Submitted to: Contest #80

Stay Tuned to this Station...

Written in response to: "Start your story with a major news event breaking — one that will change the world forever."

Inspirational Speculative Contemporary

"If you feel like you don't belong in this world, it is because you are here to make it a better place." - Anonymous

“We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special news bulletin – please stand by…At 11:11 this morning meteorologists and astronomers observed a pulsing white light that appears to be coming from the center of the Andromeda galaxy. This light is currently directed at the world’s ocean basins but appears to be expanding. Stay indoors! This is for your own safety. No one is to go out until we can determine the safety of the phenomena. World leaders have sent teams to nearby sites to investigate the phenomena. Stay tuned to K I N D, your global broadcasting station, or your local station for further announcements.”

The announcement sent shockwaves around the world. Every country established martial law “for everyone’s safety”. World leaders held a zoom meeting to discuss the options each had. Government drones would deliver packages of food every few days. One household member would be allowed to retrieve the goods after putting on protective gear issued by the government.  

Social media was now buzzing with theories, end of the world predictions, and panic posts. There were so many people online that servers where overwhelmed. Some sites inevitably went down which fueled conspiracy theorist’s thoughts. Religious groups everywhere activated their prayer chains even though they weren’t sure if the strange light was benevolent or harmful.

Divers discovered a miracle – the Great Barrier Reef was teeming with life and never looked healthier. The divers themselves also reported a feeling of well-being. Government bodies immediately took them to safe houses where they could be monitored for side effects. They were poked and prodded by several medical experts who confirmed their excellent state of health.   The light had expanded and approached land. Immediate steps had to be taken to ensure the public’s “safety” until further tests could be done. Helicopters patrolled the coastal towns to make sure no one was out. Police cars patrolled the streets and stayed in touch with one another via radio. Some world governments wanted to regulate exposure to the beneficial light to protect the interests of the pharmaceutical industry who funded the governments to a large extent. The industry was in danger of collapse if the truth were revealed. Social media would therefore need to be regulated and if any post appeared to reveal the truth that post would be removed.

On the day that the light appeared, Miss Olivia Smith, who lived with her four-legged companion in Nelson, New Zealand (which has the distinction of being the second oldest city ever settled in New Zealand), knew nothing of the panic or the regulations now in force because she had been cooking all morning and had not turned on the television. She was only aware that her beloved Prince (her tiny chihuahua) had to go out for his walk. She put his harness on and attached the leash, changed from her slippers into her gym shoes, and opened the door to a strange light. The Andromeda light had engulfed Nelson. Suddenly her eyes welled up with tears. She heard a bark – it was coming from Prince.  She could hear the wind, birds singing, all manner of sounds. Prince for his part was tearing around like a puppy. The arthritis he had suffered with for so many years was gone. Miss Olivia, who had been deaf since she was 10 years old due to a childhood illness, could now hear everything. It was amazing! Fortunately for Miss Olivia the patrol car had been by her street a half hour ago and had not yet returned. After Prince had walked and relieved himself the two returned to the house. She thought it a bit strange that no one was out but thought that they must be busy with other things – sleeping, cooking, eating, praying, writing, or other pursuits. Usually at this time of the day there were several people walking along the beach or boats bringing nets ashore, but not today.

When they returned from their walk, Olivia made herself a nice cup of tea and sat down to watch the news on television. Instead of the news, a symphony orchestra played Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. The music took her breath away. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she listened. Prince thought she was upset and immediately jumped on her lap and licked the tears away. 

“I am fine little one, God bless you” said an unused but strong voice. Prince wagged his tail at the sound of her voice. His human could speak! She said prayers of gratitude. Then she heard a strange whirring in the sky above, followed by a patrol car broadcasting the message –

 “Stay inside. This is the police. You will be told when it is safe to come out.”

Olivia did not want to get into any trouble with the police, so she kept quiet about their walk and how she could now hear. She could not bear the thought of being separated from little Prince, her soulmate of sorts.

The strange light had now engulfed the inland forests, crops, and towns. Lush green and fertile – there was now enough to feed everyone, it just had to be harvested. People in hospitals and nursing homes across the world recovered and appeared years younger. Still, they were not allowed to communicate the good news with any loved ones for the time being. Personnel were informed that they could retrain for a different profession – farming, fishing, chef, distribution of food – the choice was theirs, but they had to keep quiet. 

Air quality in cities was clearer than it had been in years. The oceans, rivers, and lakes were teeming with life once again. People were being retrained in alternative careers across the globe. A lightness surrounded everyone. Inspirational messages replaced panic posts on Facebook and other social media. Random acts of kindness were the order of the day. People ventured out despite “government” warnings and their lives were transformed. The focus changed from “every man for himself” to “how many people can I help today with the talents that I have”.

A little more than a week had past since the strange light had appeared. The world was completely different now – a kind of heaven on earth. No illness, no disease. Such a positive event could not be contained. A bartering system was put in place instead of organized government. Each skill and talent would be shared among the community. Young people were apprenticed with people who had been working in each field for years. Some made hand blown vases and bottles, some pottery, some weaving, some gathering seeds and herbs. Everyone was equal – no one was placed above another. The planet was at last at peace. 

In small communities in Scotland and elsewhere people smiled – they knew the origin of the light. It was a gift to the earth beings from the angels. K I N D was the only television station that remained in operation since they broadcast the truth to all. The final message each night that flashed on the screen was

“Thank you, angels, for reminding us of your presence and for opening the door to healing and abundance.”

Meanwhile, on Andromeda, beings smiled too and agreed that the experiment was a success. The leader, K1N1, said:

“The earthlings are much more positive now and we can allow our beings to visit the planet safely. It is fine that they believe we are angels”.

“Is the takeover plan still in the works master?” came a voice from the back of the room.

“Hush young one, we do not speak of that. In time, all will be revealed.”

“I understand master, I will not speak of it again.”

“Have patience young one. Earth will be yours one day.”

“Yes master, I hear you speak the truth” and smiled.

Posted Feb 08, 2021

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8 likes 3 comments

Yvone Mthembu
07:04 Feb 19, 2021

Loved it,loved it but I felt the pace was too fast


Debbie Teague
13:05 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you for the feedback


Crazy ✌️
11:49 Feb 18, 2021

I really like the story line, it's really creative I just think there's something about the structure I can't put my finger on.


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