
Christine smiled up at the vast, blue, cloudless, sky and breathed. Today is going to be a good day. She leveled her head and continued walking, her simple black heels clacking against the cement as she walked along the sidewalk of the street heading towards the Dunkin Donuts to get her coffee before she headed to work. Which, luckily, was in walking distance of her small apartment in New York. She continued along, contemplating what she could accomplish today. Christine worked at an advertisement company for candy, she was especially excited today because she was going to pitch her idea for a new logo she had been working on for weeks upon end. She was proud of herself, this project had been consuming her life for the past month and Christine really believed this was her best work yet. She smiled a bright smile to everyone that past her, earning her confused stares back. She even stopped to hand a homeless man a twenty before continuing along to Dunkin, because Christine knew above all else today was going to be a good day. 

Christine approached the Dunkin Donuts and swung open the door just as a group of teenagers decided to walk in. Not one of them said anything to her as she struggled to keep open the door for all of them, which bothered her slightly, but she brushed it off assuming they had a rough morning. She walked in and strolled over to the back of the long line, where she could overhear a young couples conversation,

“We are not doing this here, not in public,” said what seemed to be the husband, to which the wife responded,

“Oh you want to go there? Maybe you should have thought of that before you almost drank yourself to death last night!”

But what really rattled Christine, was the little girl that couldn’t be no more than seven, who was staring right at them. 

“Look can we do this somewhere else,” the husbanded explained, “especially not in front of Lily.” This is where the wife seemed to notice her daughter watching them with wide frightened eyes. The wife’s whole demeanor immediately changed and softened. She then picked up her daughter and said, “I want you out of the house by tomorrow. I’ll be spending the night at my mom’s with Lily.” Then simply walked out with Lily. The situation could have been worse, at least there was no abuse involved and Christine was sure that the little girl was strong and that her parents could work everything out. 

By the time this whole situation was over, it was Christine’s turn to order. She ordered her normal coffee and three other coffees for her colleagues and then went to the counter in the back to wait for her order. As she waited, she noticed a man’s eyes on her, or rather on her chest. Christine shifted uncomfortably and turned her back to the man willing the coffee’s to come faster. 

The coffee’s came out and Christine grabbed them and all but ran for the door, where the man from before, the husband, was leaving. Since Christine was right on his heels, she assumed he would at least hold the door open for one second, but he didn’t. Which lead to the door slamming into her and all four hot coffee’s spilling over her and her outfit. The husband didn’t even look back, he just walked away, leaving Christine and her coffee spilled clothes behind.


Christine walked into the building, somehow with a smile still plastered on her face, despite the coffee all over her brand new suit. Christine settled herself down in her desk and took another long breathe to recuperate herself. When she was finished she gathered all of her materials for the pitch and got ready. Before she could pitch her idea in front of the board she had to confirm her idea through her boss, Cassandra. But she had no doubt her boss wouldn’t reject it because her idea was flawless. 

Christine skipped over to her bosses office and knocked on her door, Cassandra had been expecting her and welcomed her in and instructed her to begin. Christine presented her idea perfectly, just as she imagined. When she was finished she looked at Cassandra and smiled, yet, Cassandra wasn’t smiling.

“I’m not sure. I just don’t think the idea goes with what we are looking for. I’m going to have to reject your offer to pitch this in front of the board.” Christine stood there with her mouth hanging open, flabbergasted.

“But I, I spent-”

“I’m sorry, maybe next time you can think of something a little more… creative. Also, did you ever get my coffee?”


Christine walked up all four flights of stairs to her apartment, just wanting her bed and a nice glass of wine. She unlocked her door and walked in surprised to see boxes all over the floor. She looked up and spotted her boyfriend, Kyle staring back at her.

Christine’s heart began to race, she had been expecting this but not this soon.

“Can we talk for a second?” Kyle asked. 

Christine’s heart kicked up another beat, Christine and Kyle had talked about moving into a bigger apartment or even a house, but they had decided to wait until they got married. Could he be proposing already? Christine sat down eagerly awaiting for him to open is mouth, forgetting about work and all of today’s tragedies. 

“Sure, of course.” Christine responded, smiling.

“There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Kyle began.

“Yes, yes.” I nodded my head, beckoning him to continue.

“There’s… someone else.”

“What?” I answered coldly.

“There’s someone else, another girl and I’m in love with her. Look I’m sorry, it’s been going on for almost-”

“Get out.”


“Did you not hear me?Are you deaf? I said get out!” Christine practically screamed at him. Then Kyle got up and left, leaving Christine all alone.


With time still left in the night, Christine decided to go to work to clear her head, reevaluate things, her life. Christine slumped down into her chair at her desk and put her head in her hands, when suddenly she heard a noise behind her. It wasn’t uncommon to see other people working at this time of night, but what was uncommon was the conference room, which was right behind Christine's desk, being occupied at this time of night. Christine got up, curious, and needing a distraction and walked past so she could see what was happening.

Christine walked past and saw Cassandra in the room in front of the whole board. What was odd was that she saw Christine’s idea’s up there. Christine had been so shocked when Cassandra rejected her pitch that she left them in Cassandra’s office. And now, Cassandra was in front of the whole board pitching Christine’s ideas.

Christine had had enough of this shit day. There was too much smiling too much trusting and Christine was getting goddamn sick of it, always losing and never getting what she wanted. Now it was time to take what she wanted. Which first off, was her pitch.

Christine stormed into the room interrupting whatever nonsense Cassandra was saying and said, “That’s my goddamn pitch!”

“Excuse me, Christine but-” Cassandra protested but Christine cut her off.

“Excuse me? How about excuse yourself. Those are my pitches and we both know it. If your so confident their yours check the security cameras’.”


Christine walked out of the building satisfied, she wasn’t used to getting what she wants, but she had. Cassandra was fired and Christine was promoted because like she said before, her pitch was perfect. Christine liked getting what she wanted, it felt good. So she was done smiling and being naive, there would be no more trusting. The only person she could trust was herself and it was about time she started acting like. 

On her way home she passed another homeless man on the streets, but this time she knew better. He probably wasn’t even poor only out to get her and her money. So she spit at his feet and kept walking. She past another man, this one staring at her chest, Christine was no longer meek and would no longer cower.

“My eyes are up here asshole!” Christine yelled at him and it worked, his face heated and he walked away. Damn, this felt good. Christine could get used to it and she had a feeling she would.

By: Sophia Almeida

December 18, 2019 16:04

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