The Storm Of Illusions

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt

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Ethan and his sister lived in Denver, Colorado with their mom. Ethan is seven years old and is halfway through second grade. His sister Amelia is ten years old and is in fifth grade. They both go to the same school which is Toroudo elementary school. Their dad passed away a couple of years ago. Their mom whose name is Sofia who is 41 has taken care of them ever since and she has received help from her mother whose name is Maria. Sofia thought it would be a good idea to take her kids to see Maria. Maria who is 73 years old lived in a rural town called Valley View Ranch in Colorado where she owned a farm. Ethan and Amelia have both been begging Sofia to take them to grandma's farm so that they could see their grandma. Sofia wishes she checked the forecast before she drove to her mom's ranch in the countryside. They arrived at Maria's big farm. They had a blast all day when they tried to go home a storm hit the farm. Ethan, his sister Amelia and their grandma decided to play hide-and-seek. They couldn't go outside do to the harsh weather so, Ethan's mom decided that they'll stay at grandma's house till the storm clears. Ethan's grandma called out to Ethan's mom who was relaxing at the dinner table "Sofia get over here and have some fun with your kids". Sofia responded by saying "I have to deal with them every day why can't you play with them for a little while". Ethan's grandma shot an angry look at Sofia then said: "I had to deal with you my whole life and did I never complained"? Sofia shouts " what are you talking about Maria I didn't see you half my childhood". Maria looked down onto the floor in a crestfallen way and said “It’s not my fault that I wasn't able to be with you ", Maria starts shouting " and how many times do I have to tell you, don't use my first name". Sofia just looked the other way and ignored her. Maria turned around to Ethan and Amelia frightened. Instantly Maria said with a smile, "It's okay my sweet children, let's play hide and seek". Ethan replied “Okie-Dokie but your it " then turned to Amelia and said, "Come on Amelia hurry up and hide". Ethan and Amelia ran off to go hide somewhere in the house. Before they ran off to hide they said to Maria in a childish voice "Hay! Cover your eyes and there's no peeking". Mari replied in a childish voice “I know. I know. Now hurry up and hide you got two minutes ". Ethan and Amelia both ran off with smiles on their faces. Maria looked out the window seeing the rain come down hard, lightning in the distance and the trees dancing wildly in the wind. Sill looking out the window she told Sofia “You should lighten up a little. They are your kids. Also, don't put our conflicts on their shoulders “Maria turns to face Sofia and says with tears filling her eyes "You know I love you and if I was able to spend more time with you when you were a kid, you know I would". Sofia stands up and has a river of tears flowing down her cheek. She looks directly at Maria who is also crying. Sofia runs towards Maria and hugs her while saying “I know that. I'm so sorry mom please forgive me" Maria replies " I am your mother I will always forgive you but right now I have to go look for my grandchildren " Maria starts to walk away but then looks back at Sofia and said with a smile " Don't cry you'll upset your children, just be joyful and why don't you smile for a change”. Maria ran off to go find here grandchildren while playfully yelling "Ready or not here I come". Sofia wiped the tears off her face and smiled as she thought about the times her mom played with her when she was little and how much joy that filled her heart. Maria looked for Ethan and Amelia all over the house. She looked under her bright green couch and her dark-colored elegant wooden table. She then looked in her bright-colored wardrobes. Until she found Amelia hiding under a blanket and a black bag "Found you, didn't I say I would?" Maria said joyfully when she took the blanket off Amelia. “I guess you, did grandma, good job have you found my brother," Amelia said in response while she got up from her hiding spot. Maria said in a calm voice "No. I haven't found Ethan yet “the tone of Maria's voice changes from calm to enthusiastic " But I will just say here and I'll be right back with your brother! ". Maria smiled at Amelia while looking directly in her eyes and Amelia smiled right back and said with happiness filling her voice "Well good luck then". Maria stepped away from Amelia’s hiding spot and continued to search the house for Ethan. Maria looked For Ethan in all the bedrooms, the kitchen, the attic, and the bathrooms. There was only one place left to search and it was the basement. Maria walked towards the basement doors and she felt a chill go up through her spine. She shivered and said, "The storm must be making the house cold. I should turn on the heater but first I should find Ethan.'' She opened the door and walked down the stairs with each step the boards would creak under her. CREEK. CREEK. The light was already on so that told her that Ethan was down in the basement. She looked next to the washer and dryer but he wasn't there. She was about to leave when she saw boxes stacked on top of each other. She walked slowly towards the boxes. She slowly reached for one. When she got a hold of one she slowly moved it out of the way and suddenly a dark figure jumped out from behind the boxes. The shadowy figure said in a deep voice "I guess you finally" and the tone of its voice changed from deep to a happy child's voice “Found me". Maria jerked back nearly caching herself before falling. It was Ethan he was standing behind the boxes with a smile on his face. Maria, barely standing and almost out of breath said: "you scared me half to death". Maria stood there with her hand on her chest where her heart is located. Maria takes a deep breath then says in a calm voice " come on let's go upstairs. Ethan smiles and follows Maria up the stairs. The steps creak as they go up. CREEK. CREEK. They walked towards Amelia, still standing where she hid “You found him! Now it's time to play another game" Amelia said when she saw them. All three of them went to the dining room where Sofia was sitting at the dark brown wooden dining table. "How did the game go," Sofia said to the kids `` It was really fun," both Amelia and Ethan said with a smile on their faces. Maria said with a calm voice "It went well Sofia they are good hiders''. Maria hugged the two kids as she did and her front door located right in front of her was kicked in. "GET ON THE GROUND" police officers shouted as they entered her house. Maria kneeled to the ground. She noticed that Ethan and Amelia weren't in her arms she looked around and started to yell "Sofia stay calm where did the kids go they were just in my arms...." she stopped yelling when she saw that her daughter had a knife sticking out of her back. Sofia was sitting in a chair, her body lying on the table blood dripping down to the floor. Maria began to cry. The officers pushed her against the floor and handcuffed her. When they sat her against the wall next to a widow they finally saw that she was covered in blood. A police officer called out “Hey chief! Come look at this'' the man was standing next to Sofia's dead body "There are five stab wounds plus the one with the knife in it. The chief looked at Maria who was still crying. He walked over to her. He asked '' What happened here" Maria replied, “I don't know just a second ago she was alive". The chief was confused. Maria looked at the window then she started to sob even harder. She started to remember what had happened. Before she had begun to argue with Sofia she had gotten a knife from the kitchen and when Sofia was distracted she stabbed her in the back multiple times. The kids saw her and they tried to run and hide. Maria let them hide. When Maria looked out the window it wasn't raining it was a normal sunny day. Someone had seen Maria covered in blood looking out the window. They ran to their house and called the police. When Maria found Amelia she had stabbed her multiple times with another knife she had gotten from the kitchen she took the same Knife and when she found Ethan she had killed him putting his sister's blood into him. When the light from his eyes disappeared that's when she stopped stabbing him. After Maria remembered what had happened she had begun to laugh hysterically. The chief told the policemen “shut the crazy women up". The policemen dragged Maria out of the house. When she refused and fought back they tased her. Maria laughing hysterically while she was still crying said: “How was I supposed to know if they were good or bad".

               TO BE CONTINUED . . . .    

March 28, 2020 02:49

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Peace Nakiyemba
13:44 Mar 29, 2020

Very grim twist I didn't see coming. Makes for a good thriller. I recommend breaking your story down into a number of paragraphs. One big block of words usually turns people off from reading. So smaller paragraphs will make it flow easier. And maybe a couple of sentences need revision like the one where you introduce Sofia. It could be "Their mother, Sofia, is 41 years and has taken care of them...' to avoid the overuse of pronouns. Also when the storm hits it could be 'They had a blast all day and when the storm hit,...' or something li...


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