Contemporary Crime Mystery

Are you sure it's okay for us just to show up unannounced?

Of course, it's fine. It's my sister. She's going to be so happy to have some company. She's been on bed rest for a week because of the blood clot in her leg. She still has to stay home for another week. She's going to be so happy to have some company.

Geez. I haven't seen her for probably 20, maybe 25 years. It's going to be wild seeing her again. I've been following her on social media for a while, and she looks exactly like the 18 year old I remember.

Yeah. She will tell you it's because she uses good cream. I think it's because she's living her dream. Not my dream, though.


I have this theory. If you're living your dream or one of your dreams--because you can have many different life plans--there are worry lines that fail to appear. If you hate your job, or if you're full of worry, then the lines make their way up from the dermal depths to the surface of your face.

She may not want to see me, though. I wasn't very nice to her the last time I saw her.

She's going to be fine. She's been bored out of her mind for the last few days, and I think she'll get a kick out of the surprise.

So you say. I'm glad I thought to bring a gift. Everyone loves a candle, right?

Sure. Of course. What happened between you two? You used to be thick as thieves.

Key West happened. You know how they say that whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? There ought to be a sign when you get to the Key West city limits that says about the same thing. We did things, saw things. Yikes. You can't un-see or un-hear or un-whatever. It was complete fun the entire time we were there--except for this one thing. We didn't sleep until daylight when we found our hotel's pool.

Well, that was a long time ago. You two haven't seen each other or talked to each other since then? Because of the one thing?

It was a very long time ago, and we're better off not talking. But, I recently had a breast cancer scare, and I thought to myself: Claire, you need to talk to Rosie. Tell me about you, though. What have you been up to all these years?

Um, well, I've been breeding dogs. I love them. We bought our place because of all the land with the thought that the dogs would be able to run around. Then once we had the place, we put up a barn where the dogs could hang out if it's too hot or too cold. When we built the house, we also built it with the dogs in mind. They're happier when they're around people. Do you have a dog?

No. I travel too much to be able to have any pets. Eventually, though, when things slow down, I'd like to get a dog or a cat. Probably not a cat, though, because of the litter box. It grosses me out to think there's a box in my house that's full of shit. Bart told me if I got a cat, the litter box would be my responsibility, and I'm like, no way. Ick.

I wish I would have gone to Key West with you guys when you went. It just seems like an adventure. Every time I ask Rosie about it, she says that I don't really want to know. And, of course, when she says stuff like that I really do want to know.

Oh, Penny, you don't want to know. Rosie is right about that. I met Bart that weekend, but beyond that, I wish I had never gone to Key West. Sounds like Rosie and I are on the same page.

Can you at least tell me the parts of the story that aren't regrettable?

I'll tell you this. We were young, stupid, scantily clad, and looking for a good time. We met some guys who were young, incredibly hot, stupid, looking for a good time, and maybe pathologically horny. Throw a LOT of alcohol in there, and you have a recipe for terrible decision making. Light a match and drop it on all that, and, well, BOOM.

Sounds like I guess I was better off not making the trip.

You have no idea. However, the trip itself was fun except for the one thing, and I met Bart. We didn't get together that weekend, but we swapped numbers. After we each got home, we started talking on the phone, and then we started trying to see each other. We only lived about 3 1/2 hours from each other. And then we fell in love, got married, and two kids and 20 years later, here we are. It's just time I fixed things with Rosie.

I had no idea. We should be there soon. I didn't tell her I was bringing you. I was able to keep that a secret.

Great. If you had told her, she probably wouldn't have wanted you to make the trip.

She's very different now. She stays in, and she writes books. Thrillers, mysteries. Stuff like that. She has a pen name, and she's actually made a lot of money from her novels. Her first book is still on the best-seller list. Murder by Mai Tai.

Of course she wrote that. I read it, but I had no idea she was the author. It makes all the sense in the world.

I need to make a quick stop for gas. I thought I could make it to Rosie's on a single tank, but I need to fill 'er up.

Bart, hi. Penny's getting gas. Rosie doesn't need money. I don't have a clue who's hitting us up. When I talk to her, I'll see if anyone has been contacting Rosie. I doubt it, though, since she uses a pen name. Remember that book, Murder by Mai Tai? Remember how we thought it was a lot like the trip to Key West? Well, duh. Rosie wrote it.

Claire. Please be careful. Just let Penny know that we don't need money and if she's getting any demands, they aren't from us. Then come home. Get an Uber to the airport and come home.

Okay. We're all gassed up, and should be there shortly.

I can't thank you enough for making this trip with me. It was very nice of you. How has Rosie been doing anyway?

It's so strange that you had the breast cancer scare. She had her first colonoscopy, and she had a colon cancer scare. She's fine, but I think it scared her enough that she also mentioned wanting to mend fences with you.

Scary health does things to a person. It makes you want to set things right. At least, that's what I think.

Here we are. Let me put in the code to get into her neighborhood. Look at these trees. Gorgeous, right? I love this part of getting to her house. It never gets old. This development is less than twenty years old. When the developers bought this area and the plan for the development was published in the paper and online, the lots sold very quickly and then voila! You've got this super posh neighborhood.

Oh. Is this her house?

It is. You ready?


I know she's home, but I always ring the bell. It seems like with the gate and code and stuff, I should be polite and ring. It's stupid probably, but I do it anyway.

Penny! You didn't tell me you were coming! And...Claire? Is that you?

Rosie. Hi. Yes. I wanted to see you in person.

Please come in.

Thanks, but I can only stay for a moment. I called home when we were at the gas station, and there's been an emergency there with one of my kids and I need to get back right away.

Oh, my gosh. Penny, can you do me a favor? I left my computer out by the pool. I don't want it to get overheated. Could you please bring it inside for me?

Thanks for that, Rosie. I wanted to tell you Bart and I have been getting threatening letters for money that refer to the Key West trip. If you have, too, we wanted you to know they're not from us. That's what I came to tell you. I need to go now.

I haven't received any letters. When Murder by Mai Tai first came out, my publisher received letters, but we wrote them off to crackpots. That's not to say that the letters haven't resumed. The publisher hasn't said anything to me. But thanks for the warning.

Rosie, Claire? Everything all right?

It's great. It's all great, Penny. I'm going to call for a car to take Claire to...the...airport? Ah, yes. The airport.

Thank you, Rosie. It really was lovely to see you.

You, too.

Wow. After the four hour drive getting here, that's it? You two haven't seen each other for how many years?

Penny, I really do have an emergency at home, and I am so grateful to you for picking me up and bringing me here. You'll never know how much it meant to see your sister. Rosie, I'm going to give you a business card. Please call any time.

Of course. Do you need a glass of water or to use the restroom while we're waiting on the car?

Yes, to both. Thanks.

The bathroom is just down that hall on the left.

Penny, why would you bring Claire here? She had a health scare and wanted to see you to set things right. I knew if I told you, you'd be like this, and she seemed so earnest.

God! Fine. It was a very bad idea for her to come here. I'm going to give her a signed copy of Murder by Mai Tai, and then the car should arrive. I texted the service. Could you go get Claire a glass of water? I'll wait here to be the hostess with the mostest.


Rosie, you have a beautiful home.

Thank you. We love it here. I got in right after the developer made the plans public. When I was designing the house, I fell in love with the architect who was working with me. We designed this place together, married, and have lived here ever since.

Ladies, I took the liberty of getting each of us glass of sparkling water and thought it would be nice to toast seeing one another again.

Penny, that's so sweet. To old friends.

To old friends.

To old friends.

It looks like my car is here. Thank you for making the arrangements, Rosie.

Of course.

And thank you for the book. I did read it shortly after it came out. Excellent read. Scared me to death, too.

It was kind of scary writing it, to be honest.

All right. I'll be going now. Please call...any time.

Rosie, I can't believe you haven't seen each other in all these years, and you two just parted ways...just like that? It's so weird.

Penny. She has an emergency at home. I would have done the same. You would have done the same. She can't help that. Wow. I'm really tired. I need to go lie down. I think your phone is ringing. You left it in the kitchen? That thing is loud.

Penny? It's Claire. I am not feeling well. We're going to make a stop at the hospital. I suppose you figured out what happened in Key West. Have you drugged or poisoned your sister, too?

Claire. Darn it. That stuff worked so much faster than expected. You'd best get to the hospital in a hurry. Rosie just went to bed. She's not feeling the best. Buh-bye. Maybe you don't pay me off, and that's okay. Rosie made me the beneficiary of one of her life insurance policies. It all works out in the end. I could have helped you two in Key West that weekend, but you cut me out. I went anyway, and I have known all this time...everything...and dog breeding is only lucrative if you breed dogs that are in high demand. Gotta go. Goodbye and good luck.

December 07, 2024 12:43

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