Crime Horror Sad

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Easy Chicken Feet Recipe - Dim Sum Style

Soft and tender chicken feet just like your favorite dim sum restaurant!

313 Calories, 9g carbohydrates, 25g protein, 17g fat


2 pounds chicken feet

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

4 garlic cloves minced

1 inch ginger sliced

Soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar

Instructions: Remove the feet from the carcass with a sharp saw. Drain the blood and rinse. Remove the nails (cut through the joint to make this easier). Boil water and chicken feet for 10 minutes, drain. Use medium fire and stir fry oil, ginger, garlic, then add chicken feet, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sugar. Bring to a boil. Lower heat and cover for 25-30 minutes. Remove lid and stir fry until the sauce has thickened.

Breakfast was oatmeal, 339 calories, thought Zach to himself as he sat at his desk. He flexed his stomach, holding it till it hurt. This was his morning routine, recite his diet and work on his core. He was improving how long he could flex for, he was at a count of 25 mississippis now.

Lunch is chicken and broccoli, brown rice, 1096 calories, he thought to himself. He flexed again.

“Hey Zach, meet Maggie. She just moved here” said a voice from behind him.

Zach inhaled and closed his eyes in annoyance at the interruption. He shifted in his chair, the components moved in sync to provide customized lumbar support. He had specifically requested this Steelcase chair, it was rated 2023's #1 office chair by Wirecutter Magazine. Its arms were mounted to support a wide array of body types, facilitating better circulation in his legs. This was a superior chair, for superior individuals.

As he swiveled around, he considered which smile to give. He had perfected three smiles. The Professional smile: a tight-lipped not-smile for politeness. The Toothy smile: for anyone he wanted something from. His Genuine smile: for genuine enjoyment. He had never needed to practice giving this smile, only ever had to practice hiding it.

He settled on his Professional smile as he saw who the voice belonged to. The office manager, dumpy, blonde, age of 40-45, height of 5’-5”, BMI of 26. Then he appraised the new arrival. Leggy, brunette, he guessed her age at about 23-25, height 5’-7” which he visually translated to a BMI of 16, an outstretched hand. Nice nails, healthy cuticles, he noticed.

Yummy, He thought to himself. Zach stood up, offering his best Toothy smile and shook her hand. Zach held it slightly longer than was necessary. She smiled, reciprocating his gaze before letting go.

“Maggie,” said the Office Manager, attempting to break the palpable tension. “this is your desk, I’m going to leave you to it. Let me know if you have any questions"

“Thanks!” responded Maggie putting her bag down at the desk next to Zach.

He was trouble, Maggie smiled to herself, excitment tingling her belly, this was going to be interesting.

Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks in Red Wine Sauce

Slow cooked until meltingly tender in a rich, red wine sauce. Lamb shanks are the lower leg of lambs.

624 Calories, 31g carbohydrates, 42g protein, 25g fat


4 lamb shanks

1 tsp each salt, pepper

3 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, diced

3 garlic cloves, minced

1 cup carrot and celery, diced

2 ½ cups red wine

800g crushed tomatoes

2 tbsp tomato paste

2 cups chicken stock

5 sprigs thyme

2 bay leaves

Instructions: Sear lamb shanks in a large pot until brown, remove. Heat olive oil, onion garlic, carrot, celery, cook for 5 minutes. Make a braising liquid with red wine, chicken stock, tomato, thyme, bay leaves. Add liquid and lamb into pot, simmer for 2 hours covered. Uncover and simmer for 30 more minutes.

“So, Maggie,” ventured Zach, feigning nonchalance by not facing her, “how do you like New York so far?”. 

"That's the best line you can come up with?" teased Maggie.

Zach paused, surprised, then chuckled, "Am I that obvious?"

"You weren't before, but now you are," she laughed

"Guilty as charged." Smart girl, he thought. Maybe this would be more fun than he expected.

"New York is exciting. The energy here is different." she smiled and added, "The men here are different." It was true, ever since she got to Manhattan she had felt rejuvenated. The city had an spark that she couldn't explain; it was tangible in the hustle of the crowd.

"It's exciting, but it can be dangerous. You need someone to show you around, and keep you safe."

"Oh, are you volunteering for the job?" she asked, coyly.

"I'm interested," Zach smiled, "but we'd have to set down some ground rules first"

"Like what?" She was quite enjoying this exchange, she hadn't felt this feeling in quite some time.

"Well, do you often flirt with men you don't know? I don't associate myself with sluts."

Ok, she paused, that one might've gone a bit too far. Maybe he just had a weird sense of humor? She turned towards him, trying to read his expression and body language. She pegged him at early 30s, well groomed and well dressed, definitely worked out.

"Ah, that was a joke right?" she offered.

"Why would you think that?" he still hadn't turned to face her, "We talking about minimum standards, that was baseline. My job is to protect and support you, your job is to look hot for me and only me." He now turned to face her now, his expression deathly serious.

"Sorry to break it to you, bud," Maggie said, her voice shaky, surprised by the sudden change in his mien, "you don't own me". He smirked in response, as if saying "not yet", and turned away.

She let the conversation lapse, turning away with goosebumps. That seemed like a total 180, she thought to herself, what the heck? Maybe she should ask for a seat reassignment.

Liver and Onions

This recipe will turn liver haters into lovers!

687 Calories, 74g carbohydrates, 49g protein, 21g fat


2 pounds beef liver

1 ½ cups milk

¼ cup butter

2 onions

2 cups flour

salt and pepper

Instructions: Rinse liver slices under cold water and pat dry, submerge in milk to remove bitterness. Saute onions until translucent. Drain milk from liver and coat in flour, add to pan with butter and onions, fry 3 to 4 minutes each side.

Zach glanced at his watch, 9:32am, he looked back up to the break room from his seat. He'd been logging her movements, she usually arrived between 9:17 and 9:28. It took her about 2 minutes to drop off her bag and make her way to the pantry meaning she was due between 9:19 and 9:30. She was late, he couldn't believe her insousciance. Didn't she value his time?

Ever since their first chat she'd moved seats and it was like she’d been purposefully avoiding him. He spotted her heading towards the breakroom and got up. This is what he was reduced to, he thought, manufacturing serendipitous moments.

“Oh, hey,” Zach mocked surprise as he walked in, “come here often?” He frowned as he noticed a coffee pod on the counter was misaligned with the others, he paused to straighten it. Satisfied, he looked up and positioned himself between her and the exit.

“So you've resorted to catcalling now?” she rolled her eyes. She'd been avoiding him for the past 4 months, but he didn't seem to get the hint. She knew that if she got HR involved, there was a chance she'd be "THAT girl", and the stigma would follow her around.

"Catcalling? That's just flirty banter."

“Zach, I’m going to be blunt, I’d like it very much if we could be professional. You need to stop.”

The smile dropped from his face and he walked towards her, getting within arm's reach. He suddenly seemed much larger than a second ago. She froze.

"And what if I say no? What if you need to be taught a lesson about leading guys on?" He whispered in her ear, almost touching her.

The silence stretched on as tears filled her eyes. She hated herself for being scared, for letting him see it.

"Fuck you, Zach" She whispered hoarsely, as she squirmed past him.

He smiled his Genuine smile at her as she walked away.

Corned Venison Hearts

Cook time: 1 to 2 days



½ gal water

½ cup salt

¼ cup sugar

½ ounce curing salt

4 Tablespoons pickling spice

Fresh venison hearts

Instructions: Toast spices until aromatic, then add brine ingredients, bring to a simmer and let cool. Add hearts to the brine and store in a container until totally submerged. Admire their beauty.


Good morning. We have a zero tolerance sexual harrassment policy. I’ve received complaints regarding your behavior and invite you to complete a mandatory sexual harassment training. Unwelcome advances towards others won't be tolerated. This training will help define what is acceptable behavior.

Please consider this your first and last warning.



Office Manager

Pork Jowl Stew wth Black Eyed Peas

This southern stew is the dish of foodie dreams. Finished off with some homemade cornbread, it's soul in a bowl.

1 lb. dry black-eyed peas

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 lb. hog jowl

2 1/2 tbsp. butter

1 onion

3 cloves garlic

4 cups chicken broth

3 cups water

salt and pepper

Instructions: Combine peas, baking soda, water to cover. Soak overnight. In a large pot, heat butter along with onions and garlic. Cook until fragrant and add jowl. Add peas along with chicken broth and water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1.5 to 2 hours. Stir and add water as needed.

Maggie had finally extricated herself from the crowded Lower East Side bar. The night was warm and it had just rained. Even after a year here, it still didn't get old. She loved walking and discovering new exciting venues. It seemed the city was continuously redefining itself.

A bit tipsy, she was on autopilot. She climbed the steps of her building's porch and fumbled for her keys.

“Evening, Maggie.”

She screamed and jumped around, instinctively holding her purse out as a shield.

“Fuck!” she yelled and squinted into the darkness, “Who's there?! I’ve got a gun!” She didn’t have a gun. Maggie’s mother gave her a stun gun when she first moved to New York, but it seemed like an overreaction to Maggie, who was now filled with regret imagining the closet where she stashed it.

“It’s me, beautiful,” said Zach, stepping forward into the light.

“Zach? What’re you doing here,” she hissed at him, fear boiling over into indignant rage as realization dawned on her, “Were you fucking following me?” How long had he been tailing her? What else had he been watching her do? She suddenly felt a sense of violation rising like bile in her throat.

“Maybe just a little," he smiled, "New York can be dangerous."

Yeah, dangerous because of people like you, Maggie thought to herself.

Zach took her pause as an opportunity to walk closer, making as if to climb the porch.

“Whoa, whoa,” said Maggie, “just stay where you are. What do you want?"

"I just miss our conversations is all."

“Mm-hmm oh yeah, I miss them too. Just, stay right there ok?” Maggie turned ever so slightly towards the door and started trying the lock.

“Do you need help wit-” Zach started up the steps again.

“Nope!” she said forcefully, motioning him to stop, “I got it.” The lock turned and she jumped in, slamming the door and running up to her unit. She got the stun gun and checked the battery, then filed a police report. What little sleep she got that night she did it cradling the stun gun.

Zach stood outside and watched the third floor lights come on, then walked away, humming to himself.

Goose Neck Sausage

Sausages using bird neck casings is a tradition in Gascony.


Goose neck

Loose sausage

Instructions: Push the bone and meat out from beneath the skin, separating the connective tissue. Turn inside out, pull off the trachea and esophagus. Rinse and remove any blood. Return the skin outside out and dry. Tenderly stuff sausage into the neck. Use kitchen twine to tie off one end and compress the sausage against it, tie off the other end and trim excess skin.

He stood naked in front of the mirror and appraised his body, mulling over two nights ago. He'd finally found where she lived, that made things easier. He ran his hands over his toned stomach and squinted. Had he gotten fatter? He considered his calorie and macro count for the past 5 days. It might've been a reduction in cardio, since she got him fired he no longer walked to work. He made a mental note to adjust his diet.

Why had she insisted on playing hard to get? Didn't she see he was trying to make her into a respectable woman? New York was dirty, and he had met her at a pivotal moment, when she was still pure. Time was running out for her, and he had to help her understand his logic.

A big gesture was required. Drastic times called for drastic measures. He had to show her that he was willing to put it all on the line. She was his.

He got dressed and left his apartment. He played with the small box in his pocket. Sunday nights she went to the gym, wouldn’t be home till at least 9pm. Perfect, he thought, she’d be hungry and he had a meal and a big surprise planned for her. In his backpack was everything he needed.

He reached her building, climbed atop the low fence railing, reached up and grabbed the bottom of the fire escape ladder, then pulled himself up. At the third landing, he gently broke the window. The anticipation was overwhelming, he couldn’t wait to surprise her.

Fish Head Soup

A nutritious and delicious recipe for those days when under the weather. This soup will cure all the heartache that ails you.


Fish head




Instructions: In a pot, combine fish head, water, vegetables. Consider how you got here, admire the beauty of the head. Cook for 30 minutes, apologizing to the fish. Add salt, simmer for 15 minutes.

She climbed the last of the stairs, panting with exhaustion. Leg day was the worst when you lived in a walk up. She paused to catch her breath and unlocked her door. She stepped in, closed the door, and reached for the lights when she noticed a glow from inside. Weird, she thought, as she walked into the dining room to see a plethora of candles. In the dim glow she could make out two place settings and a bottle of wine on the table. She paused, reaching into her bag for the stun gun, she always had it now.

“Zach?” she offered to the darkness, “Honey?” she added for good measure.

“Hey, beautiful." He said from behind her, how the heck had he gotten there? He gestured to the table, “Sit. I have a surprise for you”.

He reached into his pocket and she stiffened. Did he bring a weapon? She let out a breath as he took a small black box out and got on one knee, showing her a diamond ring.

“It’s only been a year since we’ve met but…I'm more ready than I’ve ever been. I’m yours, always and forev-AAAAH” he screamed as she rushed him, zapping him with the stun gun.

"Fuck you! Leave me alone!" she yelled, as he collapsed, spasming. She stepped over him to escape. He grabbed her leg and she went down hard on the tile floor. She put her arms out but the stun gun slid against the tile and she felt her wrist snap painfully as the weapon skittered away. She laid on her side, fumbling for it with her good hand. Suddenly he was on top of her, pushing her down, constricting her breathing. She clawed at him but he grabbed her wrists and squeezed, she gasped with pain. She screamed.

“Stop it!” real malice in his voice. “Look what I’ve done for you!”


He slapped her, stunning her and covered her mouth with his hand. “Stop it,” he admonished, "don't be like this."

She bit him hard, tasting blood. He screamed and recoiled, he grabbed her neck with his other hand. “Stop!” he yelled, shaking her head and slamming it into the ground.

“I love you! I'm trying to help you!” he tightened his grip as she tried to scream, held it until she said nothing at all, till her eyes only registered sadness and shock.

Zach regained his composure and noticed her stillness, he let go gingerly. “Maggie?” he said, concerned. “Baby? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

He reached down to caress her face, but she didn't move, didn't breathe. He panicked, this was not the plan. Why couldn’t she have just listened to him? Look what she'd done.

He sat there for a while. Then, a thought: this didn't need to be the end. She could be with him always, there would always be a little bit of her in him and she would live on.

He breathed deeply and went to the kitchen, preparing for what’s to come. He had a week and there was a lot of work to do.

December 15, 2023 15:44

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