
I lost you, I can’t find you. Where are you? I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. You’re my strength, you’re the reason why I’m still fighting, why I’m not retreating, and if I lost you, I don’t know, what will happen to my life. 

Mom, where’s my watch? My earrings? My red pajamas? Mom? Mom? Why aren’t you answering? Oh, you’re sleeping even it’s already 7 am. Mom, just give me my allowance and I’m going to school. My mom isn’t answering so I just get some money on her bag. Oh, my boyfriend texted me, he’s looking for me. Mom, I should go, bye. I’ve met my boyfriend in front of our house, he’s John, I’ve don’t know what I’m going to do if I lost him by my side, I can say he’s my life. John, how are you? I’m fine babe. Let’s go. Okay, let’s go. By the way, did you eat breakfast? Not yet, my mom didn’t cook for me and stay sleeping, oh, she’s useless. Don’t say that, she’s still your mother. By the way, let’s not talk about that, let’s talk about us. When are you going to marry me? I asked him. We’re still on high school, and I still don’t have a plan, he replies me so I just sighed. Oh, make sure to marry me, okay. Yes, I do. Then he kissed me on my cheek. We’re now on the classroom, and there is my friend, Joana, Hey Joana. Hey, so let’s hangout later this night, at the beerhouse. Bring your boyfriend. Sure, I’ve don’t need to go home this night, can I sleep in your house this night? Yes, you can, but how about your mother, she’s staying alone on your house. I’ve don’t care. Wait, here’s the teacher. The teacher enters the room and starts the class. He asked his student, who is the important person in your life? List it on your one eight sheet of paper and I call a name and introduce it in front, and explain, why he/she is the most important person in your life, you have one minute, timer starts now. I’ve known who’s I’m going to write, my boyfriend that will be my future, so I write John Dela Cruz, and thankfully, my name just calls to explain, I’ve can now show to my classmate how my boyfriend is great. I’ve written my boyfriend because he’s the reason why I’m still alive, he’s my strength and he’s the most important person in my life. The class end and it’s time to party, we are not allowed to go in the beer house because we are a teenager but who cares, if no one will report. I didn’t call my boyfriend to surprise him because his friend told me that John is in that beerhouse that night, so I came, and I saw him with another girl, I didn’t come to near but I cannot stop myself when that girl kisses my boyfriend. I’m so mad so I come to them and slap his face. How could you do this to me, you’re my life, how can I live without you but you are cheating me. I hate you. I’ve stay on my friend house and I sleep there, I’m crying so hard but there is my friend who’s ready to take all of my tears. How can I live if a very important person in my life has gone? only I have is you, my friend. Don’t worry, I’ll be always at your side, and go home, you can find the most very important in your life. I’m just going to stay here this night. Let me sleep here, please? Okay. A morning came, and I prepare for school, my mother is calling me but I always rejected it because she’s just going to scold me, I am at the school and saw John, I come to him and begging, I know, you can cheat but please don’t leave me. I cannot live without you. No, we’re split. Okay, do you understand. I am embarrassed in front of many people so I stood up and leave the classroom, when I go home, here’s my mother. Mom, I want to die, john, the very important person in my life has gone. Stop, what are you saying? It’s none of your business. Just let me go. None of my business, you’re my daughter, how can that be not my business. She touched my arm, pulling me and I’m irritated so I push her and that leads her to death, I’ve don’t know what I’m going to do. I didn’t notice that I shred many tears, that I’m crying so hard. My mom died because of a heart attack. I didn’t know that she has a weak heart and I’m the reason why she’s gone. After the funeral, when I’m cleaning my mother things, I saw a credit card and a letter under her pillow, 

Dear my daughter,

I am very sorry for not being a perfect mother to you, I have a cancer in heart, this can lead me to death anytime so I prepare a money for you to spend, It’s the money I’ve worked for almost two years, the pin code is your birthday, I want you to live in your dreams, finished a college. If you are reading this and I’m already dead, I want you to know that I love you very much and I’m sorry.

After I read those word, I’ve realized that there is nothing important in the world, than a true love of a parent to his daughter and the very important person in life of a daughter is her mother, because there is only one mother that an individual have and a boyfriend, a perfect guy will come at the perfect time and our mother is the only one who can understand you, always here when you have a problem, have a courage to lead you on a good way so let’s love our parents when they are still here so there will be no regrets when they’re gone. A parent and a daughter are a family and a family are a treasure, this cannot compare to anything because a family is priceless. 

April 15, 2020 02:11

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Niveeidha Palani
09:00 Apr 28, 2020

The ending was emotional and loving, felt very touched!


Norlie Rabino
10:11 Apr 28, 2020

Oh, really. 😊thanks u like it.


Niveeidha Palani
23:34 Apr 28, 2020

Your welcome, :)


Norlie Rabino
02:45 Apr 29, 2020



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Amany Sayed
12:24 Apr 21, 2020

This was such a sad story, but I loved it!


Norlie Rabino
21:09 Apr 21, 2020

Thank u😊


Amany Sayed
22:24 Apr 21, 2020

No problem!😁


Norlie Rabino
23:56 Apr 21, 2020

Haha. Are u pinoy.😊


Amany Sayed
00:25 Apr 22, 2020

No, what gave you the impression that I was? Are you?


Norlie Rabino
01:34 Apr 22, 2020

Just instinct, yes i am. 😊


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Lillian White
19:39 Apr 20, 2020

That was confusing, but I LOVED it. :) I legit CANNOT wait to read more from you!


Norlie Rabino
21:25 Apr 20, 2020

Thank u... hope you like more of my stories.😊


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