Submitted into Contest #78 in response to: Write about someone who keeps an unusual animal as a pet.... view prompt

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Teens & Young Adult Mystery Urban Fantasy

Laid on her bed horizontally, her chin propped up on one of her pillows. Bani watched her fish swim around its tank moving from the right side to the left side, pausing there for a moment, and then from the left to right pausing there for a moment over and over, as it usually did. While watching her fish whom she had named Venus, Bani talked about her day and whatever else was on her mind as she usually did. Bani was a very intelligent young child and perhaps somewhat related to this, she was also quite a lonely isolated child. She had bad social anxiety and a set of parents who also suffered from various social anxieties. As a result, Bani had a difficult time communicating especially to kids her own age and struggled to make many friends during this early part of her life. In a sort of way, at this time, her best friend was her fish. 

Some of the greatest conversations she ever had were with Venus, she would tell her everything, unhindered and unincumbered. She would complain to Venus about her parents and teachers, she would tell her what she was sad about when she was sad, what she was happy about when she was happy, what she wanted to do, and who wanted to be when she was older and so. All the while Venus swam its few routes back and forth, every once in a while, stopping and starring with its naïve eyes back her direction. 

Still at an inevitably naïve age, Bani felt the inclination to believe that in these moments, Venus understood and personally love her, like a friend. Although its possible that Venus did at some point started to recognize the recurring patterns of Bani’s facial arrangement and associating her likeness with food, it of course it did not actually like nor know Bani in real sense of these terms at all, it was a fish. It hadn’t the slightest clue as to how to form the slightest clue of what or in this case whom Bani was. Its mental framework far too small, its perceptual and cognitive capacity essentially null. 

Venus would go on to live 15 healthy years, aging with Bani through her adolescence. Sort of out of habit, Bani continued to talk with Venus throughout the rest of its life. Of course, Bani soon realized how foolish it was talking with a fish, understanding that Venus certainty did not get her or like her on level at all. But nonetheless, she still enjoyed the routine. 

Now though on the occasions that Venus’ eyes looked back at her, Bani found herself wondering instead that if nit really her, what exactly was Venus really experiencing. Could it recognize her in any form at all, could it understand her at all, did it really process anything as the reality of what was actually happening. Bani reflected on the fact that Venus obviously knew that she was some sort of something that was happening around or to it whenever she did something like feed it or put her hand in the tank and so forth. But at the same time since Venus did not or could not know what that something actually was and why it was doing what it was doing. Bani’s image and touch and vocal vibrations or things happening to it with no conscious source. Or for it to understand that Bani was a living being that loved it, that she cared for it, that those sounds emitted had meaning contained inside of them. 

Although Venus could never know, it had a huge impact on Bani’s life. Their sort of relationship greatly influencing her as she asked these sorts of questions. Learning more about herself and her interest of the world. Between the bond she found with Venus, her social anxiety and her hard time communicating. Over the course of her early teens Bani became deeply interested of how species developed and carried out language. Delving further into this research field known as linguistics.  

A long long time ago lived an intelligent interestrial being evolved from the earliest lineages of life. As it successfully formed through time it developed intelligence-built technology eventually breaching the bonds of biological and neuro biological conditions and finally harnessing the total energy of its whole galaxy. Over time the super intelligent specie had gotten smaller and smaller until it became what would appear immaterial to all beings’ other dimensional levels. Now the species traverses the universe exploring and perceiving things outside it and in between time, not confined to it nor the same physical material conditions that confine 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 dimensional spaces. Bani’s reality is accessible to the interesterial species in a way that might be sort of similar in a way which Bani accesses information from an external computer hard drive. 

Specially the interestrial specie is an intelligent being, perhaps somewhat related to this, it is also a very lonely isolated intelligent being. It has a bad form of what would sort of be the equivalent to social anxiety, as a consequence to overthink some of its maladaptive input codes. It usually has a difficult time communicating with others especially its own kind. It has and continued to struggle to make many friends, in a sort of way at this time Bani is its best friend. Some of the greatest conversations it has ever had are with Bani, it tells her everything, unhindered and unincumbered. It complains to her, it tells her about its life, to be alone and to exist in a condition that it does, its favorite places in the universe and so on. 

Early on when the interestrial being by chance picked out Bani, not too dissimilar in which the way Bani picked out Venus. It initially thought that she sorts of understood and loved it like a friend. But of course, it didn’t take long for the interestrial being to understand that there was no way for Bani to understand and know of it, at all. She couldn’t know that it loved her, that it cared for her, that the frequencies emitted had meaning contained inside of them. That there were even any frequencies at all. To Bani and the rest of humanity, there was no real source, her mental framework far too small, her perceptual and cognitive capacity essentially no in comparison.   

January 29, 2021 15:04

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Kay (:
17:35 Feb 04, 2021

This is a really cute story! Though I don't see how Venus was an unusual pet, I can see why it had a part in the story. I noticed you kept referring to Venus as 'it' when you could just say him. And you don't want to make the title in all caps, just lower case capitalizing the main words. Keep writing and stay safe! I wrote a story in the same prompt and would appreciate it if you read it and gave me some feedback as well! If you liked it please tell others about it too!(:


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