Science Fiction Fantasy Suspense

Seattle, Washington April 28th, 1989 

“Richard, I’m worried.” She whispered, fighting back tears as she held her stomach. “What if he hates me for not being there to guide him through this?”  

“Just breathe Lila, he will be okay. I will be there for him every step of the way.” He softly responded, stroking her hair gently, attempting to reassure her, knowing nothing truly could.

“It’s only April, August is a while away, we have time.”  

“I was born early, it’s in our blood, he could come at any time. I just wish there were a way we could – “ 

“I know, but we both know nothing will work, even if you do live, it's too dangerous” Richard cut her off firmly, knowing it would only break her heart more to fantasize over the what ifs, trying to forget his own. 

It was silent for some time as their minds wandered deep into their thoughts, losing themselves in the stars. It was the first clear night in what felt like ages. They were sitting on a blanket in an empty grass field, away from anyone. It was a peaceful scene, or it would be, if the heavy weight of fear and worry were not lining their atmosphere.  

Suddenly the silence was broken, Lila howled like a wolf at the moon, startling Richard out of his mind, making them both laugh. He joined in. 

“Promise you’ll howl at the moon with him” Lila spoke followed by another longer, sadder howl, wishing she could be the one to teach him.

“I promise” he whispered in her ear, giving her a gentle squeeze as he held her, as if it would be of some comfort.  

“Have you decided on a name?” Richard asked, trying to give her something more trivial to think about. 

She nodded, “I have.” 

“Oh really? I was not informed of this Miss” giving her a hard time 

“You’ll know when you need to know” She teased giving a smirk in his direction. 

“And when might that be my love?”  

“I’ve also written it down, in case anything happens, it’s in the purple box that has dandelions on it” She replied not giving him a direct answer. 

“Nothing will happen” he said, trying to sound as sure of himself as possible given the circumstances. 

She went silent again.  “The one in the cupboard under the sink?” He asked, already aware of what she was referring to, kissing her forehead hoping to distract her from the depth of her mind. She never stopped thinking, which he knew was a burden and a blessing to them both. He wished he could take her thoughts and give her even a moments peace from the weight she carried.  

“Yes, it will have a few other things as well, but the journals and video tapes will be-” 

“In the shoe boxes under the bed, I know.” He interrupted having been over this a time or two. 

“I just don’t want them to get lost, they are important.” there was so much sorrow in her eyes when she said it the realization hitting her continuously and repeatedly that it was the only way her baby might ever know her.  

“What do you say we make a video and go to bed hm?” He asked, knowing how tired she must be. 

Lila nodded. “Yes please” 

“I’ll be right back” Richard stated as he got up to get the camera from the house. Well, it was really a van. Lila loved to travel, and he loved Lila. So, they turned it into a mini apartment on wheels. It was much cozier than you would imagine. It fit a queen bed, a small sofa and they had plenty to survive with. It was better than any apartment they had looked at when deciding to live together.  

Richard sat on the bed and couldn’t hold back the tears, he sat there a sobbed for a few minutes before standing up to shake it off. He quickly grabbed two waters for him and Lila and the video camera from one of the boxes under the bed and made his way back to her. 

“One two annnd record” he announced as he sat down next to her. 

She smiled and looked at her stomach still holding onto it dearly then turned her focus to the camera 

“Hi, my love, it’s me again, your mom.... 

Seattle, Washington April 28th, 2005 (Present day) 

“Astro, come on, get up, I got to show you something” Emily shouted excitedly down the hallway. 

There was no response. She walked down the hall and opened the door to his room. “Hey what are you doi–”  

“Hi, my love, it’s me again, your mom...” 

She stopped and sat next to him as he replayed tape continuously. 

“Hey” he said softly, waiting for her to start about how his birthday should be a joyful day and he cannot sit around and watch the last video of his mom talking to him all day again. Instead, she just sat there with him and held his hand.  

Emily was his best friend, his family. They met when they were both put in the same foster home. She was 11, he was 9. He was small and different, not to mention his eyes were constantly changing colors which mostly scared people. He was an extremely easy target for the older kids in the home and he did not know how to stand up for himself in any way, shape, or form. Emily was tough and fierce. Astro knew she was exactly the type of person he needed in his corner, but she intimidated him, and he was too worried she would treat him the way others did. So, he just silently admired her from afar. 

Until one day, during one of the older kids hash torture sessions, Astro got nauseas and threw up all over. Emily ran to Mr. & Mrs. J hoping she would take pity on him and bring him to the hospital, not entirely thinking it through, letting the bit of naiveness left in her take over her mind, which did not end well. As his punishment, they made him sleep in the barn for a month during one of the coldest times Seattle had ever seen. They only gave him a single blanket and he was not allowed to come out unless they needed him for something they deemed important, usually just some chore they did not want to do themselves. A few days into the punishment, Emily started sneaking out after everyone was asleep and sitting with him until right before they woke up, bringing him anything that could make it more bearable. She felt responsible and the guilt ate at her, but he never blamed her. They had conversations about everything from the color of the grass to their dark pasts. Having each other gave them a safe place they both desperately needed. After that incident she took him under her wing and did everything she could to keep him safe and protected. 

About a year after Astro and Emily became close, they were the only ones left in the home with Miss. J, Mr. J had died from pneumonia shortly after the ‘incident,’ and the older kids moved out one by one. Miss J was not as mean as her former husband, but no peach in Georgia either.  

About 8 months ago she became bedridden, basically dying herself, but still alive enough to be considered appropriate care from the state that couldn’t care less. They mostly had the house to themselves; which was well deserved given all they have been through in their short lifetimes. 

“You have something to show me?” He inquired, pausing the video, trying to muster up a smile for her.  

“Yes, but you have to wear this” She replied getting giddy again holding out a blindfold.  Astro looked at her puzzled but stood up and put it on.  

“How many fingers am I holding up?” Emily asked, wiggling four fingers around in front of his covered eyes.  

“I’d know that if I was facing a wall, you use four every time you tell me to guess” he teased, knowing it’s her favorite number.  

She laughed and flicked his forehead, “Shut up, just come with me” she grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her anticipating his reaction to the surprise. She led him outside and into their secret place they found when they became close years ago, it was where they kept everything they did not want to risk losing. It was not incredibly necessary anymore, but it was still their favorite place to be. It was only a quarter of a mile from the house and still on the land but extremely private. 

“Okay we are here, close your eyes” 

“I already have a blindfold on, why do I have to close my eyes?” He nagged. 

“I’m going to take it off, dufus.” She firmly responded as to avoid any more backtalk. 

Astro closed his eyes as she untied his blindfold, which he thought seemed to take forever.  

“Okay, okay, now open!” She exclaimed obvious anticipation wracking through her energetic body. 

Astro opened his eyes and stood in complete shock, his mouth hung slightly open, and tears formed in his eyes, he did not know what to say.  

“Ta daa” Emily sang as she gestured towards the surprise.  

“Is this real?” He looked at her and looked back at what looked exactly like the van that was a staple feature in most of the videos his parents had left him.  

“Real and operable, inside and out” she said nervously, not exactly able to tell if he really liked it or if she just pissed him off.  

Astro ran and hugged her, as tight as he ever as and started uncontrollably sobbing into her arm. He managed to mumble out a thank you and walked over to the vehicle that looked so familiar while still being foreign to him in all physical aspects. Emily followed behind. He opened the back door and stepped inside. It was the same, down to every detail. The colors, the decorations, the patterns. He felt such a strong connection to his mother in this moment. He never wanted to leave. Emily lifted the bed, "I snuck into your room and put all your shoe boxes in here too, I know you don’t like people touching them but-”  

“But it’s where my mother kept them.” He interrupted, smiling softly, reassuring her he was not upset. “How did you do all this?” He asked not believing this could be more than a dream. 

“It doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you like it.” She replied not wanting to ruin a good day. 

Not accepting the answer, he pushed “Seriously, tell me how you managed to pull this off”  

“I...” She trailed off knowing he would not accept another avoidance answer. “I met my parents, turns out I was a secret affair child, and they didn’t want anyone finding out. They paid me to stay out of their lives and I wanted to do something good with the money.” 

“Dude what the hell? When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?!” Astro responded concerned and a bit upset. Emily has come a long way, but she still had a habit of keeping her emotions to herself.  

“I didn’t want to worry you..and I didn’t want to make you feel bad, your mom died giving birth to you and your dad...” She trailed off realizing her bluntness. 

“And my dad died when I was 7, I don’t care, we don’t keep stuff from each other, especially not something like that. Got it?” He sounded firm but it was with only loving intentions. Emily nodded.  

“I love it Em, they don’t deserve you, you’re amazing. I still can’t believe you did this for me” he said trying to comfort her. She gave him a soft smile. 

They talked for a while, ate some lunch, she told him all about her parents, what she knew anyway and after a bit they just laid on the bed quietly for a while. They eventually both fell asleep. 

Emily was the first to wake up looking at her watch she nudged Astro awake. “Three minutes and you’re officially sixteen” She sung out. Astro sat up rubbing his eyes.  

“I would’ve been sixteen tomorrow too you know, we could’ve just kept sleeping” he mumbled in his groggy state. He stood up and stretched, trying to wake himself up. Emily was watching the clock waiting for 10:06, the exact time Astro was born when suddenly, he collapsed onto the bed.  

“Astro?” Emily called out. She called out again, no response. She started panicking, she checked for a pulse, and it was normal, but he wouldn’t wake up. “Astro, come on, not funny” she stated, shaking him, trying to get him up, hoping he would start laughing at any moment.  

20 minutes passed and Astro immediately sat up and looked at Emily who hugged him abruptly asking him if he was okay. “I- I don’t know.” He mumbled softly.  

“What’s wrong”?  

“It’s my mom, I think she’s alive, I think she’s here.”  

“What do you mean here?”  

“In the house, I just saw her”  

“You saw her like what like a dream?” 

“No, I- I, I don’t know how to explain it, it was like, I could see through Miss J’s eyes, and my mom was standing over her talking to her, well it was more like she was talking to me through her, like she knew I was watching, telling me that she was here.” 

Emily looked at him and backed away slightly. “You sound crazy” 

“My mom told me in one of the videos that on my 16th birthday I would change, she never told me what that meant, but what if this is it?”  

“What exactly is ‘this’?” Emily asked, extremely concerned for his current mental state. 

“I don’t know, I need to go see if she’s here” he responded not sure of what was happening. 

Astro got up and as he went to open the door, there was a knock. Emily and Astro exchanged looks and he slowly opened it, to find his mother standing in front of him.  

“My love...” she said desperately wanting to embrace him in her arms.  

Astro just stood there full of confusion and questions. 

“Your thoughts must be racing; I’ll explain everything to you” she reassured him, assuming he had the same intense mind as her.  

He opened the door and sat down. She stood in front of him and began to tell him everything. She explained his gift, that within time and practice he could control it. He could see through others sight. He could gain perspective he had never imagined and help people in ways no one else could. 

“I can’t believe this is happening.” Emily muttered to herself as Astro sat silently. “Why did his dad tell him you died?” she blurted out knowing he was too lost in his head to ask the question.  

“After the last video we made, I gave birth to Astro, I thought I was going to die. We both did. My mother died when giving birth to me, and her mother before her. It has to do with the magic, it’s just the way it goes with our bloodline, I told Richard, that he needed to take Astro and go, I did not want the last memory to be of me lying there, dead.” 

“But you survived” Astro interrupted, finally saying something.  

“I did, someone from a small village found me and took me in, they were healers. They have the rarest form of magic, and their lineage is the oldest. They told me about people like us. It was more common a long time ago that we survived because there was more of their kind to heal us. They also told me that our people, we have the deepest hearts, we feel with the most intensity and we care with the greatest passion. However, if the mothers who survived stayed with their babies before their 16th birthday, which is when our powers begin the full development process, the babies would feed off the energy of the mother and absorb too much power and intensity triggering their own development too young, which would cause a great desire for power inside them, and the baby would grow to become evil. The kind of evil that will destroy anyone in its path. I had to protect you. I never stopped looking through your eyes, or those around you, I almost came back once, when they put you in the barn, you didn’t have anyone since your dad died but...” 

She hesitated to continue. 

“But what?” he asked demandingly  

“But then Emily came into your life, I saw her protecting you, I watched over the years as you two grew closer, it was the best thing I could have asked for in that time. I know it was not perfect, but you weren’t alone. You had someone looking out for you, and that was enough until today.”  

Astro jumped up and hugged her long and hard sobbing into her shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re here”  

The three sat and talked for hours, about what had been and what the future has in store for them. 

Lila pulled them outside and they howled at the moon. They were all completely out of sync with each other, but it was the most beautiful sound to her ears.

August 06, 2021 01:15

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Nathalie Menard
21:59 Aug 11, 2021

It's a cute story. If I can give you any advice, it would be to shorten your sentences. It would make the text easier to read. Keep writing! Good luck.


S Rose
23:15 Aug 13, 2021

Thank you!


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