Holiday Romance

“Why aren't you supposed to wait like 50 years for these things to happen?!” I said, staring skeptically at the front of my parent's fridge. At the top was an invite to the Class of 2023’s high school reunion. It had only been 5 years since I had graduated, so I found it quite odd that they were grouping us together again already. 

“I mean I literally just graduated a year ago from college, aren’t I supposed to be focusing on my future more than the past?” I asked my mom. 

“I don’t know Kacey, maybe give Cassie a call and see if she is thinking of going,” my mom offered. 

“You know what, I just might,” I stomped upstairs to my old room and dialed my high school friend Cassie. We had ended up going to different colleges, but we still managed to text each other every day. I was less in touch with the rest of my old high school class. 

“Hey, Kacey, what's up?” Cassie asked, answering almost immediately. 

“Have you checked your mail yet?” I questioned, both of us were staying with our parents over the holidays, so it was quite a coincidence that the reunion would occur when we were in town. We had both moved to New York after getting our degrees. 

“No, why is something wrong? Did you prank my mailbox like you did the time we were in sixth grade?” she asked teasingly. 

“OMG, just go check the mailbox, and keep talking please, we have a ton to discuss!” I said, really just wanting to make the decision of whether I was gonna go or not.  

“Okay let's see here, bills for my parents, junk mail, more junk mail, oh hey, an invitation for me!” Cassie said, sorting through the mail. 

“Open the invitation!” I ordered. 

“Geez, Kacey, chill! Ok, let's see, wait, am I reading this right? A five-year high school reunion, who even does that?” Cassie asked, in a very concerned tone. 

“I don’t know Cassie, but hey, you know people in our class loved to party, so a part of me is not surprised. So should we go or not?” I questioned. 

“I mean it's a Christmas Eve party, those are legendary for being epic, and I guess it would be cool to see everyone out of college. I say we go,” Cassie concluded. 

“Okay, if you say so, I’ll go too, but obviously we need to go shopping first! Also, we need to talk about the Christmas magazine edition,” I replied, knowing we had to cover the business aspect of our lives eventually. After graduating from college, Cassie with her writing degree, and me with my business and minor in writing had started a short story magazine in New York, so far we had achieved a decent amount of success. 

“Fine, but as long as we stop at Caffeinated, I like talking about the business over a warm mug of hot cocoa,” agreed Cassie. 

“So does tomorrow afternoon work for you? I mean the party is Saturday night, so I wanna be prepared,” I said, hating when I didn’t have everything prepped and ready. 

“Calm down Kacey, it’s only Tuesday,” Cassie reassured me, “and yes, tomorrow afternoon works fine,” she answered. 

“Ok, I will see you tomorrow!” I replied, glad that my week was finally all sorted out. 

A bright orange jaguar pulled up in my driveway at 11 o’clock the next afternoon. 

“Cassie, how in the world did you manage to snag your brother's car?” I asked skeptically. 

“I beat him in Christmas trivia, so I get one day to drive this around our quaint little town!” Cassie boasted. 

“What would have happened if you lost?” I asked, knowing that it was gonna be something good.

“I would have had to give him our tickets to the Nutcracker next year.”

“Man, Cassie, be glad you won, or else I would have personally pummeled you and I would have made your life miserable all through the New Year.”

“Wow, Kacey, you are such a good friend! Hey, I knew I could win that trivia, I wouldn’t have taken up the bribe otherwise,” Cassie reassured her.

“Okay, so let's just go shop down on Main Street, the coffee shop is close, so we can head right over thereafter we find our dresses,” I said. 

“But wait, isn't the only dress shop in this town on Main?” questioned Cassie. 

“Oh yes, the beauty of small towns,” I said with a smile. 

Finally, we both hopped in the car and took off. While looking through my window, the numerous Christmas decorations all over the houses brought a smile to our faces. Small town Christmas’ was nothing like the big city Christmas in New York. Here decorations were handmade with care, and everyone always had a smile on their face, no matter what was happening. 

“This is so not New York,” Cassie said as we passed a family building a snowman in their backyard. 

“But in a good way, am I right?” I questioned.

“Oh yeah, it's so magical,” Cassie agreed. 

Finally, we reached Main Street. Sparkly Christmas lights lined the streets, human-sized Nutcrackers were lined all the way down the street and extravagant wreaths were on almost all the shop doors. 

Cassie pulled the Jaguar into the nearest parking lot and we walked over to Delightfully Dressed, the only dress shop in town. The front window of the store was decorated with mannequins posing in major Christmas themed dresses. One mannequin was wearing a dress that looked like a snowman, one had on a Rudolph dress, and the other screamed GIANT SNOWFLAKE. “Hey Kacey, wanna be twin giant snowflakes?” teased Cassie. 

“Never in a million years,” I replied, shaking my head and casting an amused glance at the dress.

We walked into the brightly lit store and split off toward different sides of the stores. Whenever Cassie and I went shopping together we tended to have the uncanny ability to find the other’s perfect dress. 

“Hello, how may I help you?” a voice asked behind me. I turned around and came face to face with a girl around my age with long blond hair. 

“Marin, is that you? You work at the dress shop now?” I said, recognizing one of my old friends from...of course...high school.

“Actually, the old owner retired, I was just out of college with a fashion degree so I took over a couple months ago. I not only manage the store, but I also design some of the dresses,” she explained, taking a pleasing look around the store. 

“Well, I love what you did with the place!” I exclaimed, truly quite proud of her. 

“Hey Kacey, I found the perfect dress for you!” Cassie said, walking over to her side of the store. “Woah, Marin long time no see!” said Cassie, giving Marin a hug. 

“What dress caught your eye?” asked Marin.

Cassie held up a dark green dress. It had one lace sleeve and embroidered snowflakes lining the bottom. “Wow I actually really like this; let me go try it on!” I said rushing to the dressing room in the back. Cassie and Marin followed close behind. 

“I actually designed that dress,” said Marin shyly as I tried the dress on.

I walked out of the dressing room and spun in circles. “See, I was right; it looks like it was made for you!” Cassie said happily. “How much?” I asked Marin. “Half off, you are old friends after all! So are you two in town for the reunion?” 

“Oh, thank you so much, Marin! Actually, we were in town spending time at our parents' places for Christmas, so it's just a coincidence that we are here for the reunion as well,” I explained. 

“By the way, Marin, do you know who all is coming to the reunion?” Cassie asked, which was weird because the question had just popped into my head. 

“Everyone actually! I mean if they don’t live here they lie in one of the nearby towns, you guys were actually the last to RSVP, everyone didn’t know if you guys would still be in New York working,” Marin explained. 

“Wait how did you know we are the last ones to RSVP?” I questioned.

“I was put in charge of keeping track, I can get you a copy of who is going if you want?” Marin offered.

“Sure, thanks Marin!” said Cassie as Marin went to the back of the store to fetch the paper. 

“Okay, while she is doing that, let's find your perfect dress!” I squealed. I took a big turn around, waiting for something to catch my eye. In the corner of my vision, I spotted a spark of red. I turned and walked toward the dress. It was red and lacy with cap sleeves, overall a perfect match to Cassie's style. “Try it on!” I said, practically shoving the dress in her face. 

Cassie came out of the dressing room the same time Marin came out of the backroom, having printed the list out. 

“Cassie, that dress suits you perfectly!” Marin complimented, then turning to me she handed the list over. “Sorry it took so long, Dean takes forever to send things over,” 

“Dean?” I questioned, a quench of nerves filling my stomach.

“Yup, he's the one who organized this reunion. I think it was mostly out of boredom, but he seemed to be really missing some people,” she said with a wink. 

“Wait one second, Dean is the one running this? Aka the guy Kacey used to...uh...you know,” asked Cassie, coming out of the dressing room in her regular clothes. 

“It was a minor fling! I only lasted a couple months then with all the college stuff coming up, we just split apart,” I muttered.

“Still, you get to meet again!” Marin said.

“Well, this should be a fun night to remember!” I said skeptically.

Cassie and I paid for our dresses, said our thank you’s, and see you soon’s to Marin, and after dropping the dresses off in the car, we walked to the coffee shop. 

The instant I walked in the smell of cocoa and peppermint ran up my nose. “Oh my goodness, a little piece of heaven and I haven’t even gotten a drink yet!” Cassie gushed, already having a starry look in her eyes. 

“Ok crazy face lets get you a cup and seat,” I said, pushing Cassie toward the line. 

I got Cassie peppermint cocoa, and myself a gingerbread latte and we grabbed a seat in the corner. 

I took a sip of my drink. Warm deliciousness tinged my tastebuds, but it needed an extra kick. “I’m gonna go grab a sugar packet, be right back,” I told Cassie, I walked over to the small stand and grabbed a packet of sugar. After pouring it into my drink, I turned around and started to rush back to our table. Boom, suddenly the cap came off my drink and spilled over to the person I had run into. “Oh my goodness I am so sorry, I was in a rush and I didn’t even look where I was going, and I’ve ruined your sweater I am so sorry,” I said trying to stop string like a weirdo at the coffee mark on the guy's sweater. “It’s ok Kacey, I know you are not one to take your time,” a familiar voice said with amusement.

I looked right up into the blue eyes of my ex Dean. Figures I had to run into him, out of all people. 

“Well I can’t say I am surprised to see you, it is a small town after all,” I said, slight sarcasm laced in my voice.

“Kacey, listen, we need to talk! I’ve finally got you in town,” he said, a slight pleading edge to his voice. 

“Dean, what happened 4 years ago is in the past now, as for the future, I’ve already got a lot on my plate,” I muttered.

“Fine, but my New Year’s Resolution is to have no past regrets, I don’t know, but hey, we should both talk all this through,” 

“Dean, do not tell me you planned the reunion just to talk to me and makeup.” 

“Well yeah, maybe...but hey, who says no to an epic party? No one, that’s who! Everyone is going!” he said, his voice bubbling with excitement. “So, can we talk?” he pushed. 

“Now, I mean sure, but let me go tell Cassie where I am.” 

“Woah, Cassie’s here? Let me say hi!” he exclaimed.

“Ugh, fine,” I mumbled, knowing that there was absolutely no point in arguing with him. 

After Cassie and Dean shared pleasantries, he dragged me toward the town square where the gazebo stood, of course blinding everyone with extra sparkly Christmas lights. 

“So...about high school,” he started.

 “Ok, listen, Dean, we just were not meant to stay together! We both chose different paths and we split senior year without a second thought!” 

“I know that, but didn’t you ever go back and think what would have happened if we ended up trying harder?” he pushed, knowing that it would have been impossible not too.

“Of course I have, I’m not that heartless!” 

“Oh really?” he said in a teasing way, then sobering said, “Well hey let's just try to stay friends from now on, I don’t want to lose contact with you because of something as fickle as different life paths. So truce?” he said, offering his hand to me.

I really didn’t have any other choice, but I know Cassie would be happy if I made up with him. My luck in the friend department was almost as depressing as my luck in the love department. Besides, no regrets also sounded nice. “You have a truce,” I replied, shaking his hand. 

“Well hey I’ll see you Friday at the reunion, cool?” he asked, getting up. 

“Yup see you then!” I said. After that, we split ways, I headed toward the coffee shop and he headed toward the town hall, probably for some reunion preparations. 

“So how did it go?” Cassie pushed once we left the coffee shop. “It was definitely awkward, but hey I think we are friends now,” I said cautiously, not wanting to jinx anything. 

“Well, all I can say is about time!” Cassie exclaimed. We climbed into the Jaguar and sped back to my place. 

“So I’ll see you Friday! Do you wanna come over so we can get ready beforehand?” asked Cassie.

“Of course! I’ll be there say 5? We can grab some pizza and eat before we get ready!” I agreed. 

“Cool, I’ll see you then!” Cassie said, then she got into her brother's car and sped away. 

The next day Cassie and I spent time with our families, playing holiday games, making Christmas cookies, and enjoying large cups of hot cocoa. 

Finally, Friday came. I jumped into my purple Jeep and drove over to her place, equipped with hairspray, makeup, nail polish, and plenty of accessories.

After primping and eating(an equal amount of both), Cassie and I jumped into my Jeep in our new holiday dresses and drove toward the town hall. 

The instant we walked in, we were surrounded by falling snow, blow up snowmen, a sleigh with gifts, basically, Christmas seemed to have exploded, also I don’t know as a joke or a challenge, mistletoe was hanging all over the place.

I greeted old friend after old friend, many came to ask me about Cassie and I’s business, some asked me about my dating life, it was an assortment of things. Cassie and I, fortunately, did run into Marin again.

“You two look amazing!” she exclaimed, “I never knew my dresses could look that good on a person!” she said proudly.

“Well Marin I am personally loving the dress, and Cassie here would like to put some of your designs in our magazine once the new year hits if that is alright with you?” I asked a big grin stretched out across my face. 

“Oh yes that would be amazing!” she said, happy tears sparkling in her eyes.

I handed her Cassie and I’s card, “Call us in the New Year, but not just about business! Keep in touch, we were an amazing threesome in high school after all!” I said, giving her a large hug, which Cassie came over and joined. 

After exchanging pleasantries with almost everyone, I took a seat and nursed a cup of Christmas eggnog. 

“Enjoying the party?” Dean asked, appearing behind me.

“Well one thing you are definitely good at is parties,” I said, letting him get a tiny complement. Suddenly my favorite Christmas song, The First Noel started pumping through the speakers. A large smile spread across my face.

“Hey is this still your favorite Christmas song?” asked Dean,

“Maybe” I replied sheepishly.

“Well then would you like to dance, I mean for old times sake?” he asked in a charming tone.

“Just this once,” I agreed.

Dean walked me out onto the dance floor and, taking his hand, we started to slowly sway side to side to the music.

After a while, I relaxed and let my head rest on his shoulder. Sadly, soon after the song ended. 

“Uh-oh,” Dean said looking up. 

“What is it,” I replied, lifting my head from his shoulder. I looked up and saw we had swayed right under some mistletoe.

“Well we don’t wanna go against Christmas traditions,” Dean said, a small smile dancing across his lips.

“For old times sake?” I said, a smile starting to bloom across my face.

 He then leaned in and a small kiss danced across my lips. Then I pulled him in closer and shared a deeper one. All I have to say is in the span of that night, old regrets and bad choices were forgotten, and new memories and new hope arose within my soul.

October 02, 2020 22:39

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Crystal Skylark
02:54 Feb 26, 2021

Amazing! That was so good! It wasn't at all dull and forever long! I absolutely love it!


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Emerald Taurus
21:19 Oct 10, 2020

Hi Duchess!! (I know your real name😈) Good job!! I liked the story but maybe I’ma bit biased🤪


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