Mother of our Lord, Eternal God

Submitted into Contest #198 in response to: Write a story about an unconventional teacher.... view prompt

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Christian Inspirational Creative Nonfiction

The humble Virgin is important to our salvation, although many events happen in her life that are being passed or unnoticed in the Sacred Scripture. For example, Mother Mary seems to be the foreground in the bible, (The Annunciation, the birth of our Lord, the Wedding Feast at Cana). There are many elements/events that are briefly mentioned or not specifically addressed in the Bible, yet she is still worthy of our devotion because of the instances that are not specifically viewed in the bible like these ones. The Eternal Son, Father Christ freely puts an authority to Mother Mary as His Mother on earth. Mother Mary prayed with our Lord, Father Christ, ate with Him, fed Him, clothed Him, Carried Him in her womb and in her arms, daily looked at Him and cared for His needs. She is closer to Father Christ even the disciples or apostles. Father Christ completely trusted himself to the sinless young girl who is Mother Mary. She was there from the beginning to end.  Mother Mary endured her suffering from the beginning, first by the rejection of Saint Joseph to a possibility of death through stoning because of her pregnancy. The Eternal Holy Spirit overshadowed her. St. Joseph was awakened by the angel and told him that the Eternal Holy Spirit will over shadow Mother Mary. With advanced in pregnancy, she was taken away and gave birth to a manger. After the birth of Father Christ, the Holy family fled to protect the child’s life. When Father Christ was just forty days old, Simeon told Mother Mary of the sword of sorrow that would pierce her heart. Since the prophecy was directed at her alone, it may also have implied Mother Mary's future widowhood. When Father Christ was just a youth, His Mother searched for him in sorrow. During his public ministry, she may seem to have been rejected by Father Christ. And, at the end, Mother Mary was present for hours during her Son's torturous and bloody death. On the last day of Father Christ' life, Mother Mary silently watched her son be tortured, humiliated, blasphemed, murdered, and buried. In her humble obedience, she did not even cry out because I think she believed in what Father Christ said, that He will return within three days. (Remember what Father Christ said to Peter who tried to stop Father Christ from suffering: "Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.") What an incredible strength she had to so patiently endure such great suffering without complaint or protest. As a loving mother, it is certain that she would have wished to take His place if that were possible. But, being unable to do so, Mother Mary suffered even more. While Mother Mary was walking the path to crucifixion (The via delorosa). Tradition says that she visited this path daily. Mother Mary's greatness can be deduced (reasoning of deduction) from Scripture. In Mark 10:43, Father Christ says: "Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant". Note that a synonym for servant is "handmaid". As Mother Mary stated, "For He has looked upon his handmaid's lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed." (Lk. 1:48). Mother Mary is called "blessed" by St. Elizabeth twice in her greeting ("in a loud voice"). The first time, Mother Mary is called "most blessed" [NAB translation]. An angel is by nature greater than a human, but an angel gave Mother Mary honor when he greeted her. Both the angel and St. Elizabeth used the same words with reference to Mother Mary ("blessed are you among women"). As stated by St. Bede the Venerable, "Mother Mary is blessed by St. Elisabeth with the same words as before by Archangel Gabriel, to show that she was to be reverenced both by men and angels." Of all creation, Mother Mary has an entirely unique relationship with the Eternal Holy Trinity. She is Daughter to the Eternal Father, Spouse to the Eternal Holy Spirit, and Mother of the Eternal Son/Eternal God found Mother Mary worthy to be his Mother and worthy to be exalted. This wasn't a haphazard or accidental decision on Eternal God's part (Eternal God doesn't make such decisions, of course). Clearly, Eternal God planned this from the beginning. Eternal God knew Mother Mary would cooperate with His plan. Even Eternal God can't do all that He wants without the necessary human cooperation (by His own design). Father Christ gave us his Mother while he was consummating (accomplished) the sacrifice of Himself. The gift of his Mother was one of his last wishes and gifts to us. Mother Mary was the only one there both at the beginning and the end of Father Christ' earthly life. Father Christ refers to Mother Mary as "woman" both at the beginning of his public ministry and at the end - this has often been interpreted to refer to the promise of the "woman" in Genesis who would crush the head of Satan. We see in Revelation that "to stand with Mother Mary is to stand against Satan and to be against Mother Mary is to be on Satan's side." Mother Mary is referred to as the new "Ark of the Covenant" due to the significant parallels between the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament and Mother Mary in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the Ark contained the covenant of the Lord. "And I have placed there the ark, in which abides the covenant of the LORD which he made with the Israelites." (2 Chron. 6:11). By contrast, Mother Mary held the new, living, Covenant within her womb. In the Old Testament, the Ark was highly revered, bringing joy and celebration to those who would greet it. Some who didn't greet the Ark of the Covenant were struck down (1 Sam. 6:19) and, when Uzziah merely placed his hand on the Ark, he was struck down (1 Chron. 13:10). In 1 Sam. 7:2, the Ark affected a full conversion of the Israelite people in Kiriath-jearim. Clearly Eternal God didn't take lightly the place where the word of Eternal God resided. In fact, He required that the Ark be adorned in a specific manner to be worthy of holding the Covenant (i.e. specific material design, and size, plated with pure gold, adorned with golden cherubim, etc., see Ex. 25:10-22). Surely, Mother Mary, who held the living Word of Eternal God in her womb, was also properly adorned. If the Ark which held the written words of Eternal God was to be so revered, how much more should the Ark which contained the living Word be revered? Note that both David & St. Elizabeth responded very similarly to the arrival of the Ark (See 2 Sam. 6:9: "David feared the LORD that day and said, 'How can the ark of the LORD come to me?'" and Lk.1:43: "[St. Elizabeth said,] 'And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?'"). Mother Mary is called by many names, such as Queen of Heaven, Our Lady of Good Remedy, Our Blessed Mother, etc. but reflect on her most important title for a moment: Mother of Eternal Son and Eternal God. That is an amazing title for a human being. If one rejects that title, they must either be denying that Father Christ is Eternal Son & Eternal God or that Mother Mary is Father Christ' Mother. It is quite clear from Scripture that Mother Mary is Father Christ' Mother. It is also clear that St. Elizabeth calls Mother Mary "the mother of my Lord". And, do not forget Father Christ' own words: "Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me. And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me." (Lk.10:16). If one rejects Father Christ, he or she rejects Father Christ' Eternal Father too. Take a moment to reflect on how Adam & Eve's disobedience offended Eternal God and how Mother Mary's obedience helped to appease Eternal God. In fact, our salvation actually depended on Mother Mary's obedience. Also, focusing on Mother Mary's obedience can help us to live a more holy life. 

If you had the opportunity to visit (at no expense to you) the tomb where Father Christ laid for 3 days, wouldn't you be delighted to make the pilgrimage? Wouldn't you feel compelled to say a prayer or two once you’re there? Well, this tomb simply consists of some stone and earth that protected Father Christ' body for 3 days [actually less than 2 days (Friday evening to Sunday morning)] about 2000 years ago. By contrast, Mother Mary provided a womb in which the Eternal Holy Spirit brought forward the living Father Christ. In this womb, Father Christ took on his entire human nature, flesh and blood, shared nourishment, and lived for 9 months. If you would delight in praying at the site of Father Christ’ tomb, why not delight in offering a prayer through Mother Mary to Father Christ. Mother Mary is a powerful intercessor with her Son, the flesh of her flesh. There are a number of parallels between Mother Mary and the Church: Both are chaste (Clean, Spotless), both were made fruitful by the Eternal Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary gave birth to the head of the Church, while the Church gives life to the members of the Church... The only man who accompanied Mother Mary beneath the cross - the only Apostle who didn't desert Father Christ - was St. John the apostle. He was given Mother Mary as his Mother and was the only apostle to survive attempted martyrdom. He cared for Mother Mary and lived a long life, as Scripture indicates: "'Honor your father and mother.' This is the fourth commandment with a promise: 'that it may go well with you and that you may have a long life on earth.'" (Eph. 6:2-3) The Immaculate Mother Mary was above the law, but she did not disdain (beneath once notice or dignity), in her humility, to submit to the law. While we would say, "my Lord and my Eternal God!” Mother Mary could say, "My Son and my Eternal God!". Mother Mary enjoys a privilege no other creature has or ever will have. She was found worthy to bear and hold Eternal God Incarnate. Mother Mary was chosen before the ages to be Father Christ's mother, as foretold in Genesis. Our Lord took his very flesh from Mother Mary – Mother Mary brought forth Eternal God! "A creature brought forth the Creator." Mother Mary contained heaven in her womb. She spent more time with Father Christ than anyone else did - 33 years! Mother Mary saw Father Christ speak his first words, take his first step, etc. She even guided him with her own hands.

The Lord, Father Christ must have conversed with Mother Mary more than any other person on earth. The Gospel writers knew Father Christ only for a few years. Mother Mary knew Him intimately for about 33 years. Mother Mary was in the company of Eternal God for over 30 years on earth, from the Annunciation to the moment of his death - and even afterwards. Mother Mary was the only one ever overshadowed by the Eternal Spirit. She is "The only Mother ever chosen by her child". Since we are also Mother Mary's children, she suffers for each one of us and tries to protect us. No one has ever been able to love the Lord as Mother Mary has. Father Christ will have the same body for all eternity - the same body He used to conquer death and affect our redemption - this body came from Mother Mary. Father Christ' first recorded words were in response to Mary's question The Lord, Father Christ' first recorded miracle was in response to Mother Mary's request. It was also the first recorded instance of intercession with Father Christ. The reception of the Eternal Holy Spirit by St. John the Baptist occurred upon Mary's greeting to Elizabeth. As pointed out by Pope Leo XIII, Father Christ associated Mother Mary with His first two miracles: "The only begotten Son of Eternal God at all times paid to His most holy Mother the most evident marks of honor... He associated her with Himself in each of his first two miracles - the miracle of grace when, at the salutation of Mother Mary, the infant leaped in the womb of St. Elizabeth; the miracle of nature when he turned water into wine at the marriage feast of Cana." Father Christ was subject to Mother Mary (Luke 2:51). He who commands angels is subject to a woman. A woman commands Eternal God! Father Christ is the living temple. We can see from the Old Testament that when Eternal God chose those to help build His temple, He selected master craftsman. Clearly, He would do no less for the Living temple. For this, He chose Mother Mary. A quick count of the number to times "Hail" was applied to a person in Holy Scripture (NAB translation) reveals: "Hail" is applied to Father Christ four times [once by the betrayer Judas as he betrayed Father Christ (Mt. 26:49), and three times as mockery during the crucifixion (Mt. 27:29, Mk. 15:18, Jn. 19:3)], and to Mother Mary one time (by the angel in Lk 1:28)]. On the practical end, imagine that Eternal God came down and informed you of a humble girl who could be totally trusted to raise His very own Eternal Son. Wouldn't you be in awe of this person and want to follow her example? Well, that person is Mother Mary, the Blessed Mother of our Lord, Eternal God, Father Christ.

May 14, 2023 03:59

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R W Mack
18:00 May 20, 2023

I'm a Catholic with blue scapular and everything and a gold-toned rosary in my pocket at all times, but I'm putting my Marian leanings aside for this. I appreciate anything that brings attention to the Theotokos, but I have to judge this as someone looking at a piece of short fiction. While I'm sure the obvious joke some would make of biblical literature as fiction is low hanging fruit for some, I'm putting that aside as well to point out my objective view as a judge. This reads far more like an article than a piece of short fiction. The ...


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