Adventure Science Fiction

Long before the rise of man when the world was dark there came a great light from the sky. A great ship descended into a dark world.

Inside the ship was the greatest race to ever inhabit the universe. They are called the creators. The creators were the first evolution of humanity.

They called their new home Avalonia. The creators created the oceans, the trees, plants and animals. Overtime the creators created the second evolution of humanity in their image.

The creators built great cities and within those great cities, a great library was built. Which housed the greatest knowledge the universe has ever known.

A millennia passed since the creators arrived in Avalonia and since their first landing many generations of humans have been all with the knowledge of the creators.

The creators have spread their seed and their knowledge throughout the known galaxy. Many planets bore the fruit of knowledge of the creators. Many more libraries of knowledge were created but only one remains eternal.

Many more generations have passed and the generations of humans created by the creators continued to flourish until one moment in their history when everything changed.

The creators simply vanished leaving their creations on the many planets they call home. The humans on each planet were left with the knowledge of the creators.

The humans didn't use the knowledge wisely and ultimately all the knowledge was lost including the libraries expect for the one that remains eternal.

Deep inside I knew the existence of humanity was part of something greater. We were put on this planet to be something more.

We were created by a powerful race of humans to carry on their legacy but over the course of thousands of years we lost it all.

I must find and figure out what we lost. It's my destiny. I dreamed about something greater than myself. Something greater than humanity.

A library filled with the knowledge of the universe is somewhere out beyond the stars waiting for me to find.

Atria is my home the fourth planet the creators created this I know. The records of the past show it. It also shows one of the great libraries once stood on Atrian grounds but the library is no more.

Their maybe more libraries out beyond the stars but one bears the name eternal. That one has been lost since the first creation. I aim to find that one.

Beyond the stars there are more planets that house the libraries. To those planets I will go and find the one that is eternal. I don't know what I will find but it's a risk I must take.

To Aqua Terra, Azurella also known as the water planets are known creations of the creators. To Amarantha and Inter Nova are also known creations of the creators. All these planets have one thing in common. The great libraries of the creators were built there.

Atria, my home world was also created by the creators and too many of my people no known library was ever built on Atria but a long-ago war destroyed half of Atria and possible the library. The records are proof there was a library on Atria.

I have what I need. Now it's time for me to set off on my journey. Lucky for me I have my own space ship. Just because the great library is no more and no one knows it doesn't mean the creators knowledge was lost. Some of their knowledge was left for us.

The record I found suggest only four of the many planets the creators created house the great libraries. One of them has to be the one that is eternal.

I set off into the stars. My first stop is Aqua Terra. One of the many water planets. I fire up the FTL and in four hours I arrive at Aqua Terra.

I scan the planet and to my amazement there is a large structure on the southern end of the planet. The inhabitants of Aqua Terra primarily live on the northern end of the planet.

I land my ship safely on the water. I put my water gear on. I open the door and jump into the water. I follow the coordinates to the location of the library.

Not much of a library. I enter through one of the side openings. Something must be holding the water back. I beginning going up one of the hallways. I look around. I don't see much. The books are weathered down.

I keep going down the long hallway until I reach a door. I open the door and enter. All the books are weathered down expect for one. This book is in good condition.

I pick up the book and open it. It's not a book but a journal. I start to read the journal, Wow, this was written by one of the creators.

"We left our home to seed the rest of the known galaxy. I will miss my home. I will miss my library. Many more will be created. One day I will return to Avalonia."

"We seeded many more planets and built many more libraries. Our creations are beautiful but something happened to us. We must leave Avalonia or all will be lost. We entrust our libraries and all our knowledge to our creations. Our eternal library, we will hide forever."

Avalonia, I never heard of that planet. I leave the library and go back to my ship. I go to the next planet, another water planet. I found the same thing I found on Aqua Terra, a journal talking about Avalonia.

I go to the next two planets Amarantha and Inter Nova and I found the same thing, two more journals written by the creators talking about Avalonia.

I spread the journals out looking for clues. I examine each journal one by one and bang hidden beneath the words are numbers. I write them down. They look like coordinates.

These must be coordinates to Avalonia. I punch in the coordinates. There it is Avalonia. I fire up the FTL. I'm on my way to Avalonia. The creators first home, first creation and hopefully the site of the one that is eternal.

As my ship travels to Avalonia, I keep reading the journals of the creators. This is amazing. One of the journals written by a creator whose name is Minta talks about how the libraries were created. But what the journals don't talk about is how we were created or why the vanished.

After ten hours my ship drops out of FTL. This is Avalonia. I scan the planet. My scans don't pick up anything. I go back to the journals. I read each one. The journals talk about a large structure between a mountain and a waterfall.

I scan the planet again. My scans pick up something on the southern end of the planet. I go down to Avalonia. The planet is beautiful. No sign of life. I wonder why that is.

I see the mountain range. I fly around the mountain. I spot a waterfall. It must be in there. I land my ship. I open the door and walk out.

I'm speechless. I never see anything so beautiful and colorful. I scan the area with my scanner. I'm picking up something. I walk in the direction of the waterfall.

What's that up ahead? I see what looks like the figure of a person. As I get near, I see the figure looking at me. My scans showed no sign of life.

"Hello my name is Minta creator of the library, creator of everything." Oh My God! I'm seeing one of the creators.

"You have found the eternal library filled with the knowledge of the universe. You are worthy to be in the presence of those who breath life into you. Welcome my child."

"The knowledge of creation is too great for our creations. We hid this knowledge because no one human is worthy of the knowledge that is held in the eternal library. Only you are worthy. Enter."

I enter the library. Wow beyond wow. So much to be discovered. I walk around looking at the great works the creators did. I don't know where to begin.

I take one book after another reading about everything the creators created from the first space ship to the many great cities they built, to the math and medicine they created and the history of creation.

I'm looking at everything the creators ever worked on. Everything they built and made including us humans. This is amazing. I continue to read it all. Thank you creators for leaving this for me, for us.

May 22, 2024 22:04

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