
The animal certainly had no name.

It was chubby, brownish and furry.

Was it a dog.

That is the problem, because it was not a dog, as I got mistaken about his origin, because he was not a real dog, or, let me say, I thought it was.

But it was more than that.

U called it a devil.

Yes, dear reader, you will give the reason when I explain this story.

At the beginning of the writing process, the so called dog, was still sleeping.

After four and a half tablets of valerian pills, correctly dissolved in four and a half glasses of water, according to the order of the doctor – a rally nice guy whose patience deserved gold medals prizes and all that stuff.

And guess what, dear reader?

It was eating my chocolate flavoured cell phone case ! 

I almost could not start to write it 

- Bobby! ( it is its name…) look at what have you done, little monster! – my cell phone case is absolutely bitten ! It is destroyed and , look, look! It is totally wet because you, little monster drooled in it .

At first, he did not look at me.

So, to call his attention, I started to push his long ears – he ( yes! I call it “ he" because I love him - or using the term that is grammatically distant, it – and he thought that I was caressing him as he started to lick my fingers.

- Enough! Do you think I am not serious about it ? But let me tell you something,: I am too serious ,because I do not know if my drooled cell phone is working at this moment 

Check this out – and, I turned on the device.

But it was not turning on as it should.

- Let me try again – I said, convinced that I had to fo it in order to get all my messages and calls and business going on, as it was an ordinary workday and it was still four o’clock in the afternoon ( oh my God! I have two calls to be urgently done up to the end of the the afternoon. And the contact is in this cell phone!! If there were not a quarantine, I should be at the office and nothing of this mess should be happening )

So, I turned on the phone again.

It almost wanted to turn on, but even restarting it there were no appropriate response of the device.

The dog, feeling that something was not going well - because of my angry and really worried face ( my boss us going to kill me ! I am going to get fired!- I was saying to myself, predicting the worst possible scenario for my future) – started to lick his paws.

I did not realize it at the beginning.

But he started to move his long ears , rousing them in my arm, as he was beside me in the same couch that I was sitting .

At this time, the sleeve of the silk blouse I was wearing was totally wet.

Then, I realized the situation : he was as nervous as me!


So, after changing my blouse I sat beside him again.

He knew I was mad.

But I needed to make that phone call.

So I tried to turno my cell phone again.

- Wow! It is turning on! 

Oh my God, thank you, thank you! 

And I reinitiate the device.

There was no humidity in it – I thought , desperately trying to find the list of contacts.

- Here it is ! – I finally smiled in total happiness.

I was still caressing the dog.

But I made the phone call.



Three complete times.

And no one answered it.

- Then, let me use whatsapp, and send them a message with the business proposal. ĹMaybe I am going to be lucky this time…

So I tried.



Three times.

And no one answered Tim

- But I still can send q message !

So I sent

And the contact did not answer it.

- Damn! What the hell!! Why is it impossible to get in touch with these people? 

On having no answers, I got stubborn, and repeated the whole sequence of call, message, call, message, call, message.

Ten times !

Tired, hungry and giving up that contact, I looked st the dog, still kicking at his paws.

My eyes passed on the cell phone click.

That was it! 

It was almost six o’clock in the afternoon!.

I lost my chance.

And maybe my job.

What can I do ? 

So, my fingers scrolled up and down my contacts list.

When I saw the phone number of the veterinarian.

I looked at that big brown eyes under some gray hair covering his eyesight.

He is just adorable ! – I said to him, kissing and hugging him.

So, I called the doctor.

- - give valerian to Bobby. He is nervous.

- That was his order.

- But I think I did not listen to his order very well.

And gave the four and a half dissolved pills to the dog dissolved in water.

And, in exactly the same time, the dog instantly fall asleep.

- I think it solved his problem, at least for the time that he is going to sleep.

But..and my list contact? What can I do about it ?

- Let me think…

Let me try again for the last time.

And…bingo ! 

The call connected – I do not know how it happened, or why it happened  but it was such a good thing, that I laughed , shouting :

- At last!

So, I made the phone call, and got in touch with one of the clients.

We made the deal and the client thanked me for being so kind as the documents were delivered just in time.

But I had another call to do.

And, again, I made the phone call, looking at the watch.

- Can I still do it ? – I asked to myself.

And called.

And called.


I think u repeated calling for more than ten times again.

- The office of the client is in Africa.

I guess they are not working sg this time of the day., ad it is midnight there…


I will tell this to my boss, that I called, but the time difference was too big.

And I am going to do it again tomorrow.

Wait a minute ! 

Tomorrow is Saturday!


I will have to make a very early call, then.

So the next morning came, and I did the phone call, and the client got really pleased by the business proposal.

- and the dog ? - the reader may ask.

Well, the dog, named Bobby, is fine right now.

He stopped licking his paws, and is still adorable.

Keeps drooling to my shoes and the livingroom carpet - which I have to clean the whole time, keeping my cell phone far from the carpet and the dog.

He actually has a new habit : he bites the couch, to the point of losing it

But this time, there us no regret, fear or anger.

Because a couch has no lust of contacts !

( and I still love that brown eyed and gray haired cocker spaniel).


May 14, 2020 01:01

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