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"Are you sure it's okay for kids to be going in a forest alone?" Kirishima began, looking at Bakugou, "hm?"

"Yeah I mean, with all those villains out there it could get pretty dangerous," Kaminari stated.

"That's exactly what I was thinking!"

"They'll be fine. They're not some babies."

"The oldest in the group is like eight! I mean, that's pretty young to me."

"They'll be fi-"


"KISEKI NEEDS A HOSPITAL!" Radurī yelled, running in whilst her hand was on her cheek as Jay and Koti helped Kiseki walk.

"Guys I'm- argh. F-fine!"

"You're knee. IS SLICED OPEN LIKE SOME FREAKING WATERMELON!" Koti yelled. "Don't need to be descriptive."

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Bakugou yelled, storming over to the young group, picking up Kiseki. "We were attacked by aliens!" Radurī said, covering the cut on her face. "They weren't aliens. They were villains looking for trouble, they tried to kidnap Radurī!" Jay said, taking the lead. "They. WHAT?!" Kirishima panicked, picking up Radurī. "I knew letting them in the forest alone was a bad idea!" 


"I'm fine dad. But Kiseki isn't." 

"I'm fine!"

"Your bone's literally sticking out."

"A-again with the description- It's fine! I-I get hurt all the time. Mama will just fix it."


"Oh, then... maybe call the hospital?"

"Like hell, I will. Here hold him." Bakugou said whilst handing Kiseki over to Kaminari. "YOU BETTER NOT HURT HIM MORE!"

"Don't worry I won't! You sure you okay Jay-Jay?!" 

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just a bunch of stupid villains." 

"Hey, dude. Your back's dripping a lot." Koti said tryna lift Jay's shirt a bit, only to have Jay turn around.

"Uh... heh! That's nothing!"

"Hey, Ejirou could you hold him a second?"

"Yeah sure, man!" Kirishima then put Radurī down, picking Kiseki carefully out of Kaminaris' arms. "Uh... dad what are you doing-? Hey!"


"I just f-fell!"


"Dad it's nothing!"

"Hey, uncle Kirishima?" Kiseki asked. "What's up?"

"Um... could you put me on the couch?"

"Afraid I can't do that little man, your dad would kill me!"

"B-but it's more comfortable for my leg..." 

"...alright... but if it hurts more lemme know okay?"


"HURRY UP AND CALL AN AMBULANCE ALREADY!" Kaminari screamed. "I AM! They're on there way-"


Kaminari then grabbed the phone out of Bakugous' hand, and began screaming in the phone (R.I.P the phone...), "SEND ANOTHER ONE!" 


"Don't worry I'm fine daddy!" Radurī reassured looking up at her father, Kirishima.



"Then why do you have your hand on your face?"

"It's just more comfortable!"

"...well could you take it down for a second you're kinda scaring me!"


She then barely took it down. "Oh, I meant like your whole hand!"

"Okay... but promise not to go crazy?"

"I won't- OH GOSH!" 

He then noticed the huge deep cut on her face, it was bleeding a lot too.

"It's just a scratch! And you promised not to go crazy!"

"Crazy?! Haha no, I'm totally fine!"

He then turned around towards Bakugou and held his breath before yelling.


"Daddy, you promised not to go crazy!"

"I'm just tryna get his attention!"

"But he's right beside you..."

"It's just a scratch. She doesn't need an ambulance." Katsuki said bluntly.

"Yeah dude, all she needs is a few bandages and she'll be good." 


"Whatever I'll get another one. Oi Koti!"

"Yes, sir?"

"You okay?! AND DON'T LIE TO ME!" 

"Nah. I'm alright..."

"He dislocated his shoulder."



"It's embarrassing, I had too!"


"Just tell them another one Bakugou!" 


"What happened anyway?"


"Well..." Kiseki started, scratching the back of his neck. "It started after we walked through the forest for a little while..."

A Few Hours Before

"Ha! I caught another one!" Koti squealed running up to Kiseki. "Good job!" Kiseki said with a little laugh, looking at the beautiful red butterfly in his palms. "Awww... I can't get any they keep running away!" Radurī whined pouncing at the next butterfly. "You'll get one soon don't worry!" Jay said with a smile as Radurī crossed her arms. "No, I won't! I've been hunting for hours!"

"Not acting like that you won't," Koti said bluntly as Radurī sighed. "I know... could you help me? You caught like a million!"

"Nu-uh you gotta do it yourself," Koti said letting the butterfly fly away. "But-!"

"Nope. Not doing it."

She then pouted and looked around behind her, spotting a beautiful pink butterfly. "Ooh!" She squealed, running after it, just before it ran away. "Aw, man! Come back pretty butterfly!" She then ran after it, disappearing deeper in the forest.


"Hey, where'd Radurī go?" Kiseki asked, looking around cautiously. "Uh... I don't know, Koti have you seen her?"


"Oh no..."

"Chillax, she couldn't have gotten that far."

"Well let's not waste any time, before she goes farther!" Jay stated as he ran towards the deeper part of the forest. "Wait!" Kiseki yelled as Jay stopped. "Yeah?" 

"My dad said not to go in there..!"

"But... if we don't Radurī might be lost forever!"

"Yeah... yeah, I guess you're right... I'll come with you!"

"I'm staying here," Koti said sitting on the log as he crossed his arms. "But we might need you!"

"Yeah, there could be a villain or something-"

"Nevermind. Count me in!"

They then went deeper into the forest.

"Radurī! Radurī!" Jay called, "how does a five-year-old just disappear!?" 

"I don't know," Koti said looking around. "Maybe we should split up? We're more likely to find her if we do." Kiseki suggested.

"What?! That's a horrible idea!" Jay said plainly. 

"I think Kisekis' right. We have no clue which direction she went, we're more likely to find her if we split." 


"Come on Jay. We don't have time! She could be really hurt. Let's just go with Kisekis' idea." Koti said. "Wait. You actually care if Radurī's hurt or not?"

"Uh yeah. Why?" Kotis' eyes then went a little wide. "Seriously?! This isn't the time! I'll go in that way." Koti then stormed off south. "Yeah, I'll go here." Kiseki then walked off west. "I-I guess I'll go here..." Jay said, walking off north.

Kiseki then walked through the part he assigned himself. It was a bit darker than the rest of the forest, there was barely any light, and you could hear some animals walking around. He felt like he was surrounded. He continued to walk, only to step on something, he felt what was under his feet, now that he thought about it. It felt like a person...

IsN'T tHaT lOvElY!? 

He then slowly looked down, only to see a seemingly lifeless body under his feet. "AH!" He screamed falling onto his butt. "KISEKI?!"

"I knew we shouldn't have split up!" 

The boys then ran over to Kiseki. "KISEKI ARE YOU OKAY?!" Koti yelled running next to him. "Yeah I-I'm alright... but I don't think he is!" Kiseki then pointed towards the seemingly dead man. "Oh gosh... is he okay?!" 

"I don't think so... he's not moving... you alright sir? Maybe he's just napping?" Koti said poking him. "Maybe. He kinda stinks though." Kiseki said holding his nose.

"Yeah but anyone who lays in the middle of the forest is gonna be stinky," Jay stated, also covering his nose.


"Yeah..." Koti said holding his nose as well.

"Hold on... mama usually does this when she tries to see if the person's heart is beating." Kiseki said whilst crawling next to him.

"What if it's not?" Koti asked.

"Then they're probably dead... right?" 

"I think so."

Kiseki then took a deep breath and put his two fingers on the mans' throat. "I don't feel any heartbeat."

"Maybe check his chest!"


Kiseki then tried to turn the man's body around, just before noticing some blood. "Hey, guys..?"

"What is it?"

"There's blood on his side... like a lot."



"Gross..! Let's face it he's dead."

Kiseki then looked at the man, sympathy filling his little eyes. "Is the blood... dry or nah?"

"Um... it's wet?"

"Wait. Blood that's wet usually means it's new. Right?"

"Wait, be quiet, what are you saying Jay?"

"I'm saying, this may have happened recently..."

"Something killed him recently?"

"You mean we could've saved him?"


"You're smart for a kid." A stranger said from behind them, just before they heard the click of a gun. "Don't move. Or I'll shoot."

"You'd shoot a kid? That pathe-" 

"Shut it Koti," Jay whispered yelled. "Now you're gonna turn around, and answer every question I give. I don't wanna hear any lies, got that?"

"Yes, sir!" Jay answered. "Good. First question, names."

"That was more of a demand than a question-! Hey!"

"Be quiet Koti! You're gonna get us all killed!"

"I'm Kiseki Bakugou." He spoke up. "I-I'm Jay Kaminari."

"I don't have to answer to you idiot!"


"Midoriya and Bakugou eh?" The man chuckled. "You're the kids of top heroes. Interesting." He then put his face closer to them. "I wonder how they'd feel if I held you captive eh?" The villain then began to laugh as he grabbed Koti roughly by the arm, "hey let me go stupid!" 

"Grab the other one."

"B-but sir... they're only kids..."

"Your point? I don't care. I gave you an order. Grab the other one!"

"But sir!" 

Before you knew it, a gunshot blew. Right to the man who resisted to listen to his orders. "Fine then. I'll do it myself." 

The boys' eyes went a little wide from the horror, just before they heard soft whimpering from behind the man. "Sir this one won't stop crying." The man said from behind his leader. "Then muffle it." Koti and Kiseki looked up, seeing that they were holding Radurī. "We don't have anything, sir." 

"Grr... SHUT UP, KID!"

She didn't say a word but covered her mouth. "Hey leave her alone idiots!" Koti spoke up as Jay glared at him. The villain looked Koti dead in the eye and pointed the gun at him. "I won't hesitate." Koti glared at him as the tears rushed down his face. 

All of a sudden the other villains heard an explosion, and they then saw their boss flying through the air. "KISEKI!" 

"Sorry, Jay. I couldn't hold back any longer."

Kiseki Bakugou, Quirk; Explosive Telekinesis

He then made another explosion with his mind, making the man who held Radurī to go flying towards a tree. "Catch her Koti!" 

"Ahh!!" She screamed, as Koti ran backwards trying to find a good spot to catch her, when he did he reached his arms out, only hoping he'd catch her. She then closed her eyes, preparing to hit the ground, only to have him catch her, himself falling backwards. "Nice catch Koti!" Kiseki cheered. "Thanks!"

"Am I dead yet?"

"No, you idiot. I caught ya."

"Huh? Are you my angel?"

"Just open your eyes." 

She did as he told, and noticed her self held in Kotis' arms, she smiled brightly and raised both her hands in the air. "I'M NOT DEAD!" 

"Oh soon you will, dearie..." one of the villains said as he began to transform into a purple monster, huge muscles, huge veins popping all over his body, large teeth and... some stretchy underwear- is that polka-dots? "Oh crap!" Koti yelled hugging Radurī tighter, attempting to protect her. "You guys?!"

"We got this. Keep Radurī safe!"


"Just do it Koti!" Kiseki demanded.

The purple monster then lifted his fist towards Jay. Jay only bowed his head down, releasing porcupine spikes from his head, causing the purple monsters' hand to bleed.

Jay Kaminari; Quirk: Electric Spikes

Just as Kiseki surrounded him with his explosions. "Dude, gimme a lift?"

"You got it!" 

Kiseki then made Jay float in the air, throwing him towards the purple monster. Jay then focused on his fist as large porcupine spikes formed forwards as he punched the guy in the stomach, the monster screamed in pain, hitting Jay away from him, but the villain couldn't take the pain anymore, forcing him to take off his quirk. Jay flew towards a tree, falling into a rosebush. "Jay!"

Before you knew it, Kiseki was grabbed by the hair, getting his head smashed against a rock. "Silly boy. I knew that I could expect something from King Explosion Murders' kid. But don't underestimate me... I won't just go away with one explosion." Kiseki then tried to escape from his grip, only to have the boss hold him down tighter. The boss smirked as he lifted his knife, just before having his pants on fire. "Let him go, idiot!" Koti said as he wiped his lips, Radurī on his back.

Koti Midoriya, Quirk; Fire Breath

"You dumbass kid!" He screamed as he ran towards the lake. "Ha! Yeah, run you loser!"

"Thanks, Koti! That was awesome!" Kiseki cheered as Koti rubbed his arm. "It wasn't that great... who am I kidding? That was sick!" 

"Kiseki are you okay!? You're bleeding a lot!" Radurī asked jumping off of Kotis' back. Kiseki then felt his forehead and smirked. "Eh. Just a scratch."

"Just a scratch?! I think he broke your forehead."

"It's just some blood-!" Out of the blue, Kiseki felt a huge kick in his stomach, and he was thrown towards the shallow sharp rocky river, falling directly on his knees. But he looked around and couldn't see anything, the villain then revealed himself. "Surprise babies." The villain said licking his lips. "Oh, crap... Radurī stay here." 

"I wanna help!"

"Stay here or I'll stick you down."


Koti then blew flames at the villain, but then he teleported and smacked Koti in the shoulder. "Argh!"

'What the hell is his quirk? He teleported but then turned invisible...'

All of a sudden, the villain was then stabbed in the shoulder by a porcupine. "You good Koti?"


"Hey, some rosebushes doesn't mean it's the end of me."

"Hey, where's Kiseki?" Radurī asked, she then looked behind her. Seeing Kiseki being threatened by the boss. With his gun. 

What the hell is up with this guy and guns! 

What is it his quirk?!

"HEY!" Koti yelled as Jay glared at the boss. "Move for just a second, and I'll kill him!" Everyone then froze, "good. Now you're gonna do exactly as I say... you're gonna follow me... and you're going to be my slaves... you're gonna behave and- AH!" And before you knew it, Radurī had hit him with her rock hard acid. "Take that meanie!" She said with a confident smile as he dropped his gun, his leg slowly burning off. 

Raduri, Quirk; Acid Rock


"I'm not a brat!"

"Radurī!" Koti said with a smile, "that was amazing!"

"You were supposed to stay behind the tree!"

Radurī rolled her eyes at Jay. "Psh. You guys would've been slaves without me!"

"True but-"

"Guys! I don't mean to intrude but... my knees really hurt..!"

"Huh? Oh coming Kiseki!" Koti said running up to him. "Are you okay-? HOLY CRAP!"

"What? What's wrong??"


"My-? WAIT WHAT?!"

"Dude. You don't tell someone there knee's sliced op- oh gosh... that's really bad... don't look Radurī!" Jay said covering her eyes. "Grrrr, I'm not a baby Jay!"

He simply ignored her, "we're gonna have to carry you home..."

"Is it that bad?"

"Uh yeah, it really is..."

"Come on, grab his arms!" Koti demanded, holding Kisekis' right arm. "Who made you leader?" Jay said with a glare, grabbing Kisekis' left arm.

"Who made anyone leader?"

"I think uncle Bakugou made Kiseki leader," Radurī said with a little smile. "No, he didn't." 


"And then that's when they took me home." Kiseki finished, laying on the hospital bed, pulling out an Elmo book from one of the stands. "It's good you fought, BUT YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN MORE CAREFUL!"

"I know... sorry daddy..." Kiseki said with a pout, just before someone came storming in. "KISEKI! GOOD GOD, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR OKAY!" Iris panicked as Bakugou glared at her, "THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU DON'T JUST COME IN HERE SCREAMING!"

"Where do you think I get it from?!"


"She's couldn't come. They had a massive villain attack and they wouldn't let her leave."

"Tch. A**holes." He mumbled under his breath.

"Right? But don't swear in front of him!"

"And why the hell not?"

"He's seven! Anyways, please tell me you're alright!"

"I'm okay Auntie Iris, I'm just gonna be in a wheelchair for a bit..."

"Oh, you poor child! What happened?!"

"Do I have to tell the whole story again?"

"No. You don't." Bakugou said glaring at Iris. "Glare at me all you want. I want to know!"

"He's not in the mood plum-face."

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"

"Tch. You act like I'm gonna listen."

"Ugh. YOU... YOU... you jerk!"

"You're not good at telling people off like Rirī." 

"Oh shut up! Jerk... means something bad! So..."

"Daddy?" Kiseki called, looking up from his Elmo book. 


"Can I tell you something?"

"Tsh. Whatever. Better not be long."

"Okay... can you train me? To be a hero?!"

"What? The hell you wanna be trained for, you're like seven."

"Going on eight!"

"Your point?"

Kiseki sighs, "well... when I saw that man... it made me think. I could've saved him! But I was too late... I don't wanna be too late ever again! I wanna save people, I want them to have a hero they can always count on. I wanna be that hero! But I can't do that by myself, I wanna be trained dad. So know one has to die alone like that ever again."

Iris then blew her nose, "that was beautiful!" She wiped a tear from her eye as Bakugou only rolled his eyes. "Drama queen. Fine, I'll train you or whatever, but I don't want to hear any complaints when it gets too hard!" 

Kiseki smiled brightly as he nodded. "I won't!" Kiseki then returned to his book. Still smiling.

'Don't worry. You can always count on me, for I am Izatsu!'

May 02, 2020 16:56

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1 comment

22:31 May 13, 2020

Hi Lily, This story is really good. I love the plot, the dialogue, and the characters. Your description is good as well, but I think it could use a bit of improvement. Here's some feedback: 1. There are a few typos in the story, so that's something to look out for in future submissions. 2. Your descriptions are really good, but they can be a bit repetitive sometimes, so try to use different words instead of the same word over and over again. Keep writing!


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