Horror Urban Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

One day i was in my room playing music while trying to sleep when all of a sudden my phone rings looks like someone is calling me but it says no caller id and i get scared and hang up but the same number calls again and i get even more scared. Then i answer it and it says "Hello you may not know me but i know all about you" and then i ask "who are you and stop messing with me i'm in the mood" then the man says "i know what happened and i know your getting a large inheritance i ask "how do you know" and he doesn't answer so i decided to hang up But 15 minutes later i get the same call from no caller id and pick up and he tells me "i know what you need to do to get the inheritance but if you want it your going to have to listen to what i tell you or your mom dies".

Then i ask "how do u have my mom and who are you" no answer then i run around the house and my mom is gone so i call the police but it looks like the phone line has been cut out with some kind of sharp object and there is blood all over the floor. I start freaking out then i realize i can run to the police station it isn't far from here then i can just text this thing until i get to the police station and show them the text. I thought this plan would work perfectly until i realize there it cement covering the doors and windows then i text it and it tells me this "if you and your mom want to live then listen to me OK" "OK" i say then he text me a list of things i need to do to get me and my mom out of the house and to get the inheritance so then i follow the steps.

step 1. kill a cat and put it in the microwave

step 2. smash your window and cut your arm

step 3. let blood go out of the window ground

step 4. light your room on fire with everything in it

step 5. complete it to have your freedom

"OK "i say first i kill my own cat because i cant get out. Next i smash the window and cut my arm with a knife i have been hiding for awhile hen i let 10 drops of blood sink into the ground of outside then finally i grab a match from the kitchen and set my room on fire i didn't wanna do it because i'm a of a sit and play kinda guy buw my room is on fire and the kitchen is on fire then i text the mysterious man and i say "done noe let me nd my mom go now" but he replies "your mom is dead i killed her a while ago i just told you that so you would do it and im not letting you go" but just as i accept my fate policemen and firemen come in and break down the door and the cement and i run out of the house and when the house was no longer on fire the police asked me what happened and i told them "this guy texted me and killed my mother and cut the phone line and cemented the doors shut and he said if i do things me and my mom can leave and as soon as i was done he told me he kiled my mom...

(the policemen took the girl to an orpanage and she was happy there but she still missed her mom but then she remembers what about the inheritence what about dad???) (the policemen figure out that the man who was texting her was her dad and he was telling her to do that stuff because he was going throught a demonic possession) he was arrested for now... it has been a week since i have been in the orpanage and i like it no one to try to kill me but thats about to change.

its friday the 13th and im scared because there is a man with a chainsaw killing everyone im hiding currently and it looks like the man is my dad is it true that he is out of jail he is screaming my name and i cant think he killed my teacher and my friends and i cant stand for this he did this to me before i wont let him do it again i go behind him and stab a knife through his leg and h falls down and i run again and he gets back up and im scared.

the scary thing is he has a chainsaw andi have a knife and i could pull a michael myers and go and stab him. thats exactly what i did and he fell he is dead and now im traumitized the police come and they see him on the ground with a knife in his chest and they look at me and they ask me "did you kill him" and i reply "yes but i couldnt let him hurt anymore of my friends but go ahead and arrest me for murder" but the police tell me"why woukd we areest you we were trying to get rid of him for years and you seemed to have done it for us" and i say "so im not getting arrest?

and thay say no so theres that.

after we go to my dads funeral i dont know what to do or where to go so i remembered that inheritence i got and i use it to but a house and stuff for myself it is starting to come out good for me and lets hope it stays that way but if this kind of thing has to happen again ill be ready...

December 13, 2020 17:58

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