Bedtime Fiction Mystery

It was a dark and stormy night. The two of them had just begun their walk down section 4b of the local cemetery. You see, Richard and Thomas had just lost their father on this night one year ago. He died in a fatal car accident. Standing over the grave they read the headstone and the birth and death of their beloved father. Looking up at the sky Richard spoke in a whisper, “ Dude, I think we should go. That storm is starting to look nasty.” Thomas looked up “ No, we’re fine. What’s important is that father knows we’re here” he replied. “ what do you mean “ knows we’re here?” Richard asked. As soon as he had said this the sky lit up with lighting and the sound of thunder could be heard from miles away. The lighting came down and struck all of the headstones in this small cemetery. Richard looked over and saw his brother chanting in some foregn language he had never heard. At that very second a loud BANG came from their fathers headstone. “ Thomas, we need to leave now!” Richard yelled. But it was pointless. The wind had picked up and the thunder was too loud. Their father had awoken

Nearby in a local cafe, Richard’s cousin sat eating his delicious cheeseburger when he himself had heard a loud bang and screaming. He decided to go check it out for himself. Right after he finished his burger of course. As he pulled up to the cemetery in his car he saw his cousins Blue, 2017, FORD, pickup truck. He jumped out of his car and yelled for his cousins. That’s when he heard a terrifying, ear bleeding shriek. “Richard!! Thomas!!” he yelled. But there was no reply. He walked through the gate. He figured that they were most likely going to be by their fathers grave, so he headed over that direction. As he came to Section 4b he saw both of his cousins. Lifeless on the nicely cut lawn. He was going to yell when a hand was wrapped around his mouth and then a cloth around his head. He fell into a deep sleep

While he was asleep the watch had for some reason stopped working. This is a very important detail. You see when dante showed up it was 8:30. It took 5 minuted to be taken, making it 8:35 P.M. but the amount of time it took him to get to where he had awoken took 25 minutes.. The watch stopped working around 8:45. But he was only asleep for 4 hours. So this means that when he wakes up he won’t truly know when he went to sleep

Dante, ( Richard and Thomas’s cousin) awoke to see very bright lights. Almost blinding him. He heard the sound of mumbling. He tilted his head sideways. He wished he hadn’t been there on a table where the heads of his two cousins . There was a clock. The time read 2:35 P.M. He had been asleep for 6 hours. He heard a man across the room. He looked over. He saw what seemed to be his deceased Uncle. He turned his head towards Dante. He said in a deep calm voice. “ so . You are the one who has awakened me from my beautiful slumber. You shall pay dearly for this.” He held up a saw that he had behind his back and ran at Dante. As he approached Dante quickly darted out of the small room and closed the door behind him. He locked it and ran as fast as he could. There was another door. He opened it and he found himself in the cemetery again. He darted through the cemetery. But as he was approaching the gate to exit he tripped over a headstone. He could’ve sworn that it was not there before. 

When he got up he read the words on the headstone. They said:

Here Lies Dante Anderson. The most gullible person We knew

He was very confused. But he turned around and saw both his cousins and his best friend timothy. “ What the heck is going on here?” he yelled The cousins explained to him that this was all just a nice halloween prank. They explained the yelling and “dead bodies” They explained “ the bodies were manikins and the heads were just us with a hole through the table. That of course is Timothy. You always said he looked a bit like dad so it was perfect. How’d we do?” Dante was furiated. He didn’t really even know what to say except for the only thing he could “ I knew it all along” even though he didn’t. But that’s okay. He knew one thing that the cousins never knew. He knew that this cemetery was actually haunted and was not to be messed with. As they were talking they suddenly started to cough. They were desperately trying to gasp for air. Timothy had been the first oe of the 3 too die. He started bleeding out of his eyes, his ears, nose, mouth, and other places that shalt be mentioned. The other two had gone crazy and began to kill the other. One stabbed the other on the chest and the other slit the brothers throat while he slowly died. As Richard died with the knife in his chest he asked a question very slowly while gasping for a breath. “ why is this happening to me?” Dante replied “ You see before entering a place you should always read the instructions. You see you boys spent the night in this cemetery trying to set up this little prank that you forgot one very important detail. “ He gestured to the sign. But before Richard could read it he died. 

I bet you are wondering what was on that sign. I guess we’ll never know. How the story ends is up to you. But just remember this. Whenever you enter a place where you shouldn’t read a sign maybe. just maybe listen to these words.

The end

October 27, 2020 20:15

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