
"Wake up."

My little sister, a girl of far too few of words for her own good, tries to wake me from my slumber.

Sadly, the great villain known as my comfortable bed has taken me hostage, and nothing but the poisonous air could end this curse with my death.

That's why, leave me, O' my sweet little sister. Live on without me--


A kick, suddenly send me flying across the room.


...honestly, it's not really that hard. She's still just a small kid, around 8-9 years old, so it isn't really that hurt but I just want to be dramatic a bit y'know.

...I wonder if this is how my dad feels back when I was a kid.

Still, a kick is a kick. Even if it doesn't hurt that much, there's no guarantee the next one won't be, especially if it actually hits something vital.

Opening my eyes, I see her standing on my bed, looking down at me with a tired expression as if she has done this a hundred times already.

"Wake up. Mom's calling."

"Yeah... Yeah, I'll be there soon."

"You said that before."

"I'll be there for sure this time, I promise I promise~!"

"...I see."

She jumps down from my head, stumbling a bit. I told her to be careful but she just kinda ignores me and leave.

....welp, let's keep my promise.

Forcing myself to wake up, I slap both my cheek hard, jolting my eyes open with the sound and the pain. It hurts, but it gets the jobs done.

I look around, searching for a way to tell the time (aka, a clock). Instead, I see everything but that.

Shelf of books, filled with variety of old comics, novels, and school textbooks owned by my parent.

Clothing piles, mostly the upper half since that's the only part I need for online class.

Few posters, covering the grey concrete walls. Used to have more of these printed once, but I remove most of them ever since my sister is born since they're not exactly kid-friendly.

Back to the topic, I found the clock! It's right beside my pillow for some reason... I'm guessing I put it there so that the alarm can wake me up instantly (unlike most time where it doesn't work), but I forgot to set it up in the first place.... oh well. Now for the time.... wow, it's already 10 o'clock. I sleep for quite a while.

I go to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth a bit so that my mother doesn't nag me too much about it. My hair looks like a mess, so I try to make them at least a bit more appealing, "combing" them with some water and hand (because searching for an actual comb is too much effort).

Going to the living room (which is a bit of a storage, and also my parent's room, whilst also being the room that connects storage, kitchen, and our room together), I sit down near the table filled with sausage and french fries. Not exactly a healthy breakfast/lunch, but it's a fun one to be sure.

"Morning." My father glanced at my direction a bit, before turning his attention back to the TV.

"Yeah, morning."


Nice talk.

We all just sit down in silent, watching a bit of news and stuffs while enjoying a nice, crispy potato sticks and sausage with some sauce to give it some taste other than salty.

When done, mom told me to take and wash the dishes (which is, pretty much just one big plate) and heat water for some tea later.

"Oh, and also prepare a game for the night."

"A game?"

"Yeah, last Sunday is dad's turn so today is yours, remember?"

...huh, I guess it is.

Wanting to do all she asks of me as soon as I can (mostly because there's not much turn can be made from the living room to the kitchen, so I can't exactly run away anywhere), I think to myself on what to play tonight.

Last week we had a 'Snake and Ladders', while the week before that we had a poor man DnD (with me trying to explain what that even is for the first half hour). It was kinda fun, and pretty useful to help tell the days.

Most of these seem to be owned by my parent before the pandemic started, probably wanted me to play these with my friends or something. Jokes on them, I never really met my friends in person at all!

...that's probably a poor joke. I shouldn't say that to my parent, or anyone for that matter.

....maybe I should write it though? It could make a good story for after-pandemic situation.... whatever that looks like.

...still wondering how "our house" looks like outside this bunker. How a wall made out of bricks actually feel, its smells, its texture. What does it look like-- well, in person I mean.

My mother also says that she lefts my grandparent's photos there, so that's another reason to get back.

Hmm, where was I? Ah, right, board games.

...let's play monopoly. I heard it's pretty fun.


"Not here too, huh." I look around my room, searching for another dice to use for tonight. The board and all the stuffs (the little houses, fake money, player figurine thing) are ready, but since we need two dices instead of one (unlike last week's Snake and Ladders), I need to get another dice.... somehow.

"Hmm," I play around with the one dice around, as if it somehow holds the answer to my question. "...wait a minute-!"

And turns out it does!

Not wanting to lose the momentum, I quickly look for a soap, the white, cheap, and harder one. Then I start cutting some part of it, and later carve it to get at least similar size.

Making a perfect, black dot that doesn't fade away will probably be pretty difficult, but coloring each sides will likely be easier. For black I have liquid ink, for other colors.... I can probably borrow some from my mother and sister's nail paints.

The only problem now is deciding on which color should symbolize which number.....

Very well then! This wish, inherited to me from my family, will be done without fail!!


At night, after a lot of hard thinking and researching about what each color symbolize in itself, I've finally done deciding what each color should be when turn to number.

White, aka the only part isn't colored, will be one.

Black, for being a fellow monochrome color, will be two. (it's hard to decide whether it should be two or six. I'm still thinking it should be six, but I might change my mind again later so I'll stop here)

Red, three. Blue, four. And.... God, deciding all this is more tiring than it should be.

But it's donE!! It's Freaking Done!!!!! And now, at the seventh day, I will rest like God knows what.




*rolling dice sounds*

*dice falling, showing two normal dices. The number is 6 and 5*

"Oh.... neat..... that did numbers..... yay."

"....y-yay....." my little sister, push the knife even deeper in her attempt to be kind.

My father tries to let out a smile but it looks so stiff that it somehow hurts me even more too. Not really sure why, it just is. (maybe it was pity? I'm not really sure)

Mom on the other hand, is a bit busy splitting the money and cards after cleaning them to notice anything going on.

For some explanation, turns out my father has some dices placed in one place, so that they're easy to find and keep. Not a bad idea per say, just wish he says something about it.

Then again I never ask, so I guess I'm at least to be blamed to some degree.

Oh well, no more somber! Let's . Have. Fun. Me!!


...I'm not having fun. I'm the opposite of having fun. I'm poor, and sad, and in jail (monopoly-wise).

Everything I have isn't mine, not for long anyway, and I can't think of a way to get anything close to a win.

...how do you win in monopoly anyway?

Being in jail, I grab the rule book and look for it. Meanwhile, my father and sister seems to be in a pretty intense duel about who steps on whose territory, thus who will pay who how much money. It was pretty hilarious honestly considering they're doing an equally intense staring context while they're at it.

Back to the rulebook, I found..... nothing much. Either making others bankrupt or surrender. That's it. It's not as decisive as I thought it will be, especially considering you can borrow money from the bank.

Also, why is this game a thing anyway? What kind of sicko would be happy playing this???


Oh yeah, we are that sicko.

I choose this fate, and now I must live and die with it.

...let's make some chaos while we're at it.


I knew they're gonna be easy to manipulate.

Just put out a simple auction, and they just race to get some worthless city.

It won't be enough to win me the game, but it's a step.... to world's destruction.

Even if I went bankrupt, I can still drag them down to my level of degeneracy. The same degeneracy that think playing this at all is a good thing in the first place!

Wahahaha, dance my puppet! Dance!!!


...okay, this is starting to be tiresome.

I don't know what time this is exactly, but it feels pretty late. (not really sure what "late" exactly is, but I think that's what mom and dad say when the hour is near "midnight". Let's not talk about what midnight actually means.)

Tired, I decided to say something about this being really late, and we could continue this some times else. I feel somewhat of a protest from the short glance from the two, but no actual protest is voiced.

Nodding, I record the progress of everything in a note and later start cleaning everything up. I leave the dice to my father, and setting the money to my sister. I made sure the cards are all there, and after everything is done, I take the game to the storage.

By the way, mom is already asleep for quite a while. Can't really blame her, being the bank isn't exactly that interactive.

After all that, we say good night to each other and start to rest. Waiting for another day to come, like it has always been for a long time.

March 10, 2021 15:27

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