Friendship Holiday Happy

Lindsey didn’t know how she was supposed to tell her family. She dreaded having to go to their house this weekend for Thanksgiving, and she couldn’t back out - she had already said she would attend.

    Nervously she absentmindedly checked her phone, trying to get her mind off of how she would tell her parents that she wasn’t going to continue the long-standing family business that had been in the Ryot family for years?

    A small chirp alerted her that a text had come. She looked at it.

    It was from her mother: So happy that we’re going to get to see you for Thanksgiving!!! We’ve been looking forward to your college graduation!!

    The first thing that Lindsey felt was annoyance. Her mother, who was more of an old-school type of person, never abbreviated anything in texts.

    The second thing that Lindsey felt was panic. They probably were looking forward to her graduating so she could take over the family business!

    She groaned. She could just imagine herself telling her stern father that she’d rather work at her favorite restaurant, then her family's generation-old coffee shop.

    She could just imagine her father’s deep scowl, and her mother’s shocked and disappointed face.

    She glanced at the old, antique grandmother clock that she had inherited from her grandfather. It read ten in the morning.

    She had twenty minutes to think of a good way to tell her parents.

    In twenty minutes, she would be at their house, being greeted by them.

    Her eyes narrowed and a determination arose in her. She was Lindsey Ryot. She made her own future, no matter how many generations ago the Ryot coffee shop had been made.

    A slight smile spread across her face. She could do this.

    The house where her parents lived was not exactly an old person’s community, but it was not a family neighborhood either.

    Old but pristine cars were parked in various driveways, porches were latticed and styled in a way that was popular forty years ago…

    It was not Lindsey’s favorite place to go to, but for her parents, she could bear the community for a few hours.

    She parked her car, grabbed her purse, and walked up to the door. After searching for the non-existent doorbell, she knocked loudly three times.

    Immediately the door was flung open, and her mother’s happy face appeared. “Lindsey!”

    Lindsey’s heart sank. Her parents were so happy, and yet in a little bit their hearts would be broken. For a moment, she almost wanted to assent to working at the Ryot coffee shop.

    Her will hardened. Her happiness would not be left behind for a coffee shop. This was her future, her life, her wishes...

    And they would happen.

    Lindsey smiled, though inwardly she was very stressed out. “Hi, Mom! Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for inviting me over!”

    Her mother smiled. “It was nothing, dear. We wouldn’t forget our little grad!,” She pinched Lindsey’s cheek slightly. “Plus we want to talk to you about a very special matter!”

    “Oh, that’s great! I also wanted to break some news to you, mother!” Lindsey said, putting her most excited face on. “I want to work at Rupert’s Restaurant on the south side of town! I already applied and…”

    Her mother’s face had fallen, and her mouth was slightly open. “What, dearie?” She asked softly.

    Lindsey reached out her arm to her mother. “I know you wanted me to take over our coffee shop, but my heart isn’t there.”

    “Her mother looked up at her for a moment. “I don’t understand…. Why? You’ve grown up in that coffee shop. You drank your first cup of coffee there! You did your homework there! Why do you want to work at that other restaurant?”

    Lindsey’s smile disappeared. “Mother, I know that you’ll be disappointed, but… I won’t be happy working at our coffee shop… and at Rupert’s I’ll be happy. You always told me-”

    “”Your happiness is yours. Choose wisely - happiness over money,” Her mother nodded slowly. “We aren’t disappointed in you, Lindsey - at least I’m not. We just thought that you would want to work at the coffee shop. It’s fine if you don’t want to though.”

    “We can discuss it more with father. Maybe the shop can go to Hart!”

    Her mother laughed for the first time. “Your irresponsible little brother? I’m surprised you would even mention him!”

    I smile. “How about a Thanksgiving family pow-wow with everyone?”

    Her mother nodded. “Including Hart.”

    Lindsey nodded. This was going way better than he had expected.

    The pow-wow took place just before eleven in the morning. 

    The plush couches, which everybody loved, were occupied by the four members of the Ryot family.

    “So…. Why did we call this meeting?” Hart asked. “It’s Thanksgiving. Shouldn’t we be celebrating?”

    “A matter had arisen,” Lindsey’s mother, looking pointedly at Lindsey. “Lindsey has made an important decision… She shall not take over the coffee shop.”

    “Lindsey’s father rose slightly from his chair, his eyes narrowed in astonished anger. “What? That shop has been here since-”

    Lindsey’s mother motioned for her husband to sit down. He did so. “We have always told our children that happiness is important in life. This is an example. Lindsey has told me that she would not be happy working at our coffee shop, but she would be working at Rupert’s down on the south side of town.”

    “Can you bring me some of their spaghetti pie?” Hart asked, looking eagerly up at Lindsey. 

    Lindsey laughed. “Sure, I’ll see if I can.”

    Their father glowered at Lindsey. “Well…” To Lindsey’s surprise, he smiled. “We hope you’ll be happy working at Rupert’s.”

    “You aren’t angry?” Lindsey asked, beaming at her father.

    “Well, the other day, it just happened that Hart came up to me, and asked if he could have the family business,” Her father smiled again. Hart winked at her. “We were going to talk to you, and ask if you wanted to let Hart have the business today. Did you two have this all planned out?”

    Lindsey smiled. “Nope, I just think that Hart likes coffee more than I do.”

    Their father smiled. “Well, where’s the turkey?”

November 24, 2020 19:49

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