
This was a mistake, it wasn’t supposed to go viral, it was supposed to be a joke among me, my sister, and my cousins. But it made me famous, a thing that I’m rarely use to. See in the beginning I wasn’t the most popular person on the planate let alone on youtube. See it all started when I had this stupidest idea, and I wanted to include my sister, and my two cousins that I hardly get to see because life reasons. So, we decided to do this stupid tik tok, and thought nothing of it.

                      First it started as I thought it got little to no attention, which was fine by me cause it’s not the type of content I typically make. Then after I woke up the next day and it blew up where everyone and their grandmothers had watched this stupid video. We had about a billion views, and a lot of positive comments. I was surprised they wanted more of this. We then decide to make more tik toks as a regular thing maybe as a career for me since this carona virus took my job, this could be an outlet for me.

                       Everything was going great, I gained a lot of fallowers on my youtube channel, twitter, discord, and face book. I also got whole bunch of people supporting me on Patreon which is helping me in the long run. At this rate me and mom can finally move out my grandma’s and my uncle’s house, and my sister and my cousin can get through college without a massive debt hanging over their heads, and my other cousin can start his band with his friends. We then started to think of other great stupid idea, since the first one worked so well. For the life of us we couldn’t think of anything good.

                      Then it hit us. We decided we could see what was trending. Most was song vines, puppies, animals, and anime vines. Well we got some stuff to work with. We thought maybe a song vine mix anime vine, or maybe song vine mix animal vine I mean we got my cousin’s dog and cats, and my sister’s dog. We took 2 weeks on this video, and it was another smash hit, we gain a lot more fallowers then before, and that’s when we got cocky.

                      We started to come up with idea’s that people wished that they would have. We got so big that I wish I could have done this a long time ago, so I wouldn’t have been fucking miserable. I mean I felt like a complete loser, college dropout, with no ambition, that lives with their grandparent’s house. Now I’m making a lot of money that I can finally move to California or Japan if I wanted to, and that is a fucking great achievement if I do say so myself. But then I have to think what will happen to my mom, we were in this together before this virus, and we were going to be together even till the end. I asked mom what she thinks what we could do, she didn’t want to go to Japan, or California. But she said if she had to, if she can find anywhere, she can find a job.

                                  Well I also wouldn’t mind if I moved to Canada, Allegan Michigan, Lake Orion, Water Ford, Utah, Ohio, Florida, or Pennsylvania. I helped mom to get back on her feet, while giving her some of my money.

           “Where did you get money?!”

           “I got it from my Patron’s. We finally have enough money to buy, rent a house or have an apartment, still have enough money to buy a new or fix the piece of crap that we call a van, and still have enough to buy food for the whole year, or at least for the next six months.” I said waving the check around.

           “Ok, let’s look and see what we can find.”

           Then we started looking for apartment, and homes all over. It changed for my sister and my cousins too, my sister and youngest cousin Breanna can now go to their dream college together, and become a crime fighting duo, my other cousin started his band, they’re good. So good that, in fact I was a little nervous that we couldn’t be together for any more good video’s together. But I had to realize that we had a good run, and one day they will have their own lives to live. But I still can’t shake the filling of a ting of jealousy and hurt that they’ll leave me, for brighter and better things.

           Since the video’s I been getting a lot of publicity, especially when I go out to grocery stores, I would hear people ask each other. “Is that girl that one video on tic tok?!”. In one way I had anxiety about people seeing me judging me, but on the other hand I enjoy people enjoying my content if that means if I have to do stupid shit that makes people laugh, especially in this time then so be it. In fact since the video I gained a secret admirer, I went back to my old job after three weeks of being off to pick up my pay check, I was nervous at first but then after I got there I got a lot of compliments. Even from one of my managers Toney which I had a crush on for the longest time, asked me if I was seeing someone?

           I was dumbfounded at the question at first. But then my heart responded faster then brain. He was waiting on an answer.

           “Well, the reason I asked was because I heard from the grape vine that you want to um… quote “You want to fuck me.”

           I turned red and freaked a little bit.

           “No, no, no!......I mean I said it! But I said in confidents, and we were playing fuck, marry, kill….and before my brain registered what I said… I got so embarrassed.”

           “So, you’re embarrassed by me?”

           “No, no, no! Not by you, never by you. It’s me that I’m embarrassed by. You’re amazing, I’m nothing, you could pick anyone why me?”

           “You are amazing, beautiful, funny, I wished I could have told you before you quit, and maybe you wouldn’t have quit.”

“Yeah, maybe though if there wasn’t a pandemic going on.”

           “Oh, right. So, um, if there wasn’t a pandemic going on hypothetically speaking would you have gone out with me?”

I gave a slit smile.

           “Well, hypothetically speaking since we are close in age, I guess I would give you a try.”

           “Do you have a Facebook?”

           “Yeah, it’s BLANK BLANK”

“Oh, ok I’ll look you up. I wish you the best of luck with your tic tok vines thing.”

“Thanks. See ya around.” I said grinning like an idiot.

My first official boyfriend. I finally got the confidence to do whatever I wanted to do. I went on my own for awhile to do whatever I wanted to do we did vlogs which didn’t go over well, then I did my normal stuff like my narration and bloopers did better but not by much, then I had to make the decision to go back to tic tok and make it better than before, well after consideration I was better with my team then I was by myself.  Then after a bunch of videos’ getting bunch of worst reviews, I decided to take a break from tic tok and work on my other projects. But I did learn that I was better with my team then by myself, and the bigger they are the harder they fall.  

April 24, 2020 01:14

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