Drama Mystery Sad

The rays of the morning sun found their way through the window despite the curtains, (from a small creek that Ruby had forgotten to cover last night). If those streaks of sunlight had eyes, they would see an old lady in deep sleep, not that her face wasn’t covered with thin white sheets but, looking around the bedroom, one could certainly say that she was an antique piece. We can learn a lot about people just by looking in their personal space. Let me give you an example of this room. The nasty but captivating smell of reserpine filled the air, making it impossible to breath in without making a face and a blood pressure machine was next to the bed on the side table. Some old floral dresses were hung on a few hooks, near the window. The room was small, tiny, timid. On the bed with the lady were a few of her favourite things I suppose- a radio with its red light beeping, hair oil leaking and soaking the pillow just beside the lady’s body and a carbonised notebook with pages that were either torn or burned. I assume that the notebook might have angered a mighty person who didn’t know that words are written to be remembered not to be read. 

“Sweet heart, where is the cake?”, Inquired Mrs.Homes. Mrs. Holmes was a middle-aged woman with dark black hair and always a sly look on her face, saying ‘I know better than you!”. She was in a green dress with golden jewellery and needle like black heels. “Oh! It will be here any minute after 10 minutes, my dear Savannah.''replied hesitant Mr. Holmes, slowly sipping tea as he stared down his belly to see that the coat that he had spent hours trying the button was slowly opening and revealing his hairy skin. “Mamma! Help us with the balloons please, Mario bursted the three I blew up!” cried a teenager entering the living room with balloons in both the hands. “Scarlett! I am doing the last minute preparations, go ask Mr. Gracer to help you kids!” the busy woman replied. “He isn’t here, Mamma. Come out quick and help me!” Scarlett ran outside. “Oh dear! I sent that old golden-ager a separate invite!” the now angry woman wailed.

 “Brother, I just got a call from Mr. Gracer, he isn’t coming due to health issues. But, here are Mr and Mrs Rose.” announced another lady only to the fact that she was much more lady like that Savannah. She was a strawberry blonde with dirty soot like eyes but delicate red-lipsticked lips and a tattoo on her shoulder that was difficult to determine. ‘Neve’ as many called her was dressed in a blue gown and ruby earrings with open hair that stuck to the back of her neck due to the sweat of the hot day. “Oh ok! (The bell rung), Darling, it might be the baker (at this the obese husband got up from the velvet armchair and made his way towards the main door, tumbling like an empty juice box) Mr. and Mrs. Rose could please make our way to the backyard.” Savannah reacted with a fake smile.

 After ten busy minutes of children fighting, ladies walking around to check everything was in order and guests discussing the event, everyone was seated in the backyard, ‘ready’. The cake had been brought in, all guests had reported( except Mr. Gracer), balloons had been blown and snacks had been organised on a separate table in the backyard. There were a total of seven guests - Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Old Mr. and Mrs. Saunders and their triplets (Rudy, Ethan, Alicia). All of them waited with the Holmes family. “Where is she, I suppose the Birthday girl should be here?” asked Mr. Rose (Ms.Elsa’s brother) “Sir, I think she'll be here any minute perhaps she is angry at us about last night’s quarrel” Neve replied confidently.

The crowd waited another three lazy minutes. Then, Mr.Rose once again asked “Does she even remember her birthday?”. “Ha, ha, ha! Nice sense of humour sir. Possible, quite possible, she didn’t even remember my birthday once( a look of horror and anger darkened her face) forget hers.” answered Mrs. Holmes. The party waited another long and sweaty eleven minutes in the sunny backyard. Some chatted, the others munched snacks, the children distributed cold drinks among the adults, Mrs.Rose even tried to taste the cake! This time no one asked anything, they all seemed to be enjoying it ,except the Holmes family. Neve’s confidence was melting away like a lighted candle, “Brother! Do you really think that she is mad at you for last night’s quarrel and …, I mean you really were a bit harsh…uh?”. “My girl, don’t you dare say that again! My husband was right! It’s not a big issue if your children simply think that you will be better off in an Old age home! We are trying to make things better, throwing her such a wonderful party, what else does she want!” Savannah interrupted quite furiously. Mr.Holmes stayed silent and went to get himself a drink.

 The clock hands went on going round and round and round until finally the doorbell rang “I’ll go” Neve called out as she adjusted her hair and went towards the door. It was a shock to the system for Holmes to see that it was Ruby. Ruby was her nurse, who was supposed to get her ready for the big day and there she was standing like a guest at the front door. “What! Brother! Savannah!”, Neve called out. Savannah, who was munching a mac puff came rushing as her husband followed. She caught Neve by her wrist and twisted it (Ouch! She reacted), “It is Sister-in-law or Mrs. Holmes to you!”. Neve quite irritated but used to by her sister-in-law’s behaviour then pointed towards Ruby standing as the audience. “Aah! Ruby! You were supposed to be with that lady, why…I mean did you go outside-to-buy something?” asked the surprised ‘Mrs.Holmes’. “No ma’am.” the girl simply replied. “What! Darling! Get me water… before I faint- how!” the ‘Mrs. Holmes’ panicked.

 After about five minutes, she calmed down, on her sofa, she lay with the guests all around, she was near a panic attack.. Now, she picked herself up as Mr. Holmes asked Ruby “Why aren’t you with mother?”. This question was answered with “Last night as she finished up with the dinner in her bedroom, she told me not to come today and soon give my resignation. She said you wouldn’t need me , so here I have my resignation!”. There was silence, the guests were annoyed but at the same time worried. “Oh! I remember that she took breakfast from me.” said Mario, the grandson. “Let’s... (sighs) go check at her!” Savannah raced up the stairs, took a left, took a right and stopped right in front of the secluded bedroom, of course the crowd followed. “I’ll go in,” declared Mr. Holmes as he tried to open the door. He constantly kept trying but there was no avail. “I am sure that she must be changing, trying knocking.”, suggested Neve in a reassuring tone. The door was knocked by Mr. Holmes, Neve, Mrs. Holmes and even Ruby but it wasn’t answered!

Now Mr .Holmes rushed downstairs “I‘ll break in through the window”. The crowd gathered once again in the back yard to see the obese man stare at the height to the window and gulp. “Oh! Ethan, could you help us by climbing up to the window?” hesitated Mrs. Holmes, ashamed by her husband’s inabilities in physical activities. Ethan took one step and another, soon he was on the top. He opened the window and found the old lady in bed. Ethan didn’t quite like the idea of sneaking into someone’s private bedroom but what choice did he have.

 He looked down and waved just before he entered the room. The family and the guests went inside to come in the other way. “Ms.Elsa, are you awake? We are waiting for you!” Ethan called out again and again but, his calls were again and again not answered. In dismay, he then opened the door and let the others in. “Mama! Oh my! Is she sleeping?” asked Neve. “Did she say anything , let’s wake her up!”, suggested Savannah and she took the white sheet of the lady’s face. Everyone gasped, their eyes stared in horror. She was dead, her eyes were open, her heartbeat had stopped. Ms.Elsa had breath had been turned to air.

Word count- 1440

Moral- This story is dedicated to every elderly who is not respected in their homes by their own children and family. Ms. Elsa wanted to spend quality time with her family as she knew that she was near her end however, it turned out to be a quarrel.

July 06, 2020 07:07

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Aubrey Maria ✌
20:15 Jul 13, 2020

I love the how you described throughout! I appreciate the overall meaning of the story.


15:15 Jul 14, 2020

Thank you!


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07:09 Jul 06, 2020

Please read my story and help me improve with your feedback!


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