
The sky's hue slowly darkened as the darkened as the sunset. The ball of flame went to bed, resting for the morning, when it would rise cheerfully again. The glittering and luminous diamond like star had become natural adornments, filling the empty spaces in the dark sky while the moon was abnormally large and it bathed the earth with its luminous glow and the stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky. I couldn't believe that my brother was really a great person. WOW! I thought to myself.

"Why are you reading this stupid book all day long” I shouted on my brother Usman, eyeing the red-ruby drawn on book cover.

“When you don’t have knowledge about anything, why do you always speak rubbish” my brother reacted heavily on my scream.

“Why are you both always quarreling with each other. The next time I see you both the same way I will tell your daddy about this?” Mom threatened, eyeing both of us, as she strolled past. After these exchanges of dialogue there was a bit of chatter and then silence.

My brother and I usually fought over each other’s interests. My brother having the hobby of reading books all the time frustrated me to such extent that I started punching and kicking him each time I saw book in his hand. I being an adventurous guy wanted my brother to accompany me at the jaunts I made. However, despite having different hobbies both of us had something mutual: a dream to visit Naran at our aunt’s house.

Few days later our dream was about to be fulfilled as our father was called to Kaghan valley located in Naran. Hearing this amusing news, I and my brother got very excited and got ready to visit this beautiful city of Pakistan. We started our trip as different ideas and plan ricocheted in our mind.

Reaching there we were greeted quite handsomely by our aunt-Ayesha. Having refreshment and lunch we started executing our plans. My brother sprinted into the room as he finished his lunch. His sprinting gave me an ominous feeling and I left my lunch unfinished and followed him.

“Come here Fahad” my aunt spoke insisting me to finish my lunch. Without listening to her I went straight as an arrow into the room. I asked my brother on what he was about to do. Thus, he finally disclosed his plan and after hearing to his plan my mouth lay widely opened. He spoke

“Fahad, we are exactly at the right place to find the most precious ruby on this earth. My book stated that, it is hidden somewhere in the corner of this house.”

Listening to this I started opening corners of the room, but ended in finding nothing! Thus, exiting the room with no hope, my eye focused on a painting which had some text printed on it. As I took a large stride towards the painting and read the text, I found something relevant to what we were searching for. I called my brother to have a look at it as he had the best sight. As he viewed the whole text he said, “That’s it, we had finally found the ruby” following the instructions we opened the corners and found a small door. As we opened this door, we found something we had not expected a wide tunnel with rocky surface all around. We realized that we had a lot of adventure left. As we were enjoying this adventure, a sense of nervousness and curiosity also prevailed in the surrounding. We stepped into the tunnel and made intention to not return without the precious ruby in our hand.

It was not just dark but pitch black in the tunnel. Seeing this situation, we both flipped our torches on, as we ambled farther and farther down the tunnel. Few seconds later we heard sounds of another people of group wandering across the cave to find this ruby. Hearing these voices let us to scamper across the last part of tunnel to find the ruby. As we reached the end of the cave there was a broken window with a rope tied to it to travel to another enormous home. As we were thinking to risk our life we were interrupted by a group of three nasty people with daggers in their hand. Seeing this we both held the rope tight and flew out of the window to another house.

Reaching there we mutually thought to enter from the back door of the house rather knocking the door and getting both of us in deep waters. As we opened the door we found something shining like glittering-stars in the sky. It was the ruby!

“Oh my God! How beautiful it is” Usman murmured extending his arm towards the red-ruby. As we got hold of it and tried to run, but we were blocked by the three-people threatening us to handover the ruby or say goodbye to themselves. I being adventurous guy had stuck into numerous occasions similar to this, so I knew how to tackle these. As I whispered some words in my brother’s ear he passed me a cruel smile and we both ran as fast as we could pushing them away from the path. Gripping tightly on the rope we reached back to the cave. As we entered the cave I having scissors made the rope to to dangle from my end and left them hanging in the middle of the way as it was no longer inclined to reach the cave from the house. After this we escaped the cave. Reaching back made us realize that we had locked the room and it was constantly being knocked by my family as it has been two hours we were on this adventure.

We opened the door pretending that both of us were asleep.

“Where were you honey, come now let’s go for the barbeque” my aunt spoke kissing me on my chin. We got up and went with her. Enjoying the weather, we ate the dinner and returned safely towards the home with a precious ruby in our bag.

On this day I realized that my brother was quite a bit more adventurous then me. thus, it gave me lesson that we cannot judge anyone from his routine habits. This incident lingers in my mind because it was one of the most exciting and mysterious adventure that I had encountered in my whole life.

May 24, 2020 14:54

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