Romance Fiction

I still see the flames from that fateful day. That was the day I knew I truly loved him. 

My feelings for Eric had changed much in the nearly eight months we were courting. Our parents had arranged the match. I didn’t care for him then. He was a spoiled rich heir to his father’s fortune. My family was close to ruin. As the only child it was up to me to marry well. 

Eric had no idea about the struggles many people go through about money. His ignorance irritated me to no end. On the first day I met him he made a comment about the shabby dress I wore. When I told him it was the nicest dress I owned he responded while looking down his long pointed nose, “can’t you just buy another?” 

From that day on I did everything I possibly could to evade a proposal. I faked being ill on numerous occasions and even once purposefully sprained my ankle. It was easy to tell when he was about to try again because he would send me a message to meet him in the exact spot where his father proposed to his mother.

On days when my parents required me to visit him, Eric and I spent the day taking strolls through his family’s massive garden, reading in his library or playing cards. I found these visits tedious and boring. At least in the garden we were outdoors but I would have much rather been exploring the forests. The trees and flowers there are untamed and able to grow where they please. The creatures that live there have no master to obey. I envied the forest for the freedom it embodied. 

Seven months into the courtship, I was able to sneak away from my mother’s watchful eyes and I ran into the forests where I intended to spend the day. I walked through the trails that those before me had left and marvelled at the canopy of leaves above me. The sun filtered through in soft beams of yellow. The vibrant greens of nature lifted my spirits so high. Flowers were in bloom all around in a rainbow of colour. Bluebells, marigold, trilliums, lilies, and wild geraniums were scattered all over the forest floor.

I stopped around noon to sit under a tree and eat the heal of bread I managed the sneak out of my house’s poorly stocked kitchen. As I sat admiring my surroundings I heard something crashing through the bushes behind me. I scramble to my feet in a panic and turn around to see someone on horseback riding through the trees directly towards me. I gasp and at the same moment the rider reigns in his horse in time to not run me over. Our eyes meet and I realize the rider is Eric.

He gasps in surprise, “Alaina, what on earth are you doing here?”

As I brushed the dirt off my skirts from sitting on the ground, I nonchalantly replied, “I am just taking a stroll through the forest. It certainly is a beautiful day for it.”

“Alone?” He questions. “You’re without an escort. Don’t you think that is dangerous for a lady such as yourself?”

“I can take care of myself thank you very much.” I snapped. “I rarely ever get the chance to come into the forest. I had to sneak away in order to do so this time. And you sir will not ruin this day for me.” I turn to leave when Eric calls out.

“Wait. Perhaps we can make a deal. Allow me to escort you home and I will be sure to be your escort next time you wish to venture out here. I enjoy the forest myself and would love the extra excuse to be out in nature.”

I pondered his offer for a moment. After weighing the positive and negative aspects of this proposal I decide to accept. “You have a deal. I shall be glad to be accompanied by you when I next walk through the forest.” I gave him a winning smile to seal the deal. 

“Excellent. And with that I believe I should take you home.” Eric extends him hand to me from atop his steed and helps me up behind him. 

After that day I began to grow a soft spot for him. We spent many afternoons walking or riding along the forest trails in each other’s company. Most of those times we would always venture to that very tree where he first bumped into me. Whenever I would leave my house to visit Eric I walked with more of a spring in my step. My parents were jubilant at my change of heart. 

Three weeks after making our deal, I found myself on the path to Eric’s home once again. As I was about to turn the last corner before arriving I noticed a large cloud of black smoke rise into the sky. “No,” I gasped. My feet flue beneath me as I raced towards the house. Nobody else was home. Eric’s parents were out at a dinner party.

As I approached, I could see the smoke billowing from the sitting room. I bursted through the door and ran into the room, one of the curtains ablaze. Eric is lying face first on the floor unconscious. Without thinking I rushed over to the curtains and ripped them from the wall. It burns my hands but I don’t think of that. I grab the cushions from to sofa and smother the flames. 

Once the fire was subdued I turned my attention to Eric. As I lean down to him and call out his name he comes to. “Eric are you alright?” I say with what I am sure was the most worried expression I have ever made on my face.

With a face flushed red Eric responds, “Oh dear how very clumsy of me. I was lighting the candles since it would be dark soon and I tripped with one of the candle in my hand. I believe you may have saved my life Alaina.” 

And then for the first time since I had known him, I hugged Eric and held him tight. “I was so very afraid I was going to lose you. I never want you out of my sight again.”

One week later after the fire, Eric and I take a stroll to our tree once again. There, he gets on one knee and proposes. Without hesitation I said yes.

October 24, 2020 02:12

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