Romance Fiction Gay

Sarah pulled into her driveway, killing the engine with a sigh. Another long day at the law firm, another evening of microwaved dinner and helping Tommy with his homework. At 42, this wasn't exactly where she'd pictured herself – divorced, single mom, and perpetually exhausted.

As she stepped out of the car, a moving truck caught her eye. It was parked in front of the Johnson's old place next door. Right, the house had finally sold. Sarah made a mental note to bake some welcome cookies – once she found the time. Fumbling for her house keys, she noticed a flash of blonde hair in the neighboring driveway. A young woman was directing the movers, her energy vibrant even from a distance. 

Sarah hesitated, wondering if she should go introduce herself, but she was bone-weary, her feet aching and eyelids heavy with fatigue, and the thought of Tommy waiting inside made her decision. With a mental promise to make time later, she unlocked her front door and stepped inside, leaving the thought of her new neighbor for another day.

Three days later, Sarah was weeding her front garden when a voice called out, "Hi there, neighbor!"

Sarah looked up, squinting against the sun. A young woman was walking towards her, her hand outstretched and a bright smile on her face. She couldn't have been more than 25, with her olive green eyes and long, blonde hair that caught the sunlight. 

"I'm Alex," the woman said brightly. "Short for Alexandra. I just moved in next door."

"Sarah," she replied, brushing dirt from her hands and took the offered hand. "Welcome to the neighborhood. I've been meaning to come over to say hi, but work's been crazy."

Alex laughed, a warm, infectious sound. "No worries. I'm still knee-deep in boxes anyway. But I'd love to take a rain check to get to know you better." Her eyes lingered on Sarah's face, a hint of something more than neighborly interest in her gaze.

Sarah, focused on brushing the last of the dirt from her gardening gloves, missed the look entirely. "Of course," she said with a polite smile. "Once you're settled in, maybe we can have coffee sometime. There's a great little café just down the street."

"I'd like that," Alex replied, her voice softer now. She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, leaning in slightly. "You know, I could use a tour guide for the best local spots. Maybe you could show me around sometime?"

"Oh, sure," Sarah nodded, her tone friendly but distracted as she glanced at her watch. "I've lived here for years. I'd be happy to give you some recommendations." She stood up, brushing off her knees. "Sorry, I should get inside. I've got to start dinner for my son."

Alex's smile faltered for a moment. "Oh, you have a son?"

Sarah nodded, oblivious to the shift in Alex's demeanor. "Yes. He should be home soon, and I promised him his favorite pasta tonight."

"Right, of course," Alex said, taking a small step back. Her earlier confidence seemed to deflate as she processed this new information. "I wouldn't want to keep you from your family."

Sarah smiled, still not picking up on Alex's change in mood. "It was nice to meet you, Alex. Don't hesitate to knock if you need anything, okay?"

"Thanks," Alex replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I appreciate that. I'll let you get to it then. Thanks for the warm welcome, Sarah. I'm really looking forward to being your neighbor."

As Sarah walked back to her house, she gave a friendly wave. "Welcome again, Alex. See you around!"


A week later, Sarah was struggling with grocery bags as she approached her front door. Just as she was about to drop everything, she heard hurried footsteps behind her.

"Here, let me help you with that." Alex's voice came from behind, and suddenly the weight in Sarah's arms lessened.

"Oh, Alex! Thank you," Sarah said, relieved. She turned to face her neighbor, who was now balancing two of her heavier bags with ease. "You're a lifesaver."

Alex shrugged it off with a smile. "Happy to help. I was just heading out for a run when I saw you struggling. Seemed like a neighborly thing to do."

"Well, your timing was perfect. Thank you for helping me." Sarah fumbled with her keys, finally managing to unlock the door. "So how are you settling in?" she asked as she pushed open the door, gesturing for Alex to follow her inside.

Alex stepped in, glancing around with interest. "It's going well, thanks. I'm still getting used to the quiet neighborhood after living downtown for so long."

"That is quite a change. I hope it's not too boring for you here."

"Not at all," Alex replied, her eyes meeting Sarah's. "It's actually refreshing. And the neighbors seem much friendlier than in my old building."

Sarah chuckled at that. "Are you sure about that? I haven't been the most welcoming neighbor lately. Work's been crazy, and I have Tommy."

"Tommy?" Alex's eyebrows raised slightly. "Is that your...?"

"My son," Sarah filled in, a soft smile crossing her face. "He's twelve. A handful sometimes, but he's a good kid."

"Twelve is an interesting age. Must keep you on your toes." Alex hestitated, then added carefully, "And your husband? Is he still at work?"

Sarah's smile faltered, but she quickly composed herself. "Oh, I'm not married. I'm divorced, actually. It's just Tommy and me."

Alex's eyes widened, and a hint of a smile spread across her face before she tampered it down. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. That must be challenging, raising a kid on your own."

Sarah shrugged, moving towards the kitchen with Alex following. "It has its moments, but we manage. Tommy's a great kid, and I have a good support system."

Alex nodded, her eyes never leaving Sarah's face. "You sound like an amazing mom. I admire that kind of strength." She paused for a moment, then added with a warm smile, "You know, if you ever need an extra hand or just someone to talk to, I'm right next door. Sometimes it's nice to have a friend nearby."

Sarah felt a rush of warmth at Alex's words. It had been a while since someone had offered support so freely. "That's... really kind of you, Alex. Thank you."

"Soooo... where should I put these?" Alex asked, holding up the bags.

Sarah laughed, the sound light and genuine. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Here, just set them on the kitchen counter."

As Alex placed the bags down with an exaggerated sigh of relief, Sarah couldn't help but lauge again. "You know, for someone who claims to be at risk of losing her arms, you carried those pretty effortlessly all the way here."

Alex grinned, flexing her arms playfully. "Well, I do try to stay in shape. But don't let that fool you – I was struggling the whole time."

As they began unpacking the groceries, Alex moved closer to Sarah, reaching around her to grab a bag. In doing so, she gently placed her hand on Sarah's lower back, the touch light but unmistakable.

Sarah felt a jolt at the contact, a small shiver running up her spine. She didn't pull away, instead finding herself oddly comforted by the warmth of Alex's hand. It had been so long since anyone had touched her with such casual intimacy.

"So," Alex said, her voice close to Sarah's ear as she continued to help with the groceries, "what's the verdict on the best takeout places around here? A girl's gotta know her options when cooking feels like too much effort."

"Well, if you're into Thai food, there's this great little place just a few blocks down. They do amazing Pad Thai."

Alex's hand fell away as she moved to put some cans in the cupboard, but Sarah could still feel the ghost of her touch. "Thai food is my weakness," Alex admitted with a grin. "Looks like you might be seeing a lot of delivery guys at my place."

As Sarah continued to unpack the groceries, Alex leaned against the counter, her posture relaxed. "I was wondering... remember that offer to show me around? Is that still on the table?"

Sarah paused, a fresh loaf of bread in her hand. She felt a twinge of guilt - she had meant to follow up on that, but between work and Tommy's school projects, it had slipped her mind. "Of course," she said, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Did you have something in mind?"

Alex's face lit up. "Actually, yeah. I heard there's a farmer's market this weekend. I thought it might be fun to check it out together? If you're free, that is."

Sarah hesitated. She had been planning to catch up on laundry and maybe even squeeze in a nap while Tommy was at his friend's house. But looking at Alex's hopeful expression, she found herself nodding. "You know what? That sounds nice. It's been ages since I've been to the market."

"Great!" Alex exclaimed, her smile widening. "It's a date then. I mean, not a date-date, just a... you know what I mean."

Sarah chuckled, missing the slight blush that crept across Alex's cheeks. "I know. How about we meet here Saturday morning, around 9?"

"Sounds perfect," Alex replied, her eyes lingering on Sarah's face. "I'm looking forward to it."

Sarah nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sure, I'd be happy to. There's this one stand that sells the most amazing homemade jams. You have to try them."

"Ooh, I love jam," Alex said enthusiastically.

"And if we're lucky, the organic bakery might have their cinnamon rolls. They usually sell out fast."

Alex grinned, leaning in slightly. "Sounds like you know all the best spots. I'm glad we're going together."

Their eyes met for a moment, and Sarah felt a strange flutter in her stomach. She quickly looked away, busying herself with the groceries again. "Oh, I don't know about that. I'm sure you'll find your own favorites soon enough."

"Maybe," Alex said softly. "But I think I'm already enjoying the company more than anything else."

Sarah felt her cheeks warm at the compliment, unsure of how to respond. She reached for a carton of eggs, her hands slightly unsteady. As she lifted it from the bag, the carton slipped, and for a heart-stopping moment, Sarah thought they would crash to the floor.

Quick as a flash, Alex's hands were there, catching the carton just as it left Sarah's grasp. Their fingers brushed, and Sarah felt a jolt of electricity at the contact.

"Whoa, that was close," Alex said, her voice low and close to Sarah's ear. "Good thing I have fast reflexes, huh?"

Sarah let out a shaky laugh, her heart still racing from the near-miss - and from Alex's proximity. "Thanks. I guess I'm more tired than I thought."

Alex's eyes softened with concern as she carefully placed the eggs on the counter. "Long day at work?"

Sarah nodded, grateful for the change in subject. "Yeah, it's been pretty hectic lately. Big case coming up."

"Sounds stressful," Alex sympathized. She glanced around the kitchen, then back at Sarah. "Hey, why don't you sit down for a bit? I can finish putting these away for you."

"Oh, no, I couldn't ask you to do that," Sarah protested weakly.

Alex gently nudged Sarah towards a kitchen stool. "You're not asking, I'm offering. Besides, it'll give me a chance to learn where everything goes. You know, in case I need to borrow some eggs sometime," she added with a playful wink.

Sarah hesitated for a moment before relenting, settling onto the stool with a grateful smile. As she watched Alex unpack and put away the groceries, she found herself pleasantly surprised by how comfortable she felt in her neighbor's presence. There was something refreshing about Alex's energy and openness. Meanwhile, Alex was doing her best to keep her growing attraction in check as she moved around Sarah's kitchen, sneaking glances at the older women when she thought Sarah wasn't looking. She couldn't help but notice the curve of Sarah's figure as she leaned against the counter. Even in casual clothes, with her hair slightly mussed from the grocery run, Sarah was breathtakingly beautiful to Alex. She knew she needed to tread carefully – Sarah was older, divorced, had a child, and might not even be interested in women. But Alex couldn't deny the pull she felt toward her beautiful neighbor.


Saturday morning arrived with a crisp, autumn chill in the air. Sarah found herself standing in front of her closet, uncharacteristically indecisive about what to wear. She pulled out a sweater, then put it back, frowning at her reflection in the mirror. Why was she so nervous? It was just a trip to the farmer's market with a neighbor.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally settled on a golden brown sweater that brought out her eyes and a pair of well-fitted jeans. As she slipped the sweater over her head, she caught a whiff of her favorite perfume. She bit her lip, considering, then lightly dabbed a little on her wrists and neck. Glancing at the clock, she quickly ran a brush through her hair, letting it fall in waves around her shoulders.

At precisely 9 a.m., the doorbell rang. Sarah smoothed her sweater and went to open the door. She found Alex standing outside with a green flannel shirt and dark jeans. Her blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun, with a few strands framing her face.

"Good morning, neighbor," Alex said with a bright smile that reached her eyes. "Ready for the market?"

Sarah nodded, grabbing her purse. "Yeah. Let's go.."

At the market, they weaved through the stalls, sampling cheeses, admiring handcrafted goods, and filling their bags with fresh produce. Alex insisted on carrying the heavier bags, her hand occasionally brushing against Sarah's as she took them.

"Oh, look!" Alex exclaimed, pointing to a flower stall. "Aren't those gorgeous?"

Sarah followed her gaze to a bunch of vibrant sunflowers. "They're beautiful," she agreed.

Before she knew it, Alex was purchasing the bouquet. "Here," she said, handing them to Sarah with a soft smile. "A little sunshine for your kitchen."

Sarah felt her cheeks warm as she accepted the flowers. "Alex, you didn't have to-"

"I wanted to," Alex interrupted gently. "To thank you for showing me around."

As they continued their shopping, Sarah couldn't help but notice the looks they were getting from other marketgoers. An older couple smiled warmly at them as they passed, and a young woman running a jam stall winked at Alex as she handed them their purchase.

"You two make such a cute couple," the jam seller said cheerfully.

Sarah froze, her eyes widening. "Oh, we're not-" she began, at the same time Alex said, "Thank you."

They looked at each other, a moment of awkward silence stretching between them.

Alex recovered first, laughing lightly. "We're just neighbors," she explained to the seller. "But I'm flattered you thought so. Sarah's way out of my league."

Sarah felt a strange pang at Alex's words. "Don't be ridiculous," she found herself saying. "Anyone would be lucky to have you."

It was Alex's turn to blush, her green eyes meeting Sarah's with an intensity that made Sarah's breath catch. 

Finally, Alex broke the spell with a quiet giggle. "Do you want to come over to my place?" she asked, her voice slightly husky. "Or, I don't mind staying longer."

Sarah nodded, suddenly aware of how close they were standing. As they moved away from the jam stall, she felt Alex's hand ghost across the small of her back, guiding her through the crowd. The light touch sent a shiver up her spine.

She leaned into Alex's touch ever so slightly, surprising herself with the action. The bustling market seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own little bubble.

"I think I'd like to stay a bit longer," Sarah said, her voice softer than she intended. "There's still so much to see."

"Ok, let's stay longer then," she replied, her hand still resting lightly on Sarah's back.

They continued their stroll through the market, but something had shifted. Their hands brushed more frequently as they walked, lingering a moment longer each time. 

The rest of the morning passed in a haze of shared laughter, lingering looks, and an ever-growing sense of possibility. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Sarah realized that, for the first time in a long while, she wasn't thinking about her to-do list or her responsibilities. She was simply present, enjoying the moment and the company.

As they finally made their way towards the market exit, bags full of purchases and hearts full of unspoken emotions, Sarah found herself reluctant for the day to end. She turned to Alex, gathering her courage.

"You know," she began, her voice a mix of nervousness and excitement, "I think I might take you up on that offer to come over. If it's still open, that is."

Alex's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and delight flickering across her face. She stepped closer to Sarah, her hands gripping Sarah's hips. "It's definitely still open," Alex said softly, her voice low enough that only Sarah could hear. "I was hoping you'd change your mind."

Sarah felt her heart racing, a flush creeping up her neck. "Well, Tommy's at a sleepover tonight, so..."

Alex nodded, understanding the unspoken implication. "Perfect," she murmured, her gaze dropping briefly to Sarah's lips before meeting her eyes again.

"Sarah," Alex whispered, her voice barely audible. Alex's fingers flexed slightly on Sarah's hips, and Sarah's breath caught in her throat as she noticed Alex's pupils dilate, her gaze intense and focused.

Without consciously deciding to, Sarah closed the remaining distance between them and they finally shared a kiss.

July 19, 2024 17:29

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