Crime Drama Fiction

That's the thing about about the city... You can put a body in a dark alley and no body will notice it being dead at least a couple days. I hope anyways so we can get where we are going by the time they find him. I help my mom hide the body of my step dad, he was abusive drunk that my mom couldn't take it anymore. Sadly this is the third step dad I had, but first one she killed once things got rough we would just leave in the middle of the night. Sadly nothing really bad happen in the last two marriages probably could of gotten worked out,but mom don't like conflicted. My dad was the only one who got her the first sign of a fight he would smile and say honey you're right. My dad didn't like conflict either so I guess was perfect together. He died when I was three , mom couldn't handle the pain of living in a small town so we left finally went to the big city like she wanted. She worked for a editing company in New York, where she met my first step dad he owned the company and didn't what his knew wife working anymore, really an old fashion guy,Cory , Banks is his name. The moment she knew she couldn't work we left in the middle of the night, and moved in with a friend that lived in Chicago, which later became my second step dad , Link, Davis, turns out they wasn't really friends she just answered his add in craigslist,just lucky he wasn't a weirdo,or worse a killer. Link was a great guy too , he wanted a baby of his own but mom , she just wanted me so once again she woke me up in the middle of the night, where my mom answered another ad and , that's how we met my third step dad , Larry,the one my mom just killed and we are going back to Wyoming,where I was born. We haven't been there since I was three,we have a farm there my mom has been sending my grandma money to help with the up keep on the farm, but my grandma didn't care about the money she just cared that we was coming home. My grandma also didn't care about,my mom's failed marriages or that ,she killed Larry on self defense,and that she hid the body in a dark alley,in the pouring rain ,and that me slipt ,and slid everywhere trying to hide his body. My grandma just glad to have her baby girl back and , her granddaughter back. She welcomed us with open arms ,and smacked my mom aside of the head ,and said how dare you kept me from my granddaughter from me for so long. They agreed for a little bit ,and finally my grandma said I bet you two are hungry and made us a great biscuit and gravy breakfast. We now been here for seven months now so safe to say didn't find anything on my mom for killing Larry. I just feel so great to know how it feels to be around my family I never got to know. My cousins have took me fishing,and cow tipping and, drinking in the middle of an field , I guess that's what teenagers do around here. I'm getting used to the same people asking me if I want a beer on a Saturday day night,I'm afraid to get close to anyone though my mom started dating someone again. Joel a high school sweet heart,he just just got an divorce and want to take things slow so maybe it won't be to bad. I already been hanging around his daughter Julie,before they started dating so we already know I get along with his kid. I been getting along with everyone one in town very well I don't what leave ,so hopefully my mom doesn't mess it up. I actually found my own guy in my school that is not related to me, because patently, I'm related to a lot of people in this small town. I started hanging out with, Jackson,his dreamy green eyes I just couldn't resist getting to know him. Jackson told me the same thing. He said Abbey your the most beautiful girl I know ,and once we found out we wasn't related we started dating. I made my mind up being sixteen, and all. I just hope my mom's relationship works out I hope I don't have to break the news to her. We never been apart ever in our lives so I know it break her heart if I stayed behind so I been praying every night that everything works out. I guess that prayer didn't work because,before I knew it she was waking me up in the middle of the night telling me we gotta go,I said no as I said it I was in tears. My mom what do you mean no I have to go. Mom you can go if you want but I'm staying here grandma said I could. She tried to drag me along with her but it our screaming woken my grandma. She looked at my mom and said Grace,you always been a runner , and that's you fine I known you never been in one spot for very long but don't do that to your daughter it's time for her to live her own life. Let her go ,and that moment she did she left me behind with tears in her eyes. I thought I never see the tailgate of that pick up drive off with out me but here I was watching it drive off without me. I didn't sleep the rest of that night just worried about my mom ,she finally text me told me she was in Philadelphia, with her friend Marcy. An actual friend she knew her whole life said she was going to work on her own self for awhile,she got a job being an editor for a magazine. I hope she actually sticks with it and stays in one spot for a while. I how ever plan to stay here and finish school and who knows what after that

March 15, 2021 18:26

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