olive tea burned his lips. The grey mist surrounded the Archangels like a circle of air.

Micahel looked out far and beyond, his voice clouded with many whispery voices.... all the human children calling to him. He never refused, it was his duty, given by God.

The voice of God has become silent for many years, the earth has become dry and barren.

Far in the distance, the earthlings called... but one in a particular

sound of voice called in distress.

Micahel arose majestically, and shot down to earth in a blinding blue light...

Sarah McFlurry often called to Micahel, for normal stuff... basic protection or blessings. Never like this, he knew something was very wrong.

Micahel entered the home of Sarah, where she sat with the body of her son. She cried hysterically, pressing a towel to his bleeding head. Michael saw his soul leaving his lifeless body, and joining the swirl of light above. Whatever happened?

The ambulance came, and not long after the police.

Micahel held his hand on Sarah's shoulder as she spoke to detective Wilson and detective Pike.

"He was not my son... that was not my son..." she cried.

Her sobs ran deep and painfully.

"He acted strange... made strange noises at night... he was not my son."

Micahel smelled sulphur, he knew what was going on.

michael returned to the heavens, and spoke to his brother Uriel.

"Seems like a possession... and its close to April fools day in the south. i think it might be Lucifer.."

Uriel disagreed, "Lucifer likes October more Brother."

"Then who? You think Loki?"

"Ai, these pagans..." Uriel sighed.

"Fear not, we shall set out to Olympus, and straighten this out.

Tell Gabriel to accompany us."

"Ai Brother." Uriel replied.

He stared to earth one last time and wondered if he should consult with God, who in turn hasn't answered in a long time.

They rode of to Olympus, it was a three day trip from the realm of heaven. Gabriel felt tired,

"Why did we not fly, Micahel?"

"We cannot Brother, we need to lay eyes on the earth children."

Each angel had their own accent, which they chose as time went on. Micahel had a soft scottish accent, Uriel more Irish. Gabriel had the accent that fitted his personality... plain British.

"Say what?" Gabriel asked, his word coming out as "Whot"

"Gabe he wants to see how the people are behaivin'... look for more possessions." Uriel clarified,

"Where did you get these horses?" Gabe enquired.

Micahel chewed on an olive branch, "Oh these, borrowed from four horsemen."

Gabriel looked down on the thin grey horse he was on.

"From the apocalypse? Have you gone mad?"

Uriel laughed.

"Ai Gabe, i got death and Micahel war."

Gabe frowned with disgust.

"Have i got famine?"

"No brother, pestilence, otherwise you'll be hungry all the time." Micahel laughed with Uriel.

Gabriel wasn't happy.

"Pestilence... have you lost your mind Micahel? It's absurd."

"Nah Gabe, what's absurd is the humans taking my facial features and portraying me as Thor on television." Michael replied.

Gabe looked at Uriel, irritated as hell itself.

"What in heaven is he talking about..."

The doors of Olympus opened with a loud screech...

Solid gold.

The angels entered the home on a glass floor which consisted of the milky way itself.

Odin sat by his telescope, peering with his one eye. His other eye covered in a black patch.

"State your business Angel." Odin greeted.

"I greet Thee Odin. We come not for war or bad intention." Micahel greeted. The three angels stood in a solid row before Odin.

Hera appeared from a sold golden curtain.

"Tea? Anyone?" Hera offered, with a tray in her hands.

Micahel glanced with his one eye, and mumbled,

"Is it olive?"

Hera clapped her hands in dismay.

"No... black forest."

Micahel looked at Odin sipping on his cup.

"How is my brother then? Has Elohim spoken again?" Odin enquired.

"None. But we are hopeful" Uriel answered.

"We have come to enquire about your adopted son Loki" Micahel informed them. Hera looked up with disgust.

"Uhm... we mean your son." Uriel tried to apologise.

"Loki? Haven't you heard?" Odin replied.

"Heard what?"

"He is missing. Has been since before the equinox..." Hera told them.

"All the gods are helping us search, even Anubis." Odin said sadly.

"Not another one of his pranks? We are close to April fools day." Micahel suggested.

"No, if only. I could always locate him. This time, he is really gone.

"I thank Thee Odin. Lets fly brothers."

In an instant the angels disappeared and Odin was left with three really ugly horses.

Upon the earth the angels searched for more possessions, and for Loki. Every possession they found, were left with a piece of red suede material. Micahel held it to his nose.

"Loki?" Uriel asked.

"I don't think so... something is off."

"Loki has a red suede cloak..."

"I know brother, but i smell a rat."

Upon April fools day another possession happened.

James swiftly put his hands on his wife's throat.

She choked and tried to free herself. Micahel and his brothers were just in time.

Micahel held his hand forth and yelled...

"I compel you demon!"

The demon left James, and they saw the spirit leaving the house with a red suede cloak.

Uriel grabbed it as he appeared in front of it.

He threw the spirit to Micahel's feet.

"What is your name Demon?"

The spirit laughed...

It stood up and threw the cloak off. Loki's cloak.

Micahel was shocked.

Lilith. With long black hair and horns and sharp needle teeth.

She laughed out loud.

Uriel shook his head, "the one sister in law i don't like..."

"Having fun boys?"

Gabriel grabbed her, but she threw him off.

then Micahel stepped in right in front of her.

She gasped..."Micahel..."

He clapped his fingers and she disappeared.

The earth got life again, and the angels descended to hell.

Lucifer didn't expect his brothers.

He got up from his red desk chair and held his hands up.

"I have done nothing... what do you want?"

"Where is Loki?" Gabe asked.

"Oh I don't know..."

"Okay, easier, where is your wife?" Uriel asked.

"Oh you know women, always out doing something..."

"WHERE is she?" Micahel yelled.

The walls of hell shivered.

Lucifer got up in fear, his voice trembled.

"Alright alright... you don't have to scream all the time."

He took out his bone shaped phoned, and called her.

He nodded at Micahel,

"It's ringing... Yes Lilith Darling, my brothers want to know about Loki... Yes you better talk or they are going to kill me..."

He hang up.

"Okay.... Lilith will return Loki to Olympus. she got him stuck in a hole in Timbuktu. Deal, she gives him back, you don't kill me and we are all fine."

"Why should we trust you?" Uriel asked.

Lucifer sat down, he frowned.

"I'm really tired.... I take April off to be in shape in October. I am practically on vacation."

Lucifer's phone rang.

"Uh yes... oh has he... I'm glad... take care now Odin. bye bye now."

Lucifer clutches the phone with both hands and smiled broad.

"Lilith gave him back. Please leave now...please"

Micahel nodded to the others and they disappeared.

Loki stood with his mom on the Olympus floor looking at the stars.

"I'm so glad you're home Loki, with your cloak."

she hugged him.

Loki replied with dismay.

"I am so sad they kidnapped me on April fools day... i had so may ideas...."

April 02, 2021 14:22

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