Mystery Crime Fiction

Adam and Micheal were working late that night, it was like any other night …All the lights of the company were off, except the one in their office

-I think we should head out, it’s very late, even the security went home

-We have to finish this Adam, you know we have to present our P&L Mr.Chavron tomorrow.

-Yeah, okay, let’s do this thing, but after that, we shall go for a drink, okay?

-Yes deal!

After a few hours of financial analysis, and concentration, they were distracted by the sound of two people arguing, and what they heard was serious, as the sound was coming closer and they recognized the voice of the director of the company , Adam rushed to close the lights and locked the door of his office.

-What the hell are you doing?

-It’s Mr.Chavron, I’ve overheard him

-Yeah, so?

-Look at the office, we’ve been drinking and eating, they’re trash everywhere, he must not see that, or see that we’re doing the presentation at the last minute.

-okay shut!

They hid behind the desk, and just waited for him to quit.

-You have no proof screams Mr.Chavron

-Yeah , you think that’s not easy for me to find?

-Oh, it that Donna? What is she doing here I thought she left hours ago. says Adam

-Yeah it’s her, said Micheal

-I cannot wait to see you out of here she said

-Honey, I’ve been here my hole life, however you, who would believe you.

-I think they would, there is proof in the financial documents that all you claim you bought for the company was actually for your house and for your own good. I think that you would go to jail for that kind of matter, and for a long time, I presume.

-I would never go to jail you little moron! And if you decide to go to the police, they need documentation, they need proof, proof that you don’t have! He says with a little smile on his face.

-You destroyed the documents?

-You think I’ll let a little bitch like you in possession of something that would ruin my life? I told you to stick to your stupid administrative business. You’re fired!

-Don’t bother, because I have a copy of the papers just here! You will no longer be a director here, she said pulling out her recording machine, with a smile on her face. I’m sending this to the authorities she added walking away from him.

Mr.Chavron was speechless and felt a rage invade his body, and without thinking he chased her to get the recording machine back , or to simply destroy it. As Donna saw him, she took the stairs and started running, but he was after her and snatched the machine from her hands, they struggled for a while and came back where Adam and Micheal could see them.

-Dude what is going on?

-Shut, they’re back!

-Donna, give me the record and those papers, and I’ll let you go like nothing happened!

-Is that a threat?

-Yes, actually.

He saw that in her eyes that she was a little bit afraid of him.

He pulls out a gun from the first drawer of his office, and says

-Donna, what about now?

The guys stuck in the office were shocked, but they had to make no sound, otherwise, god knows what would happen!

-What are you doing Noah? Are you crazy?

-Huh, what, you think I’ll let a stupid girl like you ruin my life? Give me those documents! he yelled

She sobbed in tears and gave him the documents and the machine and took a step back.

-Please, you have everything you need, can I go now? She asked

-Any copies I should worry about?

-Yeah, sure!

And as she was about to take off, he said “No, actually” and pulled the trigger.

Donna was laying down bleeding on the ground…

After a few minutes he wrapped her into the curtains and dragged her body down.

-We have to leave now! We close the office, so he can’t see someone was here, but we have to leave now before he comes back!

Adam was shocked and couldn’t reply

-Adam! insists Michael


-okay, let’s go, he took the stairs, so get the elevator.

As they arrived in the car, they were very out of breath and afraid.

-What the hell just happened? Donna is dead, he killed her, we should call the cops now! Says Adam

-Yes, I’m calling them

A few moments later

-They said they are coming to check the place.

From their car, they saw the police enter the place and leave the place really quickly. Adam got off the car and went straight to the inspector.

-What is going on? We are the ones who called you.

-I’m sorry but they’re nothing. No murder, no body, no trace, the place is clean.

-That’s impossible!

Adam runs into the office, and as a matter fact the place was spotless, like nothing happened a few minutes ago.

-Son of a bitch! How did he do that!

-Okay, can we claim for the disappearance of our colleague and friend?

-Last time you saw her? Asks the inspector

-Few minutes ago, before he killed her!

-Who’s he?

-The Director, Noah Chavron

-We checked the place, there is nothing!

-Okay, what about Donna?

-If your friend is still missing the next two days, you can call us back.

-Okay,thanks responded Micheal running towards Adam

-So? He asked

-The place is so clean, there’s nothing, not a drop of blood. We have to think about something Micheal, he can’t get away with this.

-Okay? What should we do?

-I don’t know, Donna always said that she keeps every important document in her e-mail, she e-mails it to herself, or something like that, maybe we can start with that.

-Okay, that’s a good start, at least we can proof he is stealing the money of the company, but what about the murder.

-I don’t know about that, I really don’t know, he sure cannot get away with it!

November 13, 2020 19:43

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