Crime Sad Mystery

   Malissa had laid a fresh batch of cookies on the kitchen counter. The smell quickly filled the room, and Malissa felt sad. Over the last few months, she couldn't wrap her head around anything, other than the plan she had devised. She savoured the aroma and enjoyed a moment of silence. To hell with this, like she hadn't experienced enough silence over the last 7 months and 14 days, when she swore revenge on Mr. Spitz, her mothers former employer, and the owner of a local bakery. The plan was supposed to set in motion at exactly 14:00 when the first guest was supposed to arrive, with Mr. Spitz being 30 minutes late. He informed her over texts, as he usually sent her text messages over the last seven and a half months. It was 13:15 and she decided to go over the plan once again.

   Mr. Fitz would walk through the door, only to get hit with the smell of raspberry cookies, her mother's speciality. Malissa catered the event with homemade wine, which was laced with sedatives, one cup would make a fully grown man pass out for several hours, no symptoms other than a headache would be felt upon waking up. It would take around 40 minutes for the brew to kick in, which gave Mr. Spitz around 10-15 minutes to relax and settle in. She'd immediately start chatting him up so he doesn't drink the brew. She'd give him a glass of "special" wine laced with just a bit of morphine, enough to weaken him so he doesn't resist, or run away. She'd then make him feel the pain she felt over the last 7 months in about 30 minutes, as garbage collectors came to her neighbourhood at 15:30 every day.

   The doorbell interrupted her daydreaming, and she headed for the door, anxious to greet the guests.

-"It's go time, I guess..."

She expected the Pattinsons, but was greeted by a broad smile of Rudolph Spitz.

-"Hello Mallisa. I cancelled the meeting so I could get here on time, wanted to surprise you. I'm really sorry we didn't see each other over the last few months."

Damn it, he shouldn't be here for another half an hour. Everything took a surprising turn, as panic and dread started settling into Malissas stomach. I have to change my plans, how do I keep him from drinking the wine.

-" Uhm, are you okay Malissa, you turned pale all of a sudden?"

-" Uhhh yeah I just sat up to quickly, got a bit dizzy, that's all. Please come in." 

-"Thank you, Malissa."

They walked through the living room, and just as they were about to enter the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks.

-"Could you wait out here for a second, please? I've got a surprise."

-"Of course, no problems."

Walking into the kitchen, she quickly took two new wine glasses, opened the fridge and poured wine into them,switched the new glasses with the old ones, and put the special glass for Mr. Spitz in a cupboard.

-"I got this vintage for you, since you're a very special guest. I hope you like it."

-"Malissa, I'm pretty certain you shouldn't drink. You're taking your meds, right?"

-"Oh yeah, my doctor said I don't need them anymore,thats why we're celebrating with this tasty wine. That's also why I organised this event."

-"God Damn Malissa, I didn't know that! I'm so happy for you! Cheers, then."

How can he be so nonchalant around me. He murdered my mother in front of my eyes, and now he's calling a toast! But he was right, she hasn't been taking her medication in a while, they ran out a few days before her mother was murdered by this psychopath, and she hasn't taken any ever since. Doesn't matter, she'll enjoy the peace after she pays this lunatic back for what he did.

   Guests were rolling in, and everything went according to the plan. She had been talking to Rudolph this whole time, and she made sure he didn't drink any of the laced wine. In about five minutes, she'd bring out his dose, and she'd have her fun.

-"I'm sorry, Rudolph, but do you have a cigarette?"

-"Yes, right here." he said while, handing her one, and putting one in his mouth "didn't know you smoked."

-"I don't, usually. I just feel like this is a time to celebrate, this is surely a special day, don't you think?"

-"Of course Malissa, getting off the meds is no small thing."

She leaned in seductively, showing of a lot of cleavage. Malissa knew she was attractive, she intended to use this to get Mr. Spitz to lower his guard even more. She noticed him taking a look, but she didn't mind, this was going to be the last he's ever going to take. Looking around the room, she noticed all the memebers of the two neighbourhood families getting dizzy, so she invited him into the kitchen.

-"Could you come with me, I've got something really special for you."

-"Yes, but only if it's more of those raspberry cookies", he said winking at her "those are amazing."

This only confirmed that he swallowed the bait.

-"If you liked the cookies that much, then what I'm about to show you is certainly going to blow your mind."

He must think that she's into him. Wouldn't be rare for the tall, well built man he was to have young women like Malissa falling for him. The occasional grays in his black hair and beard certainly added to his charm.

   As they walked into the kitchen, Malissa put the "special" glass of wine in front of him, and another regular one in front of her.

-"I was expecting something more..."

He said, a tone of disappointed in his voice. She leaned in over the counter, and slid one of her breast straps off, showing a bit more of her breasts, but nothing too much.

-"This is just foreplay, my dear Rudolph. Bottoms up, we should get this done quickly, I have other guests to tend to. I don't want anyone to get mad because I only spent time with you."

He took the glass and downed it in a single sip. This would get the morphine to take effect even faster, it shouldn't take more than a minute. Malissa walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulders. Rudolph gazed into her eyes and she didn't see anything evil in his. Two bright blue diamonds stared at her, and she saw a tear well up in his eye.

-"Are you that excited to have me?"

-"No... We shouldn't do this, I had too much wine, and I..."

-"You killed my mother? Is that what you were trying to say?"

-"God, no!" he pushed her hands off of him, and took a step back "What are you talking about!"

-"I went to visit her in your bakery, and I heard you two arguing, then I saw her up on a ladder, trying to reach a shelf and you, in a fit of rage, pushed the ladders! She died on the spot, and you killed her. Plus you never even faced any consequences, and you dared to show up at her funeral! "

-" No Malissa, that's not what happ... "

-" Yes it is! "she yelled" you even made sure I wasn't allowed to appear in court! "

-" That wasn't me, that was arranged by your doctor, who brought proof that you are schizophrenic and delusional! You were off your meds then, your mother even told me you were coming to the bakery to pick the meds up! Your mother and I were arguing over the oil she spilled on the kitchen floor, and I was yelling at her to get down because she could slip and fall, which is exactly what happened! "

He fell to the ground, his legs giving in.

-" What's happening to me?! What did you put in the wine?! "

-" Morphine, just to make sure you couldn't resist. You are a sociopathic lunatic! You even sent me messages acting all worried, you even called me!"

-"You are definitely the crazy one here, I was reaching out to make sure you were okay! Your mother was a friend, and I didn't want you to be alone through it all!"

-"That's a funny little lie you made up. Too bad it's not goings to help you in the slightest" she walked over to cutlery, and picked up a large knife "I made sure it was extra sharp for when you..."

The sound of the front door crashing in interrupted Malissa, as a squad of policemen rushed into the house,yelling and kicking the furniture away.

-"What the... How did they..."

A policeman walked into the kitchen, and immediately aligned his sights on Malissa. She was now looking down a barell of a pistol that would end her life before she got to exact her revenge.

-"Put your hands above your head, and lay down on the ground! Don't move!"

She complied, and he walked over, kicked the knife away from her and put her in cuffs.

   A few hours later, in the police station, Rudolph was facing the stone cold eyes of a detective.

-" And then I heard the policeman citing her rights to her as he carried her away."

-"Thank you Mr. Spitz, that would be all for today."

-"Excuse me, but I've a question."

-"Go ahead, Mr. Spitz."

-"Who called the police?"

-"One of the guests, who has a history of drug use didn't lose consciousness and heard your conversation with Ms. Belmont, and called the police. He is going to witness in court. "

-"God, what a mess..."

-Don't worry Mr Spitz, this will all be dealt with in court, and until then, you won't have to worry about Ms. Belmont, as she's been put in a psych ward, where, we all hope she gets the help she needs. "

December 09, 2020 20:22

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Willa Hildreth
03:27 Dec 18, 2020

wow! that was definitely a twist I wasn't expecting! I enjoyed it though wonderful and intriguing story!


Luka Vukovic
17:06 Dec 18, 2020

Thank you a lot. Your feedback means a world to me! <3


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